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Re: Inside Poker - Deposit $5 and get $1050 WSOP sat seat i set the code up within the first minutes i then deposited today and it works fine ..i am now in. could it be that they meant 1st may at 0.00 american time?? i cant see the promo being right tho

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Re: Inside Poker - Deposit $5 and get $1050 WSOP sat seat

what a swiz, typical cheapo poker site. They should be struck off , mistake or no mistake they should honour it. Bloody cheek:\
Very suprised as just how big the site is, far more traffic than boss and prima. Mistakes are one thing but do you think they should honour a $2,000,000 error that was probably the fault of one member of staff. Removing players, after allowing them might seem a bit harsh, but not allowing any one else in is hardly suprising. As for removing players sharing an ISP i'm amazed to have just learned that this isnt the case with all poker sites:unsure
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Re: Inside Poker - Deposit $5 and get $1050 WSOP sat seat Yeah, let's be honest this was never gonna fly, I said as much in the other thread as soon as I saw the advert. A lot of people here appear to be indignant and upset without any cause that I can see. someone made a mistake, a typo or whatever; sad truth it happens. No one has ripped you off, it was a mistake. Do you really expect them to cough up millions to cover it. It's not like Goal Poker where they palyed the game, awarded the prized and then piked. A bit more understanding and a bit less petulance would appear to be in order here. Just my personal take on the situation

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Re: Inside Poker - Deposit $5 and get $1050 WSOP sat seat

Mistakes are one thing but do you think they should honour a $2' date='000,000 error that was probably the fault of one member of staff.[/quote'] What I expect in a situation such as this is openness and honesty. Say up front "Sorry we've fcuked up, we can't honour what we promised, here's $100 of tourney tokens for you to enjoy, sorry again". What I don't expect and will rail against is deception and dishonesty. Do you think my expectation is reasonable? Isn't this what you would expect?
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Re: Inside Poker - Deposit $5 and get $1050 WSOP sat seat Dear Curtis, Thank you for your inquiry. There was a limited to the number of players eligible for this promotion and due to an oversight on our part, that limit was not communicated to the magazine. This limit was exceeded and we were unfortunately forced to end the promotion early. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Regards, Everest Poker

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Re: Inside Poker - Deposit $5 and get $1050 WSOP sat seat

Dear Curtis, Thank you for your inquiry. There was a limited to the number of players eligible for this promotion and due to an oversight on our part, that limit was not communicated to the magazine. This limit was exceeded and we were unfortunately forced to end the promotion early. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Regards, Everest Poker
I can understand that, but why have they removed players who were already registered?
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Re: Inside Poker - Deposit $5 and get $1050 WSOP sat seat

I can understand that' date=' but why have they removed players who were already registered?[/quote'] Shared ISP's would explain some of the removees (did gaz and girlfriend sign up together?) I think everest have been as open as possible about this and appear to be honouring $140,000+ of entries which is not an inconsiderable ammount. The only figure we dont have is the ammount of seats they intended offering in the first place.
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Re: Inside Poker - Deposit $5 and get $1050 WSOP sat seat If the intent was for 200 seats, and they have removed some to take it well below the 200 seats, then they must be intending to open up the promo again? As I've said, I dont really believe the intent was for 200 seats - that's the number I think they've gone with when they've realised what's happening :unsure

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Re: Inside Poker - Deposit $5 and get $1050 WSOP sat seat

Shared ISP's would explain some of the removees (did gaz and girlfriend sign up together?) I think everest have been as open as possible about this and appear to be honouring $140,000+ of entries which is not an inconsiderable ammount. The only figure we dont have is the ammount of seats they intended offering in the first place.
So withdrawing someone's tournament entry and closing their account and giving as a reason that they have multiple accounts when in fact they and their partner each their own account and the site's T&Cs don't say that partners can't have their own individual accounts is being open? :wall
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Re: Inside Poker - Deposit $5 and get $1050 WSOP sat seat

