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The bearer of bad news,systems!!!

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With the general decline in horse race betting outside the big meetings over the last few years I find it hard to believe that tipping organisations - the few that remain - will be making large offers for any kind of system. 

The one system that I will put forward that I believe returns a profit is to back in the Grand National any horse that had previously finished in the first 4 in the Irish, Scottish or Welsh Grand National. Perhaps someone on here would like to perform an exhaustive research to see how it has performed since the Second World War but it has returned long price winners like Last Suspect,Little Polveir,Bindaree,Silver Birch,Mon Mome,Auroras Encore and Rule The World so punters should be well ahead

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10 hours ago, Glentoby said:

With respect Billy they do not get it wrong quite a lot,in fact rarely make a rick.If they did they would be out of business rather quicker than an average pimp whos best girl comes down with a dose of STD and I don't mean STD falling off a 1/10 shot after the final hurdle.

I ill not be surprised at any shortening or 

I can only prove that I own it Corky and cannot show it in practice for obvious reasons.However proved and proofed several years ago by 4 betfair forumites.Protected by Copyright and other non disclosure agreements.All documented and recorded on that Forum including the negotiations of sale and the potential purchasers and price.

Whether or not you are privvy to access I am sure others will confirm this,I do not tell lies!!

As made clear at the time,it is not for sale other than the figure mentioned to benefit SSAFA,so an individual would either have to be very wealthy or greedy.Disclosed it would be worthless to most.

you could try and win the nap of the day competition,if you made profit over the month, had a positive win %,then that would give credence

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For me, a "system" is a set of rules used to select a bet. In that sense, EVERY selection method is a system. Even the bookies use a "system" to price up their markets, including adjustments based on the wagers in order to balance their books.

When we say "systems don't work", it's a broad statement that, for me at least, refers to the 1000's of publicly known systems that are are either free or available to buy. That doesn't assume that nobody is making a profit from betting - the bookies are simply making their profits from the large majority of punters who ARE losing long term.

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11 hours ago, Glentoby said:

I can only prove that I own it Corky and cannot show it in practice for obvious reasons.However proved and proofed several years ago by 4 betfair forumites.Protected by Copyright and other non disclosure agreements.All documented and recorded on that Forum including the negotiations of sale and the potential purchasers and price.

Whether or not you are privvy to access I am sure others will confirm this,I do not tell lies!!

Have to agree with XTC12.

Glentoby, you're not giving anything away about your wonder system by putting up a few selections.

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On 1/27/2018 at 8:14 AM, Saint R said:

600k is quite alot of money to me at this moment in time but if you wish I will do a deal with you?

I have in my possession a small amount of,let's say magic beans. To cut a long story short the family farm fortunes dwindled and mother decided to send me to market with our last tangible asset..a cow.Now me being bone idle I decided not to do the yardage around said market and instead decided to exchange the cow with the first stall holder I met for the beans which he promised me would bring our family untold fortunes.

Now our family being skint an all we have had to downgrade our family home to a two bedroom terrace with just a small buffer garden,hence not having any garden space to grow the bloody things.

I'll give you a few days to deliberate,you spill the beans with your secret system and I'll send you my beans first class to you in cloud cuckoo land.

Thanks in advance,


Fair comment and entirely expected.Most seem to have missed the point though of my main assertion i.e Systems do not work and if they did there would be NO BOOKIES?

My method took the best part of 2 decades and as explained would be completely useless in 2018 if released as a "system",it would work for a short period only to be "Cut off at the pass" when the layers got wind.Only works on horseracing in UK or Ireland and only proved in the UK longterm.

Reason being the only two countries with the style of Bookies who fit the bill,even though including the Gibralter based or otherwise big concerns..

£600k may indeed sound like a large sum and refusing because of a £40k shortfall sounds crazy.All granted the sceptics may wonder if it actually works and why did I not sell? Several reasons,some of which already addressed e.g once in the hands of another would become useless if distributed as layers would take steps to negate the backers getting on.

The £600k figure I put on the method was simply mathematical in terms of how much money would make a difference to SSAFA and to give a realistic chance of the purchaser to recoup the outlay and a fair profit.It is uncomplicated,even simple but requires patience and dedication and most importantly TIME,personal time.


This could involve as little as minutes per day to 12 hours per day,to share the burden would probably mean at least one other.You would have to trust the "other" implicitly not to divulge the method otherwise it would soon fail when the payers got wind and took evasive action.

