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Over the last few days there has been a lot of debate about what the rules should be for the Naps competition. This has been prompted by the decision by BET365 to no longer allow BOG the night before racing.

There are a number of options.

1. Maintain the current rules.

2. BOG available on selections posted after 10am on the day of the race, selections posted before this time will be settled at the price quoted.

3. No BOG. All selections settled at the price quoted.

4. All selections settled at SP.

Please respond with the option you think is best. I will collate the scores. Closing date is 20th April. In case of a tie I will have the casting vote.

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I'm sorry and i might be in the minority here, but i really don't see why all of a sudden, because one bookmaker amends their timing rules for BOG, why we are looking to make such a huge change to this competition. BOG is a part of betting, but if bookies decided to scrap it completely, then i can understand why it would need to be scrapped here, but it hasn't. Settling all bets at SP would, imo, be awful for this competition and unrealistic. I'm a strong believer in the saying "If it ain't broke, don't try and fix it!" so BOG should stay as is, or from 10am on the day, but it should not be scrapped from this comp while it is still available in the real world. 

The order that they are set out from 1-4 IS the order i would vote:- 

Option 1 (my vote)
Option 2 (if the time thing is really that important would be my second vote) 

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3 hours ago, LeMale said:

I'm sorry and i might be in the minority here, but i really don't see why all of a sudden, because one bookmaker amends their timing rules for BOG, why we are looking to make such a huge change to this competition. BOG is a part of betting, but if bookies decided to scrap it completely, then i can understand why it would need to be scrapped here, but it hasn't. Settling all bets at SP would, imo, be awful for this competition and unrealistic. I'm a strong believer in the saying "If it ain't broke, don't try and fix it!" so BOG should stay as is, or from 10am on the day, but it should not be scrapped from this comp while it is still available in the real world. 

I think the significance of BET365 scrapping BOG is that generally they are the first to publish prices, generally they offer the best prices and they are the only bookmaker to offer BOG the night before.

I agree with the saying "if it ain't broke don't fix it" but I am concerned that maintaining the current rules could mean that the competition becomes unrealistic.

Personally I am surprised that so many people bet with the established bookmakers rather than betting on the exchanges, I think this is generally where the real value lies.

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Option 3 - People would be free to take early prices including the night before when they might not last long but would have to "live or die" based on the decision rather than having the added safety net of BOG

Given all the considerations around who still offers BOG, from when and how many of us may or may not be eligible for it in reality it feels like the most realistic playing field without turning it into a full time job for @MCLARKE

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4 hours ago, MCLARKE said:

I think the significance of BET365 scrapping BOG is that generally they are the first to publish prices, generally they offer the best prices and they are the only bookmaker to offer BOG the night before.

I agree with the saying "if it ain't broke don't fix it" but I am concerned that maintaining the current rules could mean that the competition becomes unrealistic.

Personally I am surprised that so many people bet with the established bookmakers rather than betting on the exchanges, I think this is generally where the real value lies.

I hope "Bet365 scrapping BOG" is not what you mean and that you're talking about not offering BOG the day before?? If so, this now means no bookie offers it so, why are we in the Naps comp? Well, not that it effects me but, i thought this was still in place for all the members that are unable to post on the day because of work commitments. (or other reasons) Would seem a bit harsh on them imo. Other than that, what "current rules" do you think are unrealistic? It wasn't too long ago that you amended them. (Mclarke- No matter how i write or however many times i alter what i write, it always seems to come across that i'm being arguementative! I hope you know that this is not the case.)

Edited by LeMale
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I suppose at the end of the day @MCLARKE saw a problem asked for feedback took his time to process that feedback and has laid out 4 options for people to vote on i assume whichever option has most support then that will stand, he can't do much more than that  and anyone not happy about the decision should keep quiet thereafter because whichever option is supported will leave a good few still in disagreement but at least the majority of those who bothered to vote will be supported.

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1 hour ago, LeMale said:

Other than that, what "current rules" do you think are unrealistic?