So withdrawing someone's tournament entry and closing their account and giving as a reason that they have multiple accounts when in fact they and their partner each their own account and the site's T&Cs don't say that partners can't have their own individual accounts is being open? :wall
2.1 Right of Refusal. Management reserves the right to refuse to allow any person to play games or make use of the software or servers without giving any reason for so refusing. They have at least given you some sort of reason even though you dont agree. And they have told any one trying to join since the promotion has ended and they did close it and explain why pretty darned quick. 2.3 Individuals Only. Player must play as an individual. Each Player is only allowed to have one account. Any Player determined to be playing as part of a professional or coordinated syndicate, playing on multiple accounts, or in any way in collusion with another Player will be banned, all winnings will be void and all funds in Player's Account will be forfeited. Now while you and the Mrs may play in completely different rooms and not discuss what is happening in any way I am sure there are many out there that would, and indeed do abuse the facility to play in the same tourneys or at the same cash tables. In fact lets be honest about it if you were still in a tourney of this magnitude at bubble time and one of your mates was still in too would you not be just a wee bit tempted to share information? I would prefer to play at a site that operated like this than one that didnt. I guess they could have let you keep your account but not let you play in the same tournies. As I said I am amazed that you can play in the same tournies anywere using the same ISP, that of course is not to say there arent people using MSN or telephones to stay in contact at crucial moments anyway.
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Re: Inside Poker - Deposit $5 and get $1050 WSOP sat seat I cant be bothered with this no more (and I have $60 there). I only opened this account on Thu and maybe all that crap beacuse I is Pole. I will veryfy my account on Monday though. Oh, and I sent two emails two days ago and no reply :eyes.

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Re: Inside Poker - Deposit $5 and get $1050 WSOP sat seat I dont see how they would know you're a lamppost (erm...Pole :tongue2) - you're a UK resident and I presume you applied with your UK address. A "foreign sounding name" means nothing.... Agree with glceud on not allowing the same ISPs in the same tournament, however can understand how harsh this sounds to couples (and suspect genuine cheats will have no problem getting around it - 2 x PCs next to one another can easily have totally unrelated IP addresses. I dont feel we've had particularly good communication from Everest though - they've accepted full culpability, but not really gone into what the error was and how it went so wrong :unsure The only official word (I dont believe or trust anything customer service reps from any poker company say - they do genuinely seem to get it wrong more often than they get it right) is what is on the Inside Poker website

Prior to running the promotion InsidePoker was informed by Everest Poker there was no limit on reader eligibility beyond the tournament capacity of 2000. However, once the promotion went live Everest revealed they had placed a limit on reader entrants
This doesn't say anything about an error - just that they changed their minds. There is no reasoning offered though as to why they changed their minds :unsure
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Re: Inside Poker - Deposit $5 and get $1050 WSOP sat seat

Dear Curtis, Thank you for your inquiry. There was a limited to the number of players eligible for this promotion and due to an oversight on our part, that limit was not communicated to the magazine. This limit was exceeded and we were unfortunately forced to end the promotion early. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Regards, Everest Poker
That would seem to imply that the 170 odd who are in at the moment are going to get to play they just aren't leting any more freerollers in. 170 K would be not that much to write off as a mistake to a Poker site that can sponsor the WSOP.:hope I thought it was pretty usual for sites not to allow more than 1 player from the same address - didnt that guy Mark Teltscher lose a huge win in a Pokerstars event when his "sister" won it?
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Re: Inside Poker - Deposit $5 and get $1050 WSOP sat seat And this is what they said: Thank you for your inquiry. There was a limit to the number of players eligible for this promotion and due to an oversight on our part, that limit was not communicated to the magazine. This limit was exceeded and we were unfortunately forced to end the promotion early. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Regards, Everest Poker Fair dues I suppose, but mistakes should not happen.:ok

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Re: Inside Poker - Deposit $5 and get $1050 WSOP sat seat