It may require many,many "soldiers" to realise the profit expected to recoup the £600k outlay and not impossible over a year and no need to divulge what was going on.However if only one rogue individual worked out the method the outlay would become a liability and therefore that individual.

My reason for starting this thread was simply to make the point "No systems work long term",if they did there would be no layers?

So why persist with thousands of posts attached to these threads? Not about selling my method,which if it did sell would be to the highest bidder to benefit SSAFA as a one off and completely useless if divulged to a third party. as explained.Unlikely to affect anyone on here and unlikely to interest anyone outside of curiosity or a view to massive profits by selling it to punters at a large premium in the full knowledge that in short time it would be worthless.

As stated,proofed in terms of success,proved via 4 BF forumites completely picked at random.Protected by Copyright and other non disclosure terms.Well enough discussed and dismantled etc on BF.

Instigated mainly to disprove the lies and claims of tipping services,the distortion of the criminal law and consumer laws that allow certain individuals to continue to steal money from desperate or naive punters who seek a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.

Nobody has yet challenged me in a Law Court to prove my method and disprove their fraudulent claims as a result.I can and will if anyone fancies a go?

Anyone doubts my credentials to tackle an issue about being ripped off in betting related issues,feel free to let me know and I will do my utmost to help.

I cannot promise a positive result but feel free to ask the Racing Post,BF Forum,former members of RUK or even Brimardon about my tenacity to put things right.

Ask Brimardon about the photos they received from me from Sardegna?

I am on your side 100%.

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58 minutes ago, Glentoby said:

Fair comment and entirely expected.Most seem to have missed the point though of my main assertion i.e Systems do not work and if they did there would be NO BOOKIES?

My method took the best part of 2 decades and as explained would be completely useless in 2018 if released as a "system",it would work for a short period only to be "Cut off at the pass" when the layers got wind.Only works on horseracing in UK or Ireland and only proved in the UK longterm.

Reason being the only two countries with the style of Bookies who fit the bill,even though including the Gibralter based or otherwise big concerns..

£600k may indeed sound like a large sum and refusing because of a £40k shortfall sounds crazy.All granted the sceptics may wonder if it actually works and why did I not sell? Several reasons,some of which already addressed e.g once in the hands of another would become useless if distributed as layers would take steps to negate the backers getting on.

The £600k figure I put on the method was simply mathematical in terms of how much money would make a difference to SSAFA and to give a realistic chance of the purchaser to recoup the outlay and a fair profit.It is uncomplicated,even simple but requires patience and dedication and most importantly TIME,personal time.


This could involve as little as minutes per day to 12 hours per day,to share the burden would probably mean at least one other.You would have to trust the "other" implicitly not to divulge the method otherwise it would soon fail when the payers got wind and took evasive action.

It may require many,many "soldiers" to realise the profit expected to recoup the £600k outlay and not impossible over a year and no need to divulge what was going on.However if only one rogue individual worked out the method the outlay would become a liability and therefore that individual.

My reason for starting this thread was simply to make the point "No systems work long term",if they did there would be no layers?

So why persist with thousands of posts attached to these threads? Not about selling my method,which if it did sell would be to the highest bidder to benefit SSAFA as a one off and completely useless if divulged to a third party. as explained.Unlikely to affect anyone on here and unlikely to interest anyone outside of curiosity or a view to massive profits by selling it to punters at a large premium in the full knowledge that in short time it would be worthless.

As stated,proofed in terms of success,proved via 4 BF forumites completely picked at random.Protected by Copyright and other non disclosure terms.Well enough discussed and dismantled etc on BF.

Instigated mainly to disprove the lies and claims of tipping services,the distortion of the criminal law and consumer laws that allow certain individuals to continue to steal money from desperate or naive punters who seek a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.

Nobody has yet challenged me in a Law Court to prove my method and disprove their fraudulent claims as a result.I can and will if anyone fancies a go?

Anyone doubts my credentials to tackle an issue about being ripped off in betting related issues,feel free to let me know and I will do my utmost to help.

I cannot promise a positive result but feel free to ask the Racing Post,BF Forum,former members of RUK or even Brimardon about my tenacity to put things right.

Ask Brimardon about the photos they received from me from Sardegna?

I am on your side 100%.

I don't think anyone would discount your system but without context you do come across as as overconfident and dismissive of others research. If you scroll to the top of the page it tells you the profits of Billys ratings system and I'm certain he puts more than a few hours in per day,then you have the forum where there is posters putting their own selections up and on the whole they are successful,they have their own systems too.

