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Goalpoker - Can't/Won't pay its Winners

Burnley Joe

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Re: So what's the score with Goalpoker Paul? Hey Burnley Surely youre not upset - i wold definitely swap my trip to Vegas for a trip with Michael Greco. - Hes renowned for attending the opening of an envelope.!!! You do know that Turks and Caicos is an anagram for " also unlikely to happen"!!!!! new company name owngoalpoker.com !!!!!:wall

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Re: So what's the score with Goalpoker Paul? cant see u goinjg to Turks and Cranberry Mate - checked the Jonny Chan website and nothing about GPoker on there at all or any qualifiers for that matter..... Best settle down with a nice cuppa and watch some old eastender reruns on UK Gold to get to know Greco a bit better............!!!:nana

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Guest gazza271

Re: So what's the score with Goalpoker Paul? Just emptied my GP account. Initial deposit was via neteller and tried withdrawing same way so should be fairly quickly :hope

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Re: So what's the score with Goalpoker Paul? after seeking legal advice - anyone who is owed money by goalpoker should seek to have a winding up order placed upon them. best suggestion is to withdraw any funds on deposit with them and stop playing online with them with immediate effect......

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Guest gazza271

Re: So what's the score with Goalpoker Paul?

Just emptied my GP account. Initial deposit was via neteller and tried withdrawing same way so should be fairly quickly :hope
money has cleared into my neteller account today :ok
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Re: So what's the score with Goalpoker Paul? Bloody hell - just got back off holiday and read this thread with increasing bemusement. It really is unbelievable. The perfect response would be a first and second place for the lads. Belated good luck if you're reading this Fenners and Joe. Bring it home!

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Re: So what's the score with Goalpoker Paul?

I really wish I knew the story here
Simple really, close your account and don't give a flying rats ass about it. So far they have promised tickets to the WC which failed to materialise and seats at the WSoP which failed to materialise..... Do you see a theme? If you want to try and qualify for it, try through a site you can trust.
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Re: So what's the score with Goalpoker Paul? Srry Mr V, I have no intention of qualifying for it through GP, unfortunately I withdrew the wrong amount and left 1$ in, I'm just trying to build it up through cash games (or let someone else have it) so I can withdraw again. Rest assured my money is out, I just refuse to leave even $1 in the account for them. I just thought it was funny how it reappeared when they'd all been removed. Gotta be a story there, I like to watch a good squirm now and then.

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Re: So what's the score with Goalpoker Paul? Could a thread be started and stickied for us to post any useful updates we find on the web regarding the forthcoming demise of Goalpoker? Perhaps a title like 'Here lies Goalpoker, RIP' would be appropriate?

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Re: So what's the score with Goalpoker Paul? Theres a Johnny Chan Qualifier running at the moment with 18 runners ...... I couldn't help myself but to make sure they knew that GP didn't deliver their WSOP prizes - amazed though - none of the players had heard of Goalpoker!!!!! I thought this was Goalpoker exclusive :unsure

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Re: So what's the score with Goalpoker Paul? i thiink you`ll find that goalpoker is run by absolute and like the champ league that they run earlier this year has a lot of non euro`s that dont see the tourney title on their pc...............just another way to make money out of everyone and then dip out so once again false advertising

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Re: So what's the score with Goalpoker Paul? I think goalpoker and Absolute are completely seperate entities - albeit on the same network and on the same software..... If the JCI is Goalpoker exclusive though, I wouldn't expect Absolute players to be in it........

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Re: So what's the score with Goalpoker Paul? Just had a good idea. :lol Do any of you have any expertise in Search Engine Optimisation? I'm thinking that it would be really good if whenever the word(s) Goalpoker were entered into Google, the first result presented was the Punters Lounge. Anyone doing research on Goalpoker would be able to read what they had done to Joe and Fenners. Any ideas on how we could achieve this?

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Re: So what's the score with Goalpoker Paul? Hi guys, been away for a few days, followed my local team in Norway and then headed back to the bright lights of Newcastle for a much cheaper pint. Funnily enough I went to the Newcastle v PSV game on Saturday, bought a matchday programme and proceeded to read it. Lo and behold, in the program was a full colour, full page advertisement from our good friends at Goal Poker. The advert said how proud they were to be ascociated with Newcastle, blah, blah, blah. Also splattered around the ground was goalpoker advertising hoardings. Perhaps anyone on a Newcastle FC forum would let them know how good they are and even the lurkers on this forum could let their fellow fans know how well they treat their customers....

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Re: So what's the score with Goalpoker Paul?

Hi guys, been away for a few days, followed my local team in Norway and then headed back to the bright lights of Newcastle for a much cheaper pint. Funnily enough I went to the Newcastle v PSV game on Saturday, bought a matchday programme and proceeded to read it. Lo and behold, in the program was a full colour, full page advertisement from our good friends at Goal Poker. The advert said how proud they were to be ascociated with Newcastle, blah, blah, blah. Also splattered around the ground was goalpoker advertising hoardings. Perhaps anyone on a Newcastle FC forum would let them know how good they are and even the lurkers on this forum could let their fellow fans know how well they treat their customers....
ill happily tell everyone not to play the nufc games, i won 2 vip games, and was given 1, if no one plays, i may have em all to myself hehe
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Re: So what's the score with Goalpoker Paul?

Just had a good idea. :lol Do any of you have any expertise in Search Engine Optimisation? I'm thinking that it would be really good if whenever the word(s) Goalpoker were entered into Google, the first result presented was the Punters Lounge. Anyone doing research on Goalpoker would be able to read what they had done to Joe and Fenners. Any ideas on how we could achieve this?
Know little, But think if Paul can get into the code of the thread, renaming it goal poker and as many reference to goal poker ie goalpoker.jpg it will appear higher up the listings. (this does tend to take a few months with Google to avoid scamming) also popularity, I reakon if searching on goal poker on Google and people find the forum thread it will become more popular. failing that, other search engines work off money paying will get you higher up the ratings on yahoo n msn. Google dont work that way, unless you have pay per click or specify you are in the blue headings. Could babble a bit longer but got work to do
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Re: So what's the score with Goalpoker Paul? PokerZone was asking for viewer stories about if they know anyone at the WSOP or if you have gone themselves through a net qualifier. Might be an ideal opportunity to send the OwnGoalPoker story in and see if they comment. Would certainly do a lot of damage to GP to have bad coverage on live TV :ok

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Re: So what's the score with Goalpoker Paul?

ill happily tell everyone not to play the nufc games' date=' i won 2 vip games, and was given 1, if no one plays, i may have em all to myself hehe[/quote'] I have cashed my account out aswell, but not going to let you get away that morls! Me and you heads up sounds good though.:hope
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Re: So what's the score with Goalpoker Paul? Does anybody have an email/phone number for the production company in Ibiza. I suppose there is nothing we can do if they interviewed us but would like to contact them and put them in the picture about Joe and Fen although if the programme was being funded by Goal:puker I suspect it may be on hold.

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