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Racing Chat- Sunday 14th August

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1 hour ago, Zilzalian said:

A level playing field only needs there to be an equal chance for all, like i have said elswhere if i nap a horse in Europe as long as everyone can get on that horse at that price (obviously with a bit of variation sps being time fluid) at that time it is fair, that is to say as long as anyone has the same opportunity to nap any given horse at the time of placing the bet then there is no contention and it is fair.

Of all the suggestions the one i dont like is scrap BOG for the naps and in principle i would agree but the only problem is it bears no relation to personal profit and loss. surely thats the very idea of competition. @MCLARKEis running an experiment based around value in odds on shots for punters on here to give concideration too we all know value is everything in betting. It is a far greater risk picking double figure odds for the comp than randomly picking a fav.

Example- (re- the naps comp and table). I made £280 on that nap, if i had left itand or been penalised to SP I would have made £100 so the work i put in to identify good or excellent value then becomes negated compared to a pin sticker choosing the same horse hours later.

I wasn't going to say anything but you keep pushing so I will.

I think that you were very lucky for Michael @MCLARKE to even count your selection as being a winner.  The rules state that " Any race can be selected as long as it is covered by the Racing Post / ATR. " .  This being so Michael @MCLARKE has IMO breached the rules by allowing it as a winner.  The rules were made so as to be practical for administrators to do their job without traipsing around everywhere to find all racing results all around the world.  Unless and until the rules are changed I urge you to only post up selections in the Nap competition that are within the rules.  You can always post up a juicy entry under "Racing Chat" or the £20 challenge if you wish to help members find a winner.

Please desist in flouting the rules; it is not fair on all members that follow them

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11 minutes ago, MCLARKE said:

I don't think @Zilzalianpurposefully flouted the rules. Also, the selection hasn't been included as a winner.

I propose that the rules are changed so that a non UK or Irish race can be chosen but if it wins then proof must be provided. 

This will make the admin easier.

Well, that will be OK as long as the rules are changed to reflect this.   It isn't rocket science.  Are you free to amend the rules without ATR permission? If so, let's see it written in quite quickly so that all members can not only see it but use it.  Many thanks

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1 hour ago, The Equaliser said:

I wasn't going to say anything but you keep pushing so I will.

I think that you were very lucky for Michael @MCLARKE to even count your selection as being a winner.  The rules state that " Any race can be selected as long as it is covered by the Racing Post / ATR. " .  This being so Michael @MCLARKE has IMO breached the rules by allowing it as a winner.  The rules were made so as to be practical for administrators to do their job without traipsing around everywhere to find all racing results all around the world.  Unless and until the rules are changed I urge you to only post up selections in the Nap competition that are within the rules.  You can always post up a juicy entry under "Racing Chat" or the £20 challenge if you wish to help members find a winner.

Please desist in flouting the rules; it is not fair on all members that follow them

You wasnt going to say anything but you couldnt stop yourself eh?

The last time you had a snidey dig you failed to go check the facts re my discusion on french racing.

I asked for a discussion which is ongoing i did not as you say, "keep pushing" if after this discusion a resonable argument can be made for a rule change in the interests of fairness then fine if not then also fine. Might i point out that @MCLARKEhas suggested a solution (screenshot evidence). lets be honest here on the rare occasion that a problem occurs is a good compromise but you havent even bothered to aknowledge or comment on.

and now you have jumped in telling me how lucky i was to get the said selection without checking the table, I assume this part is based around your failure to get the rules changed so that you could class a losing bet as a winner which no one supported and rightly so even though most understood your grievance. but on no planet could you change a rule to turn a losing bet into a winner.

Everything you said here is ill informed rubbish including  "all around the world" we are talking europe and in this case Hoppegarten germany which i might point out is on RP and ATR, today. are you suggesting that South Korea should be allowed because it is on atr? but a grade one track in germany shouldt be?
you owe @MCLARKE an appology for accusing him of breaching the rules, again i assume you parroted that because he wouldn't breach the rules for you, consider this, if you cried like a baby over 0.006p being classed as a loser i would hate to see your meltdown on a 28/1 nap being classed as a loser.

You, he who has been in negative returns territory since i came on here is "urging" me to stop posting up 28/1 winners to the naps table ermmm?

Your last line is both condescending and insulting so please desist in talking to me like i am a naughty schoolboy.

Lastly i expect to read your full appology to @MCLARKE not on the end of this thread but on a tread of its own.

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55 minutes ago, Zilzalian said:

You wasnt going to say anything but you couldnt stop yourself eh?

The last time you had a snidey dig you failed to go check the facts re my discusion on french racing.

I asked for a discussion which is ongoing i did not as you say, "keep pushing" if after this discusion a resonable argument can be made for a rule change in the interests of fairness then fine if not then also fine. Might i point out that @MCLARKEhas suggested a solution (screenshot evidence). lets be honest here on the rare occasion that a problem occurs is a good compromise but you havent even bothered to aknowledge or comment on.

and now you have jumped in telling me how lucky i was to get the said selection without checking the table, I assume this part is based around your failure to get the rules changed so that you could class a losing bet as a winner which no one supported and rightly so even though most understood your grievance. but on no planet could you change a rule to turn a losing bet into a winner.