Over the last 6/7 months I've been backing the selections, I'm a little in front which given the poor start(change from flat racing to jumps) then the indifferent winter we've had it's a good result. As someone said earlier,it's not just the money it's the enjoyment of watching and also learning.

I'm damn sure if you started your own thread using your system and putting your selections for the day everyone would take an interest,I certainly would.

Whatever you choose to do good luck and good luck to the SSAFA :ok

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On 1/27/2018 at 8:45 AM, BillyHills said:

With respect GT, i hardly ever post anything without substance or experience, a former job of odds compiler at a well known bookie allows me to state 'they' do work on a margin and have to alter the prices pretty quickly early on. I didn't say it cost them much as they can limit/refuse any bet as you know, In the trade these are classed as 'errors'.:ok

GT Billy,is that a case of recognition? I hope so because there have been many attempts to  undermine and even discredit my attempts to expose wrongdoing.

So far no direct challenge from some of the biggest concerns,they know they will lose,happy to lay any of them 100/1 + to take me on.

Recent challenges about dubious behaviour include Betfair,William Hills and Stan James. They may think I have given up,they are wrong.Solely compiling evidence.Coming back onto a Forum using my username is obviously a risk in giving the wrongdoers more detail of who I might be but considered long and hard before doing so.

I don't care as they dare not tackle me using my details they retain on accounts unless they want to do so in an open court,other than that they would be in breach of Data Protection Laws.

Don't let us get into conflict,I want to contribute not undermine the site.After all it is all about punters is it not?

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59 minutes ago, Saint R said:

I don't think anyone would discount your system but without context you do come across as as overconfident and dismissive of others research. If you scroll to the top of the page it tells you the profits of Billys ratings system and I'm certain he puts more than a few hours in per day,then you have the forum where there is posters putting their own selections up and on the whole they are successful,they have their own systems too.

Over the last 6/7 months I've been backing the selections, I'm a little in front which given the poor start(change from flat racing to jumps) then the indifferent winter we've had it's a good result. As someone said earlier,it's not just the money it's the enjoyment of watching and also learning.

I'm damn sure if you started your own thread using your system and putting your selections for the day everyone would take an interest,I certainly would.

Whatever you choose to do good luck and good luck to the SSAFA :ok

Hi Saint R,I should probably put more thought into the thread before making such a sweeping statement,however the basic statement still stands in that for centuries there have been "systems" claimed to make a profit out of betting.None has stood the test of time and some of the finest mathematical and analytical minds have proven that even the best have a finite life.

i.e Even the best mathematical systems will run out of possibilities as will the users run out of funds or benefactors to accommodate their desires for long term profit.

An old telegram should cast some light on what I am saying "Dear all,system working well,please send more money"!!!

My method only applies to horse racing and does not involve making a selection in a single race therefore negating putting up a selection.I have and do put up horses to back or lay which have nothing to do with any method or system,sometimes involving information not available to the general public..At all times I strive to give a reasoned or researched precis  for posting a bet.Such I hope will be obvious in all other posts I have made since returning to this Forum.

On leaving the Racecaller site I had won many tipping "badges" on their competitions but the reality is that they required a selection daily or for the Festival challenges a minumum of 20 selections over the period.Overall outside of the Festival games I posted a massive loss as did every entrant.It is almost impossible to generate a profit in the circumstances imposed by a competition based on daily horse racing.

You have to be selective and patient and of course knowledgeable to stand a chance of profiting on gambling on horse racing.That is why I left with several badges for finishing in the top ten or winning their Festival competitions and top 50 for their annual awards out of more than 4,000 others.Same applies to the old Racing Post compies

The point I am making is that whilst enjoying a competition the underlying reason for posting any bet is for me a means solely to help fellow punters and not an ego trip or an attempt to win a fan base,as made clear on my first post for years,just over a month ago..

This particular thread was to try and generate some debate and at the same time to try and engage Forum users in using the  the site as more than a betting platform.

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This site and selection of Billy is prove that you cna be in hughe profit and costant win against bookmaker on long run, just need to have knowladge and outperform tthem ebfore odds are cut. And ofc have many many way to be winer on long run, but first and most immportant dont be gambler. More you need to invest in gambling and beting! And ofc only small % i winner, but it is not myth!!!

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I can't see any evidence in Glentoby's posts that there can never be a system that will be profitable over the course of time. We simply can't know that there aren't individuals quietly going about their business of making consistent profits from betting on horse racing. What we can say is that if a system enters the public domain then it must eventually fail because if it does initially work then the selections will be overbet until the point where they become unprofitable.

