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John "Kunku Wap" Tabatabai Team Challenge - Congratulations Teams KENT and AOC


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Re: John "Kunku Wap" Tabatabai Team Challenge - Formez vos bataillons

Gaf Can you added Team AOC (Ace of Clubs) HappyHornet MSaban Lou Saban Voiceofjoe (May be one more but will confirm later)
Adding it now :ok I need betfair aliases for everyone please :ok
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Re: John "Kunku Wap" Tabatabai Team Challenge - Formez vos bataillons Just setting up and allocating the awards for those declared so far. If any of the teams subsequently change or amalgamate I'll adjust, but we thought you'd like to have your colours showing to help those teams still recruiting, and so the (friendly) banter can get started. :ok Can I just check if BTP should be showing under Team South (not on post 1 yet, but I think he replied in the team thread, and not here?) Also is Rivrd correct as SW - thought he wanted a Kent team? Seems to have slipped into SW after it was closed, or was that just to keep slapdash out. :spank

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Re: John "Kunku Wap" Tabatabai Team Challenge - Formez vos bataillons Yep last minute request last night-said something about making sure he was in the winning team:tongue2

Also is Rivrd correct as SW - thought he wanted a Kent team? Seems to have slipped into SW after it was closed, or was that just to keep slapdash out. :spank
How could we consider slapdash?Off gallavanting all weekend then didn't submit his application in to the members of team sw just disregarded us;)
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Re: John "Kunku Wap" Tabatabai Team Challenge - Formez vos bataillons

How could we consider slapdash?Off gallavanting all weekend then didn't submit his application in to the members of team sw just disregarded us;)
Ah! I must have misunderstood what "Team SW is now full" meant. Silly of me. :\
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Re: John "Kunku Wap" Tabatabai Team Challenge - Formez vos bataillons

By the way, I don't write the PMs, they're auto generated. :lol (I think Guppie probably wrote them :tongue2)
The reason that goes with your award is: ---------- Team London ---------- Please check your profile for detail. Thank you very much for your outstanding activity.
Had a good laugh at the PM myself! :rollin I'm thinking Team London will need a couple more members before we can confirm, have PM'd pistonbroke to see what he thinks but seems he's not posted since Saturday, hopefully he will pop by at some stage. :hope Team London FTW! :tongue2
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Re: John "Kunku Wap" Tabatabai Team Challenge - Formez vos bataillons

Just setting up and allocating the awards for those declared so far. If any of the teams subsequently change or amalgamate I'll adjust, but we thought you'd like to have your colours showing to help those teams still recruiting, and so the (friendly) banter can get started. :ok Can I just check if BTP should be showing under Team South (not on post 1 yet, but I think he replied in the team thread, and not here?) Also is Rivrd correct as SW - thought he wanted a Kent team? Seems to have slipped into SW after it was closed, or was that just to keep slapdash out. :spank
billy the punter is team south :ok
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Re: John "Kunku Wap" Tabatabai Team Challenge - Formez vos bataillons Im in agreement Due to availabilty ect would much prefer to be in a larger team If any of the other teams are in a similiar position and are happy to join forces, post in the thread or drop me a PM PnB

Had a good laugh at the PM myself! :rollin I'm thinking Team London will need a couple more members before we can confirm, have PM'd pistonbroke to see what he thinks but seems he's not posted since Saturday, hopefully he will pop by at some stage. :hope Team London FTW! :tongue2
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Re: John "Kunku Wap" Tabatabai Team Challenge - Formez vos bataillons

Im in agreement Due to availabilty ect would much prefer to be in a larger team If any of the other teams are in a similiar position and are happy to join forces, post in the thread or drop me a PM PnB
Myself and PB have both agreed that, due to time availability and potential funds required, we are either going to need a few more members to confirm our team or make ourself available to join another team in a similar situation, hopefully something will come together. :hope By the way, if anyone only has room for one more don't be shy in offering PB a place in your team, he is a much more established member of PL than me who's game you know better and I would fully understand. :ok
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Re: John "Kunku Wap" Tabatabai Team Challenge - Formez vos bataillons

Myself and PB have both agreed that, due to time availability and potential funds required, we are either going to need a few more members to confirm our team or make ourself available to join another team in a similar situation, hopefully something will come together. :hope By the way, if anyone only has room for one more don't be shy in offering PB a place in your team, he is a much more established member of PL than me who's game you know better and I would fully understand. :ok
Team UN/London/Kentish merger?
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