Everything you said here is ill informed rubbish including  "all around the world" we are talking europe and in this case Hoppegarten germany which i might point out is on RP and ATR, today. are you suggesting that South Korea should be allowed because it is on atr? but a grade one track in germany shouldt be?
you owe @MCLARKE an appology for accusing him of breaching the rules, again i assume you parroted that because he wouldn't breach the rules for you, consider this, if you cried like a baby over 0.006p being classed as a loser i would hate to see your meltdown on a 28/1 nap being classed as a loser.

You, he who has been in negative returns territory since i came on here is "urging" me to stop posting up 28/1 winners to the naps table ermmm?

Your last line is both condescending and insulting so please desist in talking to me like i am a naughty schoolboy.

Lastly i expect to read your full appology to @MCLARKE not on the end of this thread but on a tread of its own.

You are always telling me to ignore "noise" so I will ?

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16 minutes ago, Zilzalian said:

Go apologise to @MCLARKE for wrongly accusing him of breaching the rules. Anything else you have got to say is of no interest to me.

"the second winner Techno Music bet365 BOG won at 28/1 returned on the naps table at 10/1 a significant reduction once again, the reason, it was a race in Germany rule-sp only."

These were your words not mine.  How can you expect me to check out whether what you say is true or not.  I do remember Michael @MCLARKE writing something like "where do I find the results of your race late last night.  I don't remember seeing anything that said that the selections was outside the rules and had to be ignored.

All I am saying is that you should follow the rules of the comp just like most of us do.

I have no objection to the rules being changed.  However, it would be nice if Punters Lounge members could have a vote on it 


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2 minutes ago, The Equaliser said:

However, it would be nice if Punters Lounge members could have a vote on it 

I would think the vast majority would be ambivalent as they do not bet on foreign racing. 

If anybody objects they can let me know on the forum and I will take this into account.



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1 hour ago, The Equaliser said:

"the second winner Techno Music bet365 BOG won at 28/1 returned on the naps table at 10/1 a significant reduction once again, the reason, it was a race in Germany rule-sp only."

These were your words not mine.  How can you expect me to check out whether what you say is true or not.  I do remember Michael @MCLARKE writing something like "where do I find the results of your race late last night.  I don't remember seeing anything that said that the selections was outside the rules and had to be ignored.

All I am saying is that you should follow the rules of the comp just like most of us do.

I have no objection to the rules being changed.  However, it would be nice if Punters Lounge members could have a vote on it 


One word there was out of context or missing and you decide to pick up on it, the missing word was "would". but you still made a right prat of yourself accusing an administrator of  breaching the rules. Have you appologised yet? or was it his fault? you let your last petty complaint dictate your slur this time. MCLARKE is not responsible for what i type, again, this is not the first time is it? and the last time, you,m not seeing the selection i put up you suggested it was my fault for not putting it in the place that suited you rather than just admitting that you didnt bother to look or see it, you seem to think that you are a main contributor on here and indeed you are, contributing your constant losses which is i must admit is quite useful as it tells others what not to back. As for voting on anything thats not necessary, all it takes is for the admins of this site to look at a reasonable request and either agree and change the rule or dissagree and leave the rule as it is. the whole point of my post was to that affect it did not disparage anyone or the site i made that quite clear in my topic comment. Might i suggest you stick to what you said and stop listening to the noise because your boring the tits of me with your petty whining and your sideways swipes.
have you appologised yet? i am waiting, if you keep responding to me i will keep asking you to appologise, my comments disparaged no one unlike your unfounded accusations of cheating.

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Another addition to the rules that I will propose is that selections must be made no later than the time of the last GB / Irish race that day.

A selection has been made in a race at 10.34 tonight so this will delay the publication of the latest table until tomorrow.

I will create a seperate topic in the Naps section with a view to introducing the new rules at the start of September.

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19 minutes ago, Zilzalian said:

One word there was out of context or missing and you decide to pick up on it, the missing word was "would". but you still made a right prat of yourself accusing an administrator of  breaching the rules. Have you appologised yet? or was it his fault? you let your last petty complaint dictate your slur this time. MCLARKE is not responsible for what i type, again, this is not the first time is it? and the last time, you,m not seeing the selection i put up you suggested it was my fault for not putting it in the place that suited you rather than just admitting that you didnt bother to look or see it, you seem to think that you are a main contributor on here and indeed you are, contributing your constant losses which is i must admit is quite useful as it tells others what not to back. As for voting on anything thats not necessary, all it takes is for the admins of this site to look at a reasonable request and either agree and change the rule or dissagree and leave the rule as it is. the whole point of my post was to that affect it did not disparage anyone or the site i made that quite clear in my topic comment. Might i suggest you stick to what you said and stop listening to the noise because your boring the tits of me with your petty whining and your sideways swipes.
have you appologised yet? i am waiting, if you keep responding to me i will keep asking you to appologise, my comments disparaged no one unlike your unfounded accusations of cheating.