Have to say that I find some of Glentoby's posts quite hard to follow; given all the conspiracies that he or she seems to have encountered perhaps it would be worth approaching Oliver Stone to direct a film of their lifestory !

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On 29/01/2018 at 9:37 AM, Alastair said:

I can't see any evidence in Glentoby's posts that there can never be a system that will be profitable over the course of time. We simply can't know that there aren't individuals quietly going about their business of making consistent profits from betting on horse racing. What we can say is that if a system enters the public domain then it must eventually fail because if it does initially work then the selections will be overbet until the point where they become unprofitable.

I must disagree with your final sentence. It might have been true before the Internet and easy access to racing data when information was little more than a one-way process from Sporting Life / Handicap Book to punters. On course and/or betting shop discussions were limited to who was there at the time. Just think of the wealth of tipsters, forums, chat rooms, social media, database software, etc., etc. The markets have evolved as a result of this information super highway and are far too efficient for any 'system' to make huge percentage profits, but systematic profits are still there to be made nevertheless.

The canny punter does not, or at least is very unlikely to blindly follow the methods of someone else. They may of course use it as a starting point for further enhancement, or combine it with some other ideas because we all stand on the shoulders of giants.

The vast majority however are mug punters wanting get-rich-quick or 'sure bets'. They think betting profits are just that, profits and that losing bets play no part in a successful strategy. If a system achieved 100% winners - or close - and had losing runs no longer than 1, and it went public, then it would surely rapidly self destruct. But no one ever had such a system.

REAL profitable systems, make money over the long term, struggle to achieve much above 20% return on stakes and suffer losing runs which can be painful and certainly not for the faint hearted. Put a system like that into the public domain and it wouldn't even cause the slightest ripple, Mugs would ignore it or at best abandon it after a loser or two, the canny punter would probably appreciate the logic involved and log the details to be 'personalised' later . . . maybe. But, the VAST majority of the betting public wouldn't even know about it, ever.


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26 minutes ago, Data said:

I must disagree with your final sentence. It might have been true before the Internet and easy access to racing data when information was little more than a one-way process from Sporting Life / Handicap Book to punters. On course and/or betting shop discussions were limited to who was there at the time. Just think of the wealth of tipsters, forums, chat rooms, social media, database software, etc., etc. The markets have evolved as a result of this information super highway and are far too efficient for any 'system' to make huge percentage profits, but systematic profits are still there to be made nevertheless.

The canny punter does not, or at least is very unlikely to blindly follow the methods of someone else. They may of course use it as a starting point for further enhancement, or combine it with some other ideas because we all stand on the shoulders of giants.

The vast majority however are mug punters wanting get-rich-quick or 'sure bets'. They think betting profits are just that, profits and that losing bets play no part in a successful strategy. If a system achieved 100% winners - or close - and had losing runs no longer than 1, and it went public, then it would surely rapidly self destruct. But no one ever had such a system.

REAL profitable systems, make money over the long term, struggle to achieve much above 20% return on stakes and suffer losing runs which can be painful and certainly not for the faint hearted. Put a system like that into the public domain and it wouldn't even cause the slightest ripple, Mugs would ignore it or at best abandon it after a loser or two, the canny punter would probably appreciate the logic involved and log the details to be 'personalised' later . . . maybe. But, the VAST majority of the betting public wouldn't even know about it, ever.


The question is if a system were proven to be profitable would it not be the case that the shrewder punters might latch on as well as the mugs ? In which case the system I describe might come to pass. To be fair I think it is impossible to prove this either way because has there ever been a profitable system that has entered the public domain ? I put up a system regarding the Grand National but I don't think anyone has passed comment - either it is rubbish or everyone is keeping it quiet for themselves !

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Alastair, interesting system regarding the Grand National, will have a look at the last few years when I get a couple of hours to spare. Another system that claims to have been successful over many years is to back the winner of each of the English classics on it's next run. This year would have produced 3 winners from 4 runners, albeit odds on but still showing a profit. I suppose a drawback with both systems is the limited number of bets per annum, so would need big stakes to make significant profits.

I see that despite several requests for Glentoby to proof some of his selections there has been no response. Until that happens I will remain sceptical. 

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13 hours ago, MCLARKE said:

I see that despite several requests for Glentoby to proof some of his selections there has been no response. Until that happens I will remain sceptical. 

Don't hold your breath. He did say he couldn't proof "for obvious reasons"  . . . enough said.