And this is what they said: Thank you for your inquiry. There was a limit to the number of players eligible for this promotion and due to an oversight on our part, that limit was not communicated to the magazine. This limit was exceeded and we were unfortunately forced to end the promotion early. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Regards, Everest Poker Fair dues I suppose, but mistakes should not happen.:ok
That's different to the IP statement. The IP Statement says that Everest specifically said that there was no limit on numbers, but that once the promo went live a limit was then imposed and informed. What they are trying to tell you is that the limit was always there, just that they never told anyone. That's quite a significant difference (IMO) - though of course the end result is the same...
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Re: Inside Poker - Deposit $5 and get $1050 WSOP sat seat At the moment, I reckon we have 28 out of the 175. Jolly Adetrick AJCairns (AJ?) BoroKP Dave488 Dreamkiller Fonzie F-tipper GazBlades Gazza GeordiGaz Gilsan Glceud Goater Steveo Happyhornet Griff Julioarca Morls MrsColU PistonBroke PLGilly Strider Washy Reeshah Runadrum SKVillan SpannerJ

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Re: Inside Poker - Deposit $5 and get $1050 WSOP sat seat I'd like to hope there is an acknowledgement of this in a future issue of IP. Everest got good publicity from all of this in some eyes. A majority of the readers are going to be unaware of what really happened and I think IP has a bit of a duty to let others know what really went down. Putting this information on the website is a cop-out. Not all readers will go there. If Everest can let customers down on this one issue who is to say they won't do it again?

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Re: Inside Poker - Deposit $5 and get $1050 WSOP sat seat It's not a cop out mate, it was our only option. The promotion went pear-shaped on Thursday. We sent the next issue to the printers the day before. We will put something in the following issue, but that will only get to readers in about 6 weeks time. As to Gaf's point, I think they are one and the same thing. Telling us the wrong info is a human error as I think glceud mentioned on the previous page. I hope nobody thinks I'm treating this lightly or that I am not extremely dissapointed by the situation. And I sympathise with those who missed out. But I do understand mistakes happen.

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Re: Inside Poker - Deposit $5 and get $1050 WSOP sat seat

It's not a cop out mate, it was our only option. The promotion went pear-shaped on Thursday. We sent the next issue to the printers the day before. We will put something in the following issue, but that will only get to readers in about 6 weeks time. As to Gaf's point, I think they are one and the same thing. Telling us the wrong info is a human error as I think glceud mentioned on the previous page. I hope nobody thinks I'm treating this lightly or that I am not extremely dissapointed by the situation. And I sympathise with those who missed out. But I do understand mistakes happen.
Alun Will there be anything put in place for the readers who have missed out on this? A compensation based freeroll? May not make up for the fact that they are missing out on a massive freebie, but could go a long way to restore some faith. Graeme
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Re: Inside Poker - Deposit $5 and get $1050 WSOP sat seat Surely the blame here is totally Everest and not Inside Edge. All the magazine can do is to have faith in their affiliates that they will honour any promotion that goes to press. Hehe Inside Edge I meant Inside Poker of course.

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Re: Inside Poker - Deposit $5 and get $1050 WSOP sat seat

Surely the blame here is totally Everest and not Inside Edge. All the magazine can do is to have faith in their affiliates that they will honour any promotion that goes to press.
I dont wanna lay the blame on either of them, im in the hope that Everest are gonna sort something out and that IP are gonna sort it out too. But if the people who were booted out of the tourney or the people who never got a chance dont get something in the way of a freebie off either, its pretty bad form IMO
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Re: Inside Poker - Deposit $5 and get $1050 WSOP sat seat

At the moment, I reckon we have 28 out of the 175. Jolly Adetrick AJCairns (AJ?) BoroKP Dave488 Dreamkiller Fonzie F-tipper GazBlades Gazza GeordiGaz Gilsan Glceud Goater Steveo Happyhornet Griff Julioarca Morls MrsColU PistonBroke PLGilly Strider Washy Reeshah Runadrum SKVillan SpannerJ
iam still in -dili123in
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