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LIKE2FISH last won the day on August 30 2022

LIKE2FISH had the most liked content!



  • Birthday 08/01/1978

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  1. Nice1 sorting out poll and reschedule Helen and thanks all who took time to vote on FB and here. Won't be playing next week as in Vegas! GLA.
  2. Just thought if others and Helen dont mind, set up leg2 for July 17th as normal nhle, leg 3 24th PLO and usual leg 4 double points, double stack 31st so games in usual order. Was tired when I wrote message last night. But happy with whatever Thanks
  3. England game tomo as its a Semi FInal, anyone like to postpone it and play the PLO leg on Weds July 31st?
  4. Unusally quick this week, but was only 7 runners too and Dan bashing everyone up! 1 hour for a 7 max sng is fine I think. The other week me & Andy was Heads up for over 1 hour lol. There is a deepstack once a month and a PLO too and 2 normal speed games so feels caters for everyone I think but whatever is decided I am happy to play when I can 🙂
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