If it sounds to good to be true . . .

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16 hours ago, Alastair said:

The question is if a system were proven to be profitable would it not be the case that the shrewder punters might latch on as well as the mugs ? In which case the system I describe might come to pass. To be fair I think it is impossible to prove this either way because has there ever been a profitable system that has entered the public domain ? I put up a system regarding the Grand National but I don't think anyone has passed comment - either it is rubbish or everyone is keeping it quiet for themselves !

If public domain systems will kill themselves off then there's obviously no future for the Punterslounge racing tips, currently in excess of £23k profit. But everybody isn't jumping on the bandwagon are they? Do you follow and bet the tips daily Alastair? If you don't, think just why you don't with a public domain simple system of "Bet all PL horse racing single bets & naps".

But you're right, it is impossible to prove either way, a bit like whatever betting analysis we all involve ourselves in.

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No, I don't back the Punterslounge racing tips - in fact I don't follow anybody else's tips and never have - not from some kind of arrogance that I am better than everybody else but because self belief is such an integral part of the make up of a successful punter; to start relying on someone else will, in my view, lead to failure because when those tips hit the inevitable losing run the punters reins in their horns, and will miss out when they recover. I can see that you could apply a similar logic to the profitable system but I suspect that more people would follow a system rather than a tipster.

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On 1/30/2018 at 6:14 PM, Alastair said:

The question is if a system were proven to be profitable would it not be the case that the shrewder punters might latch on as well as the mugs ? In which case the system I describe might come to pass. To be fair I think it is impossible to prove this either way because has there ever been a profitable system that has entered the public domain ? I put up a system regarding the Grand National but I don't think anyone has passed comment - either it is rubbish or everyone is keeping it quiet for themselves !

Fantastic response if you add all the elements together,proves beyond doubt that some punters are still out there believing there is a pot of gold to be had others, with doubts but strangely a few who will not accept there is no "Pot of gold"

My original post concerned "systems"???  Pointed out none have or did work over the long term? Pertinent 300+ years ago and more so now.Everything about long term gambling to profit outside of scams or fraud is purely mathematical e.g A Bookie put his brains on his board with a theoretical "Book" of over 100%.

Punter A to Z went and put his bets on with the bookie,each time the bookie took a bet he would adjust his odds to reflect how much his liabilities were on each horse in the race and balance the books accordingly.Comparing liabilty against possible profit.

i.e Doing his sums right should guarantee a profit regardless of which horse won? Mostly the case even now but the expenses of these bookies since the advent of no tax off course,exorbitant expenses to even attend a race course have meant the depletion of the original animal.

The original "Bookies" in racing would take a bet based on their own opinion of a horses chance against that of the original punter.Then came along Off Course Licenced betting shops,credit card and debit card betting.Faceless betting,then Exchanges.Now exchanges allow bookmakers to have accounts cheaper than punters.

So without delving any deeper where are the systems that work long term in 2018 that have failed for centuries before all these changes which in effect make most Bookies accountants?

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10 hours ago, Valiant Thor said:

With the punters who keep them to themselves and make money................. SIMPLES !

That would be fine if the layers had infinite funds Valiant and a penchant for laying bets as a perverse pastime.Perhaps they have relaxed the rules in secure mental health units for retired bookies with a few £million they want to play with?

It is obviously an issue that few wish to engage in e.g those involved in the "Systems" threads or the purveyors of such elsewhere?

Your answer basically answers the question "Tell us of a system that actually works long term"? And bearing in mind the statements I have already made,name a Bookmaker who accepts your bets that actually show a profit? Applying this to ALL here and on every site related to betting?

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8 hours ago, Glentoby said:

That would be fine if the layers had infinite funds Valiant and a penchant for laying bets as a perverse pastime.Perhaps they have relaxed the rules in secure mental health units for retired bookies with a few £million they want to play with?

It is obviously an issue that few wish to engage in e.g those involved in the "Systems" threads or the purveyors of such elsewhere?

Your answer basically answers the question "Tell us of a system that actually works long term"? And bearing in mind the statements I have already made,name a Bookmaker who accepts your bets that actually show a profit? Applying this to ALL here and on every site related to betting?

On that logic we should all give up, then ? And just as I was about to send you a cheque for £600k..................

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9 hours ago, Glentoby said:

That would be fine if the layers had infinite funds Valiant and a penchant for laying bets as a perverse pastime.Perhaps they have relaxed the rules in secure mental health units for retired bookies with a few £million they want to play with?

