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muttley last won the day on October 2 2016

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About muttley

  • Birthday 06/07/1962

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  1. Not really a super flop when you're trying to get paid......he stabbed the turn, then folded the river.
  2. Blackpool G Casino 1st/583 £7410....$9286
  3. Villain has KK and decides to pay me off
  4. When there were 6 players left only 3 responded to my request to pay top 3. I don't think you can assume that if someone didn't object then they must have agreed.
  5. The game was set up as winner takes all. A few of us were prepared to do the normal 3 way split, but not everyone in the chat responded, so I assume it stayed that way. Helen, could you check to see if the rest of the month's games are set up with a normal payout structure?
  6. My favourite book in the past was always Easy Game by Andrew Seidman, but I imagine it's a bit dated. Same goes for Doyle Brunson's Super System, which was groundbreaking in it's day, but old hat now, I read the Jared Tendler The Mental Game of Poker, and enjoyed it, but I'm not a tilty player, so it was of limited use. Maybe I should read it again. Other authors that I have found useful are Ed Miller, Jonathan Little an, as mentioned earlier, Alex Fitzgerald.
  7. I was disappointed in Chris Moorman's book....not least because he didn't call it "The Book of Moorman"....It was him commenting on another guy's hands, rather than revealing his strategy. I recently reread the Gus Hansen, Every Hand Revealed, and it's still relevant. I thought it might have dated, but it's still good. The only autobiography I've read is Devilfish, which I enjoyed immensely, but it made me realise that I could never be a top poker player.
  8. I'm always on the look out for new titles, so I wondered if anyone has got any recommendations? I've just finished Endgame Poker Strategy by Dara O'Kearney, and thought it was pretty good. My all time favourite poker book is Exploitative Play in Live Poker by Alex Fitzgerald. It's an easy read and helped me a lot. For beginners I still think Harrington on Hold Em is the place to start. It's a bit outdated, but a great introduction to the game.
  9. Unfortunately, (I just said "unfortunately") I'm off to Vegas for 13 nights this month, so I won't be able to defend my monthly title. I will be along tomorrow, as usual, to take your chips.
  10. I don't play much online and only really use PokerStars and Grosvenor. I would say that PokerStars was noticably tougher than Grosvenor. GG Poker seems quite popular at the moment, though there was a bit of a cheating allegation recently. That centred around one player, who has been suspended.
  11. Actually, the colour coding for Punters Lounge players indicates where they are in the league....this month red represented a player who could finish ahead of me,
  12. Helen, you shouldn't be offended by the yellow colour code.... You should be offended by what I wrote in the notes.
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