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Avongirl (Helen)


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Hi everyone

Shortly after Avongirl’s (hereafter Helen) most recent post on Tuesday afternoon this week, Helen was taken ill and two days later ended up in hospital. This led to a serious operation this evening (it is still Friday as far as I am concerned) but that all went well and I’m sure she will be back on here shortly.

I would say that she will explain more then, but the last 3 days are actually a bit of a mystery to her so we will see how it will be communicated.

Suffice to say, Helen is on the road to recovery and she or I will update on her progress shortly.



Edited by runadrum
Too many she’s !
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2 hours after coming round from her op, Helen was texting me saying she only had 4% left on her phone and the charger I had picked up on Thursday wasn’t the right one !  If it wasn’t for that I’m sure she would have been on here by now (she’ll have a new charger by late afternoon today).

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I visited Helen yesterday and she is happy and they are happy with her.

She moved to a ‘normal’ ward yesterday and is likely to stay there all this week.

I expect she will call in on PL sometime shortly, but she’s not doing the social media thing yet (for her, Facebook).

Thank you for your get well messages and that is happening.


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On 7/4/2020 at 7:34 AM, runadrum said:

2 hours after coming round from her op, Helen was texting me saying she only had 4% left on her phone and the charger I had picked up on Thursday wasn’t the right one !  If it wasn’t for that I’m sure she would have been on here by now (she’ll have a new charger by late afternoon today).

I actually don't remember doing this, but looking back on my phone I also sent the same to my brother so slightly concerning that I must have been desperate to get back on my phone. The first thing I appear to have then done is message all my customers to apologise for not delivering their orders. This recouperation period is forcing me to reassess my priorities! :loon

Thank you for all the get well wishes here and on Facebook. I am feeling very loved at the moment. I appear to have come through the experience with no loss of faculties and no outward signs barring possibly a small scar on my back where the drain was.  Although I haven't yet tried to play poker, so maybe I will have turned into a super loose calling station (not just in Omaha). :lol

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