It is obviously an issue that few wish to engage in e.g those involved in the "Systems" threads or the purveyors of such elsewhere?

Your answer basically answers the question "Tell us of a system that actually works long term"? And bearing in mind the statements I have already made,name a Bookmaker who accepts your bets that actually show a profit? Applying this to ALL here and on every site related to betting?

You seem to be very short in the maths department.

Books would not go broke if several punters have winning systems,as they simply pay out from the multitude of losers and FOTB players, any idiot could see that except you it seems.

You have as you have stated the "ONLY" winning system "EVER" :zzz

So whats your problem.

1) You've wasted 20yrs of your life looking for a system that works (yep)

2) You've either done your dough following a system (likely)

3) Done your dough following a tipster (very likely , as you seem to keep mentioning Brimardon)

4) Are fishing for some one to give you a system that works.(highly likely)

5) Your a shyster looking for fish to hook into your scam (time will tell)

As for turning down £560k or whatever for a system :lol:lol stroll on

You'll be telling us the earths flat next and you've got the only copy of the Piri Reis map up for grabs @ a cool £2 mill so you can purchase your holiday home on Hy-Brasil :ok



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On 2/2/2018 at 8:18 AM, Valiant Thor said:

You seem to be very short in the maths department.

Books would not go broke if several punters have winning systems,as they simply pay out from the multitude of losers and FOTB players, any idiot could see that except you it seems.

You have as you have stated the "ONLY" winning system "EVER" :zzz

So whats your problem.

1) You've wasted 20yrs of your life looking for a system that works (yep)

2) You've either done your dough following a system (likely)

3) Done your dough following a tipster (very likely , as you seem to keep mentioning Brimardon)

4) Are fishing for some one to give you a system that works.(highly likely)

5) Your a shyster looking for fish to hook into your scam (time will tell)

As for turning down £560k or whatever for a system :lol:lol stroll on

You'll be telling us the earths flat next and you've got the only copy of the Piri Reis map up for grabs @ a cool £2 mill so you can purchase your holiday home on Hy-Brasil :ok



Problem Valiant? Where do you get that impression,1 to 5 of your assertions equal negative and in case you missed plenty of pointers,easy to check my track record.You mention Brimardon and if you had bothered to do any research would know my efforts to expose them as a scam on behalf of others i.e They have threatened me with Court Action etc.

My documented response was to send them photographs variously depicting my boat in Cagliari,the Town Hall with the National Flag draped and 50,000 euros in cash on the table of the boat in the lounge.2014,the partial winnings from the Festival.Just to prove that they are liars and losers and scammers.

You can either follow this up on the Betfair Forum or telephone Brian (Brynn) at Brimardon and ask if it is truth or fiction or accept that facts are facts when documented for posterity.The photographs sent to them were taken on a disposable camera and developed in the UK just to ensure there was no accusation of manipulation.

Strangely I have not heard a peep about suing me from their Lawyers since,whilst you are on the phone you could ask why they ditched a lot of computers before and after receipt of the photos and ask if Brian (Bryn) is still on BF drinking a bottle of Scotch in the early hours threatening legal action?

You can add Tom Segal to the list if you wish or more pertinently "Pricewise". As you have made such an effort to discredit me,may I be so cheeky as to ask about your own "Pedigree"?


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29 minutes ago, Valiant Thor said:

And now you have a boat and 50,000 euro .:loon

I bet youve had a threesome with Bo Derek and Christie Brinkley as well




No,but unlike yourself I have met Bo Derek.The above refers to fact and documented...........the 50k was only a partial collection in cash from the 2014 Festival,most came in other forms e.g gold,no drugs and from Cyprus.

All documented at the time,challenges before and since so what exactly do you require? My credibility of helping punters or just curiosity and a desire to discredit me?

Do you not trust a decade plus of documented fact or the response of the Racing Post?

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We have a code here in Sardegna which involves Vendetta and others which are not easily translated to the UK in terms of Law etc.Omerta is widely assumed to be a Mafia i.e Napoli/Sicily mantra.Sardegna forgot that before they even thought about using it.

Did you know for example,there was no reported rape in Sardegna until 1978? Fact that no rapist ever took the stand,there was no need,there were none alive to do so.

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10 minutes ago, Glentoby said:

Did you know for example,there was no reported rape in Sardegna until 1978? Fact that no rapist ever took the stand,there was no need,there were none alive to do so.

There wasnt many reported rapes in Northumbria until the Vikings landed

But hey ho.... thats open borders in Europe for you

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