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Aussie Millions - Runadrum out in 19th for AUD $65,000


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Re: Aussie Millions Have survived day one with 18,200 so gonna be short stacked on Thursday. Apart from tens (which I folded post flop, but would have split against pairs of aces and eights because the board made an eight high straight) and AK in the SB (so I took the BB), I couldn't find another hand worth playing in the final level. Have to say though, just happy at the moment to still be in and I'll worry about gaining ground after two days relaxing (hopefully going racing on Wednesday). :ok

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Re: Aussie Millions Nice One Duncan :clap :clap :clap :clap Sounds like you're having a horid time Helen :tongue2 If you see Mad Marty again, tell him I still haven't forgiven him for enforcing the string bet against me (He was the tournament director) :tongue2 (Has he told you the gag about spotting a dud Irish note yet? ;) )

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Re: Aussie Millions Well, what a disaster - started off well, getting up to $44k by the end of level 2, then it was all downhill from there :sad Early in level 3, Niki Jedlicka, a young Austrian who played in the $100k buy-in tourney on Saturday, got moved to my table. He sat down with $15k, and just ran over the table - he's sat as chip leader with $85k in an earlier post. He raised virtually every hand pre-flop, and hit cards with anything. I finally decided to take a stand late in level 5 (was down to about $17k by this stage), I was BB with QJ, he called from early position and everyone else folded. The flop came Q48, so I bet about the pot - he called. Turn was another 4. I bet 5k, he moved about 20k in - I called, and he turned over K4 :wall, so it was goodnight Vienna. Was seriously pi**ed off, and went straight to bed :@. Glad to see Duncan made it through the last level - will be keeping an eye on him on Thursday :hope

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Re: Aussie Millions Don't really think I was unlucky - just played badly most of the day :wall After mondays poker, Duncan and Helen went off on a steamboat with Mad Marty and his girlfriend, plus another Blue Square qualifier and his mate. I decided to spend the day unwinding with a nice lunch and a few drinks. Got a call from Duncan later to say that Marty had found a pub taking part in the Australian Pub Poker League, so 5 of us ended up playing, with Helen finishing 4th, me 3rd and Duncan second - don't think he wanted to come back for the next round if he won!! It was good fun, helped by copious amounts of Long Island Iced Tea - until the barmaid refused to serve me anymore :lol:lol:lol

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Re: Aussie Millions Just one small amendment to Richard's last post - I did actually win the pub game last night but sensibly gave up my seat in the regional final to the local player that was runner-up. Not really cost-effective to come back for the next round. That was my first win in a live game ........ wonder how long it will be until my next one ! ;) We went racing today - 40 minute train ride to Sandown Park. I found one winner and made all of $6.50 (3 quid) profit so I'm on a roll. :ok

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Re: Aussie Millions Out of interest and to help me uderstand what a short stack is at this stage, does anyone know what the blinds / antes are in the next round ?? Have been reading HoH recently, interested in what the M is at this stage of event

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Re: Aussie Millions Aussie Millions

  • Buy-In 10,000 AUD
  • Entrants 780
  • Total Prize Money 7,800,000 AUD
  • Date Jan 14, 2008
  • Final Day Jan 20, 2008

325 100/200
425 150/300
550 200/400
675 300/600
7100 400/800
8100 500/1,000
9200 600/1,200
10200 800/1,600
11300 1,000/2,000
12400 1,200/2,400
13500 1,500/3,000
14500 2,000/4,000
15500 3,000/6,000
161,000 4,000/8,000
171,000 5,000/10,000
182,000 6,000/12,000
192,000 8,000/16,000
203,000 10,000/20,000
214,000 12,000/24,000
225,000 15,000/30,000
235,000 20,000/40,000
245,000 30,000/60,000
2510,000 40,000/80,000
2610,000 50,000/100,000
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Re: Aussie Millions Just for any Noobs reading, this is how difficult Duncans table is: Andy Black:

Prize Money All Time2007200620052004
World $ 3,425,205$ 1,281,945$ 187,109$ 1,918,650$ 2,817
The Americas $ 2,197,252$ 181,738$ 144,369$ 1,841,465 -
Europe $ 579,403$ 451,656$ 42,740$ 77,185$ 2,817
Oceania $ 648,550$ 648,550 - - -
Thomas Bihl
Prize Money All Time2007200620052004
World $ 379,232$ 198,730$ 75,877$ 72,582$ 32,043
The Americas $ 29,250$ 9,680$ 4,805$ 14,765 -
Europe $ 326,400$ 189,050$ 69,240$ 36,067$ 32,043
Oceania $ 1,832 - $ 1,832 - -
Joe Hachem
Prize Money All Time2007200620052004
World $ 10,529,897$ 255,270$ 2,644,958$ 7,617,545$ 3,283
The Americas $ 10,357,278$ 121,613$ 2,619,403$ 7,616,262 -
Europe $ 5,608 - $ 5,608 - -
Oceania $ 142,723$ 109,369$ 19,947$ 1,283$ 3,283
Phil Ivey
Prize Money All Time2007200620052004
World $ 8,009,808$ 578,928$ 1,373,365$ 3,333,426$ 723,940
The Americas $ 5,827,267$ 578,928$ 890,824$ 1,733,426$ 623,940
Europe $ 2,182,541 - $ 482,541$ 1,600,000$ 100,000
Oceania - - - - -
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Re: Aussie Millions Looks like the day 1's finished at Level 6, so presume they're starting at level 7....

Andrew Black 10 1 167' date='800 [b']M=80 Michael Wolf 10 2 64,100 M=30 Adriano Cendron 10 3 38,100 M=19 Garry Chappell 10 4 35,000 M=17.5 Thomas Bihl 10 5 30,700 M=15 Joseph Hachem 10 6 111,400 M=55 Duncan Godfrey 10 7 18,200 M=9 Phillip Ivey 10 8 163,300 M=80 Peter Ling 10 9 86,800 M=40
Have put the approx M in....
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Re: Aussie Millions

nice table draw :eek:eek:eekhachem to the right ivey to the left
Chuffington Stanley :loon :loon :loon :loon :loon My mouth's started to go dry just looking at the table plan. :puke What an experience - let's hope he lasts long enough to enjoy it.:hope Wonder if AG is going to the tennis today? Surely there's SOMEONE there she'll recognise :ok
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Re: Aussie Millions

Chuffington Stanley :loon :loon :loon :loon :loon My mouth's started to go dry just looking at the table plan. :puke What an experience - let's hope he lasts long enough to enjoy it.:hope Wonder if AG is going to the tennis today? Surely there's SOMEONE there she'll recognise :ok
i think if it was me i would be railing, sod the tennis:tongue2
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