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Aussie Millions 2010


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Re: Aussie Millions 2010 I'm assuming this is the package Washman has won. :clap Main Event, there's 3x Day 1 Flights, first one is 24 Jan 6-Handed event starts 30 Jan (overlaps ME if he goes very deep!) Plus seems to be the chance to win some extras on 16 Jan. The prize* prize_img.jpg

PNC_spade-icon.jpgMain event buy-in$8,800
PNC_spade-icon.jpg6-handed event buy-in$1,800
PNC_spade-icon.jpgFlights/spending money$2,500
PNC_spade-icon.jpgTotal package value$16,000
This year promises to be bigger than ever, so why not join bwin for a sensational event in Melbourne, Australia? Win an Aussie Millions Prize Package today! *Prizes are displayed in USD.
Still everything to play for Win an Aussie Millions prize Package and we can promise you the trip of a lifetime, but if you want to make that trip all the more exciting, you’ll get your chance on 16.01.2010. Here’s how:
  • At 12:00 (GMT +1), all package winners can play it out for 7 tickets to see the Australian Open tennis on Friday, 22.01.2010.
  • At 13:30 (GMT +1), all package winners can play it out for 7 exclusive places at the official Aussie Millions Golf Day.
  • At 15:00 (GMT +1), all package winners can play it out in a Head Hunter style tournament to get upgraded to a luxury premier suite for the whole of the Aussie Millions trip.
  • At 16:30 (GMT +1), all package winners can play it out for three AUS $500 drink vouchers for use in the Crown Casino Melbourne – possibly the best way to make a lot of new friends!

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Re: Aussie Millions 2010 might feel the difference in temperature when we arrive on Thursday ! Temperature Hits Record High In Oz While Britain shivers, the Australian city of Melbourne has just had its hottest night in 100 years. People took late night dips as temperatures hit record highs at 98 degrees fahrenheit - that's 37 degrees celcuis - at midnight. gonna try some AM satellites when we get there so wish me (us) luck :ok

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Re: Aussie Millions 2010

might feel the difference in temperature when we arrive on Thursday ! Temperature Hits Record High In Oz While Britain shivers, the Australian city of Melbourne has just had its hottest night in 100 years. People took late night dips as temperatures hit record highs at 98 degrees fahrenheit - that's 37 degrees celcuis - at midnight. gonna try some AM satellites when we get there so wish me (us) luck :ok
20 degrees cooler than it was in Vegas then:eek All the best in the Sat's Duncan(gutted for you the other night). All the best Washy, think you are due a big live event charge:ok
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Re: Aussie Millions 2010 Thanks everyone :ok Got here about 8pm last night (just over 24 hours ago). Met up briefly with Duncan and Helen, before downing a couple of beers and heading for bed. Crap nights sleep, despite only getting a couple of hours on the flight :sad Anyway, got to casino about 10.30 this morning, had a bit of breakfast and a beer before starting todays event. It was $1100 NLH, today was the 3rd day 1, and allowed re-entries for anyone who had bust on day 1 or 2. Started with 10k chips, but 40 minute levels, starting at 50/100 meant it was a bit of a turbo. First 3 levels lost about 2k in chips after missing flops with AK twice and 88. Then early into level 4 raised 3x with QQ, got 2 callers, and a nasty flop of A K Rag. Checked all round, and again on turn, before big stack (who'd been very loose) bet 1000 on the river. I called, and took the pot :nana Then flopped a set of 4s against one opponent, who folded when I bet the turn. Got up to about 15k midday through level 5, before losing a bit with AQo. Into levels 7 and 8 I was struggling, picking up the odd pot with shoves (which were common now on my table, as everyone was pretty low). Then in level 9 I picked up AA in early position. I shove my 7.8k....and everybody folds :wall Am now up to about 12k with 5 mins left in level 9. Guy in early position raises 2.5x, I have ATs, I push, another player calls and original raiser folds. I'm up against KK. One spade appears on flop, then another on turn to give me more outs, but a blank river means that it for todays tourney. Out in about 155/459. The Bwin online tourneys are tonight (this afternoon your time), so I'm going to try and stay awake long enough to win something decent :hope

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