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Mansion $1000 Added League Series


Mansion $1000 Added League Series  

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Re: Mansion $1000 Added League Series VERY VERY VERY generous of mansion and well done Paul!! question: i signed up for mansion ages ago when it first got mentioned here and I can't remember whether it was via the affiliate link as per the banner? so can I only qualifiy if it is via the banner? cheers Damo

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Re: Mansion $1000 Added League Series

question: i signed up for mansion ages ago when it first got mentioned here and I can't remember whether it was via the affiliate link as per the banner? so can I only qualifiy if it is via the banner?
You're fine mate :ok Signing up through the banner is not a precondition of entry :ok
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Re: Mansion $1000 Added League Series cheers GaF - I think I prolly did as I seem to remember waiting for the link to be sorted - just wanted to make sure i wasn't breaking any rules etc cheers Damo

You're fine mate :ok Signing up through the banner is not a precondition of entry :ok
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Re: Mansion $1000 Added League Series after the titan debacle just wondering what happens when we have 30 new players on the 1st night who have posted a grand total of 2 posts each after word of this gets around? sorry to sound cynical - but the last time left a real bad taste in my mouth (still bitter that an inteloper womble called me down with his ace rag to virtually bust me:cry ) :lol I understand there is a fee to pay, buts lets be honest the overlay is huge and the vultures will be here very very soon Damo

This tourney will be password protected - please fill in the poll if you wish to be sent the password :ok
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Re: Mansion $1000 Added League Series The added value is all distributed manually after the tournament - anyone we dont add to the league table wont get any added prize money - we control who gets added value and who doesn't - so it's different to the titan situation......

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Re: Mansion $1000 Added League Series I just think this is tricky (and am I glad I ain't got to adjudicate!) how do you 'qualify' as a bone fide member of the forum and therefore eligible for the extra cash? someone could easily post 300 replies between now and the first game - and most of them could be nice post well done thanks for the info gl all in the tourney nice result :clap :clap :clap :welcome thanks for the :welcome etc etc etc Just asking - the only way I can see is that they are a member NOW and have made a 'significant' contribution to the forum already - what counts as significant is is up for debate of course - posts only shouldn't count IMO, a willingness to generally get involved and post coherent responses/help and advice etc I think are just as important - that way someone with only 100 posts, but ones of quality does not get left out just because I have 1600+ (most of which are shite!:lol ) see my point? Damo

Damo has a point though GaF. If someone has 3 posts, another has 13 and another 23. Do you let 1 in, 2 in or all 3?
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Re: Mansion $1000 Added League Series

someone could easily post 300 replies between now and the first game - and most of them could be nice post well done thanks for the info gl all in the tourney nice result :clap :clap :clap :welcome thanks for the :welcome etc etc etc
stolen all my best lines ! ;) Avon and I will be away for the last two so we will need early points in the bag ! :ok
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Re: Mansion $1000 Added League Series I just think this is tricky (and am I glad I ain't got to adjudicate!) how do you 'qualify' as a bone fide member of the forum and therefore eligible for the extra cash? someone could easily post 300 replies between now and the first game - and most of them could be nice post well done thanks for the info gl all in the tourney nice result :clap :clap :clap :welcome thanks for the :welcome etc etc etc Just asking - the only way I can see is that they are a member NOW and have made a 'significant' contribution to the forum already - what counts as significant is is up for debate of course - posts only shouldn't count IMO, a willingness to generally get involved and post coherent responses/help and advice etc I think are just as important - that way someone with only 100 posts, but ones of quality does not get left out just because I have 1600+ (most of which are shite!:lol ) see my point? Damo :clap Rob LOL Just boosting my posts!

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Re: Mansion $1000 Added League Series Well crafted Paul - these leagues are usually all played in a good atmosphere - lookin forward to it. On subject of New Punters, a. Glad I've not got to decide who qualifies and who doesn't b. Surely you should be encouraging new Punters, not discouraging them and hope that some of them like what they see and keep coming back, and use the affiliated sites c.I think the $2 buy in will dissuade a lot of 'Password Pirates' anyway, as the value lies in the overall league, not the nightly tourney d.How about make a prerequisite, something like they need to have participated in another focus game within the previous 6 days to be eligible for the points for that weeks Mansion League. That would mean they would have to have played in at least 8 PL Tourneys to win any of the League Prize Money - if they have done that they by end of 6 weeks they are going to be at least semi-regular visitors to the forum.

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Re: Mansion $1000 Added League Series YES!!! Mansion take Moneybookers and minimum deposit is only £10 (or $10!). I can certainly manage to deposit £10 before the first game and that will cover my entry for ALL the games.:D Yet again :ok WELL DONE PUNTERS LOUNGE :ok

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Re: Mansion $1000 Added League Series in which case I am screwed then - I only play on 3 sites so there is no way I would qualify if it was focus game based see its dead tricky - however if you want to go that way Mr Mods, then that would be fine - I wouldn't fall out with anyone if I didn't qual for the free games - I am not here for the free games, I am here because I want to be here and at the end of the day that should be the reason why you get to benefit from these specials Damo

Well crafted Paul - these leagues are usually all played in a good atmosphere - lookin forward to it. On subject of New Punters, d.How about make a prerequisite, something like they need to have participated in another focus game within the previous 6 days to be eligible for the points for that weeks Mansion League. That would mean they would have to have played in at least 8 PL Tourneys to win any of the League Prize Money - if they have done that they by end of 6 weeks they are going to be at least semi-regular visitors to the forum.
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