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Sir Puntalot - R.I.P

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I have been given the sad duty to announce that the owner of Punters Lounge Paul Ross, better known to many as Sir Puntalot passed away in hospital last night after losing his battle with Cancer. He was 45 years old.

I have known Paul for nearly 20 years and many of the members got to meet him at various PL Race days and Poker tournaments.

He was a very good friend to me and was always there on the end of the Phone, Skype, Slack etc....

Paul was very straight forward and always strived to make Punters Lounge the best betting site on the internet, he knew this day was coming and has a team in place to carry on the good work and as he would say, its business as normal.

The funeral will be next week sometime which will be a small family affair due to the Coronavirus situation.


Many thanks for the continued support.


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So very very sad to hear this awful news. I didn't know Paul personally or anything of his battle with cancer, but from messages he seemed a very pleasant guy, and without him, i think i'm right in saying, we would not have Punters Lounge, or this fantastic Punters Lounge community. "If you build it...they will come!" and we did, some like myself, a bit late, but it is the BEST site about by far and as long as there is a Punters Lounge community, you will never be forgotten...Goodbye, God Bless and R.I.P. Sir Puntalot......... 

Sorry for your loss Graham and to Pauls family.

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Very sad news and I will always be indebted to Paul for being a big supporter of mine and wanting to keep me on the forums so much that he was willing to get me on board with the site. Punters Lounge is in a really strong place right now and Paul ran it superbly. Hopefully we can all carry on making the site as good as it can be in his honour.

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Awful news. Only spoke to Paul on a couple of occasions but he was always really pleasant and helpful. 

Hopefully he’s now at peace and suffering no more. 

Sincere condolences to his friends and family. 

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Terrible news. I've met him just once, back in London during one of the first meets ups (2006?). I played my first live poker tournament later that evening!  Thank you Paul!

Even though he hardly knew me in person, we did exchange email correspondence occasionally and he always cheered me on during me stepping up at Betfair which was very kind of him. 

Let's hope his beloved Leeds Utd do him a solid and get back to the Premiership at last. I bet he'd love that. 

RIP Paul 

Edited by Marek76
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