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OK, yes, I know, we're all sick and tired of hearing the word but coronavirus is now spreading at such a rate that the Italian government has ordered all Serie A matches to be suspended until further notice. This now throws into doubt the continuation of football across other European leagues over the coming months. It could even jeopardise the 2020 European Championship that is set to have matches hosted all across the continent this summer.

What are your feelings on how football deals with the coronavirus over the next few months? Should football be suspended, played behind closed doors, or just be allowed to continue as normal? What will the impact be on football betting revenues? It's a fascinating but also very disconcerting time for football and the betting industry.

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The situation in the UK took a more restrictive turn yesterday with the announcement of people being urged to avoid social contact and essential travel. Not really had much impact up here in Ystrad Mynach but my parents are now in self-isolation and that means my child care options have taken a big hit with local nurseries and child minders refusing to take on any more children. I'll continue to work around the clock to ensure games that are being played around the world are covered. In the meantime, a lot of us are going to be locked down or isolated so for the duration of this period of uncertainty I encourage all of you to keep posting here. This is a cracking community and if we help each other with some form of social interaction it will ease the whole process. I'm not just saying posting on these football sections but anywhere on the forum. I mean it when I say we're more than just a betting forum. I've met a load of people from this forum and have time for all of them. If any of you have any questions about anything betting related or not then I'm at the end of a PM. I hope all of you and your families stay healthy. :ok

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10 hours ago, StevieDay1983 said:

The situation in the UK took a more restrictive turn yesterday with the announcement of people being urged to avoid social contact and essential travel. Not really had much impact up here in Ystrad Mynach but my parents are now in self-isolation and that means my child care options have taken a big hit with local nurseries and child minders refusing to take on any more children. I'll continue to work around the clock to ensure games that are being played around the world are covered. In the meantime, a lot of us are going to be locked down or isolated so for the duration of this period of uncertainty I encourage all of you to keep posting here. This is a cracking community and if we help each other with some form of social interaction it will ease the whole process. I'm not just saying posting on these football sections but anywhere on the forum. I mean it when I say we're more than just a betting forum. I've met a load of people from this forum and have time for all of them. If any of you have any questions about anything betting related or not then I'm at the end of a PM. I hope all of you and your families stay healthy. :ok

Thanks Stevie D. If you have time for us all, then can you pick me up a couple of packs of bog roll please?

I'd love to post summat, but struggling for a topic lol.

Stay safe

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  • 2 weeks later...

On a more serious note, I ask that the people of the United Kingdom remain vigilant over the status of the sweeping powers that the government has recently introduced to deal with the corona crisis. In the short-term they are understandable, in the long-term they are unacceptable.

Don't fall asleep on the watch, pay attention, be mindful:


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  • 4 weeks later...

The state in the time of covid-19


this does not look good to me ... I am concerned about the possibility of the mandatory vaccine coming out.

do you believe that there is really an operation for population control in the world?

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On 5/6/2020 at 7:33 PM, Mindfulness said:

Credit to Germany, they are showing leadership and pragmatism here:



Yeah, if everyone had followed the approach of South Korea and Germany then we'd be in a much better situation. I'm so glad the Welsh government is basically raising a middle finger to Boris Johnson and saying we'll do things at our own pace. I live in one of the worst affected areas outside of London but allegedly the majority cases here are because a key health worker was unknowingly infected and spread it around care homes and hospital wards. They've not revealed who the individual was so think they were quite high up. Anyway, people's attitudes here need checking. So many neighbours still meeting friends and family. I'm not allowed to see any family or friends and have been sticking to that guidance. It frustrates me when others are so disobedient when it comes to the health of others. Cretins, the lot of them.

2 hours ago, AndreBR said:

do you believe that there is really an operation for population control in the world?

I'll tell you what I do believe. I'm not usually into conspiracy theories but I certainly think the government turned a blind eye or intentionally delayed intervention in care home cases because they felt it was a convenient way to ease the long-term headache that's been social care. The key quote coming from Dominic Cummings in one of the first SAGE meetings where he's alleged to have claimed "It'll only be a few thousand old people dying that were going to die anyway!". Or words to that effect.

On a football note, I'd be amazed if the Premier League returned. I think the teams close to relegation will prevent it and they'll rather come to an agreement where the Premier League suspends with Liverpool awarded the title and the other teams being ranked on points per game. No relegation with next season's top flight having 22 teams with 4 teams relegated over next two seasons maybe? It's a long shot but right now I can't see how they can return when infection rates are still so high and both the clubs and players really don't want to return.

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13 hours ago, StevieDay1983 said:

On a football note, I'd be amazed if the Premier League returned. I think the teams close to relegation will prevent it and they'll rather come to an agreement where the Premier League suspends with Liverpool awarded the title and the other teams being ranked on points per game. No relegation with next season's top flight having 22 teams with 4 teams relegated over next two seasons maybe? It's a long shot but right now I can't see how they can return when infection rates are still so high and both the clubs and players really don't want to return.

Problem is this means football might not return at all since what will have materially changed come August or September? Not a lot I expect. Either they find a way to play the games in the current environment or many clubs will become extinct in the next 6 months or so. Same thing applies to businesses, you can't just freeze everything for 2-3 years and then expect entire sectors of the economy to be there when you eventually unfreeze. You could make the case that football is a bellwether for the economy at large, if it gets smashed up real bad then I expect most things will.

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17 hours ago, AndreBR said:

this does not look good to me ... I am concerned about the possibility of the mandatory vaccine coming out.

do you believe that there is really an operation for population control in the world?

I would just make the point that the citizenry of the western world has a responsibility to make sure an Orwellian state does not come to pass in their own countries. This requires vigilance, foresight and civil courage. It's true to say that governments have a tough job at the best of times, nevermind now, but that does not mean people should just hand them a blank cheque and let them do whatever they like with no scrutiny. 

Edited by Mindfulness
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The issue is that nothing will realistically change until a vaccine is produced. That's unlikely to be widely available until at least this time next year. Any earlier would be a huge bonus and likely to have skirted a few health and safety guidelines in order to rush it out. I agree, you can't just freeze everything for the next 12-18 months. You risk society completely collapsing. Re: football. I was initially pro putting this season on a hiatus. It's not as simple as that, I get that. Contracts, different schedules, and financial commitments mean there are deadlines and windows that need to be addressed.

These are exceptional times though. I think everybody needs to realise that. If it can be proven that football can come back, even behind closed doors, in a safe manner then I'm all for it. I just don't think there is enough understanding of what impact football returning would have on the health of those involved and that's a massive risk. It would only take one player or someone associated with those playing to lose their life and it would be torn to shreds.

I'm beginning to think there isn't a right answer. There's simply a least damaging answer. This is a brutal pandemic. Yes, it's preying on the vulnerable but it's taking the lives of the healthy too. At the very least it's a nasty flu. I understand why people are scared. That's not helped by the incompetence of the UK government which will be further shown by their new slogan release later today which will astonish you if you haven't seen it already. Prepare to facepalm, that's all I'll say. Anyway, while there is so much uncertainty and fear I'm not sure football can come back yet. I simply don't have an answer and I'm not really sure anyone does.

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