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Blonde/Punters Lounge Poker Trillion Forum Challenge


Blonde/Punters Lounge Poker Trillion Forum Challenge  

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Re: Blonde/Punters Lounge Poker Trillion Forum Challenge Alternatively, when i have KK why does the BB call my shove with 10J? Don't care what forum they represent, they're pretty [insert your own expressive language here] . They caught the flush ofc. Lost half my stack a bit before that when i had TT UTG, geordie raises 4bb in MP, flop comes 8 high, i bet half bot he insta shoves. Assume you had me beat with JJ/QQ. gla.

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Re: Blonde/Punters Lounge Poker Trillion Forum Challenge 16th - AK running into QQ crippled me, rest is history ! Gl to the rest - PL looks well represented at the moment :)

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Re: Blonde/Punters Lounge Poker Trillion Forum Challenge Sorry neither me nor run are in this tonight. Only 1 of us can play at a time on PT without a load of jiggerypokery but turned out we weren't home in time anyway. Good luck all left in. :hope

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