The trigger for having the vote is that there will no longer be any bookies offering BOG the night before. The thing that is not realistic is the ability to take a price before BOG is available with any bookies (whether the night before or first thing in the morning) but still have BOG apply to the selection. As a fun competition there is no obligation for the rules to be ultra-realistic but the issue has been raised to see what people think.

With around 56% of the votes so far (if my quick tot up is correct) it looks like the status quo will prevail which is obviously fine. If that creates an edge that doesn't exist in real life (taking a price early but still getting BOG) then it's an edge that's available to everyone should they wish to try and exploit it.

I favoured scrapping BOG from an authenticity perspective (not available to me with most firms) but there's a lot to be said for leaving things as they are if the majority of people prefer to retain BOG rather than ditch it altogether. So unless my #banthebog Twitter campaign gathers unexpected momentum it looks like it will be very much "as you were" but we've all had a bit of fun wagging our jaws and arguing the toss! :lol

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I was in favour of 

option 5 - BOG only avilable after 10am - but not applying to earlier selections

Selections could be given before this time but settled at SP or BOG - whichever was chosen by Mclarke (no earlier prices allowed)

In the event of only the above selections being available - then it would seem common sense to maintain the current rules.


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3 for me

That keeps skillset of identifying prices and if it drifts keeps the onus on the poster.

Makes life marginally easier for Clarky.

Fairest for everyone , if you think you've nicked a price do you really deserve to have that " error " rectified with a drifter.


As always no complaints from me whatever the decision   :cheers

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4 hours ago, LeMale said:

I hope "Bet365 scrapping BOG" is not what you mean and that you're talking about not offering BOG the day before?? If so, this now means no bookie offers it so, why are we in the Naps comp? Well, not that it effects me but, i thought this was still in place for all the members that are unable to post on the day because of work commitments. (or other reasons) Would seem a bit harsh on them imo. Other than that, what "current rules" do you think are unrealistic? It wasn't too long ago that you amended them. (Mclarke- No matter how i write or however many times i alter what i write, it always seems to come across that i'm being arguementative! I hope you know that this is not the case.)

No offence taken. I should have clarified BET365 scrapping BOG the night before. Members can still post the night before but will not be eligible for BOG, they either take the price or accept SP.

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10 minutes ago, MCLARKE said:

Is this not option 2 ?

It puzzled me a bit, I think the difference is the no earlier prices allowed bit BUT that being the case I don't understand what this choice is that you would have between settling at SP or BOG! Maybe they aren't allowed to choose an early price so they either get SP or you bump it up a bit if you're feeling sorry for them, adding a degree of randomness to proceedings. 

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2. BOG available on selections posted after 10am on the day of the race, selections posted before this time will be settled at the price quoted

Nope option 2 above states that you will get BOG after 10am but posters can still enter a price the night before and get settled at that price quoted i.e. if you post the night before and you select the price for example 20/1 -then you will get paid at 20/1 regardless if drifts or not. - only selections after 10am qualify for BOG or SP.

option 5 (not officially) states that you can select a horse the night before but not the price - i.e. you will get settled at BOG or SP depending on what is placed in the rules by you. - in other words no early prices allowed.


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11 minutes ago, justanotherpunter said:

option 5 (not officially) states that you can select a horse the night before but not the price - i.e. you will get settled at BOG or SP depending on what is placed in the rules by you. - in other words no early prices allowed.

Surely if you go down the route you describe (posting the night before but not allowed to take a price) then it's settled at SP full stop? What would "BOG" be in this context, where no early price is taken?

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Anyone quoting authenticity needs to consider authenticity in the context of the competition and not necessarily re bookies and betting in the real world, i say this because in effect the comp is as authentic as a nine bob note because where in the real world do 30+ out of 90 people bet on 100+ shots on the 27th 28th 29th 30th of the month? In effect the Naps comp is more akin to a fantasy football comp. Its a bit of fun that all people can have a go at at no cost. To support my argument try putting a rule in that says you have to prove you backed your nap to a fiver and see how many pick 66/1+ naps. Lets keep it as it is, a fun comp and just give everyone an equal chance of winning and like i and others have said if it isn't broken don't fix it.

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