You don't let up do you?

It is a fact that you  put your selection up as Nap on Saturday

It is a fact that at 12.05 am you wrote that the selection had been returned at 10/1 in the Naps table instead of 28/1.  Indeed this was the basis of your conversation throughout the day.

Any reasonable person would conclude that this had been credited to you by Michael @MCLARKE

There is no other logical explanation for your "beef".

Hence, it seems to be a mystery to me as to whether the entry did appear in the Naps table or not.   It isn't there now.

I have no problem apologising to @MCLARKEor even you if it is justified.

Let Michael decide, bearing in mind the facts ,whether he feels that I need to apologise to him



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12 hours ago, The Equaliser said:

You don't let up do you?

It is a fact that you  put your selection up as Nap on Saturday

It is a fact that at 12.05 am you wrote that the selection had been returned at 10/1 in the Naps table instead of 28/1.  Indeed this was the basis of your conversation throughout the day.

Any reasonable person would conclude that this had been credited to you by Michael @MCLARKE

There is no other logical explanation for your "beef".

Hence, it seems to be a mystery to me as to whether the entry did appear in the Naps table or not.   It isn't there now.

I have no problem apologising to @MCLARKEor even you if it is justified.

Let Michael decide, bearing in mind the facts ,whether he feels that I need to apologise to him



"Thank you for your contribution to this debate which basically consisted of you accusing myself and MCLARKE of rule breaking.

I as a member asked for opinions on an issue that i thought was a problem, I demanded nothing other than a conversation. @harry_ragand @MCLARKE gave good and reasonable feedback and i thank them for it, You however chose to post and continued to post garbage, lecturing me on rules why they exist and how they should be applied while also lecturing me on where and when i should put my selections. you then chose to close your contribution to the debate telling me to disist from posting 28/1 winners because its not fair on all the members that follow them. The reason you reacted to a simple forum post is quite obvious, It was because nobody supported your previous attempts to get the rules changed in your attempt to turn a losing bet into a winner.

Below is the start of your contribution to the debate for all to read and decide for themselves whether this is a reasonable response to a member asking for opinions on the forum.

"I wasn't going to say anything but you keep pushing so I will.

I think that you were very lucky for Michael @MCLARKE to even count your selection as being a winner.  The rules state that " Any race can be selected as long as it is covered by the Racing Post / ATR. " .  This being so Michael @MCLARKE has IMO breached the rules by allowing it as a winner.  The rules were made so as to be practical for administrators to do their job without traipsing around everywhere to find all racing results all around the world.  Unless and until the rules are changed I urge you to only post up selections in the Nap competition that are within the rules.  You can always post up a juicy entry under "Racing Chat" or the £20 challenge if you wish to help members find a winner."

Please desist in flouting the rules; it is not fair on all members that follow them"

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23 minutes ago, Zilzalian said:

"Thank you for your contribution to this debate which basically consisted of you accusing myself and MCLARKE of rule breaking.

I as a member asked for opinions on an issue that i thought was a problem, I demanded nothing other than a conversation. @harry_ragand @MCLARKE gave good and reasonable feedback and i thank them for it, You however chose to post and continued to post garbage, lecturing me on rules why they exist and how they should be applied while also lecturing me on where and when i should put my selections. you then chose to close your contribution to the debate telling me to disist from posting 28/1 winners because its not fair on all the members that follow them. The reason you reacted to a simple forum post is quite obvious, It was because nobody supported your previous attempts to get the rules changed in your attempt to turn a losing bet into a winner.

Below is the start of your contribution to the debate for all to read and decide for themselves whether this is a reasonable response to a member asking for opinions on the forum.

"I wasn't going to say anything but you keep pushing so I will.

I think that you were very lucky for Michael @MCLARKE to even count your selection as being a winner.  The rules state that " Any race can be selected as long as it is covered by the Racing Post / ATR. " .  This being so Michael @MCLARKE has IMO breached the rules by allowing it as a winner.  The rules were made so as to be practical for administrators to do their job without traipsing around everywhere to find all racing results all around the world.  Unless and until the rules are changed I urge you to only post up selections in the Nap competition that are within the rules.  You can always post up a juicy entry under "Racing Chat" or the £20 challenge if you wish to help members find a winner."

Please desist in flouting the rules; it is not fair on all members that follow them"

Move on mate

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4 hours ago, Tedthewolf said:

lets see how they do at York this week

they sent over todays  /  Lingfield - bond spirit, lordman, jazzy princess, inaam, jade country, suanni, 

catterick - western beat, emerald duchess, the grey boy, magical effect, obee jo, profiles mix , hoot scoup,

they ended up  + 14 pt  over the weeknd  

Edited by black rabbit
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7 hours ago, black rabbit said:

they sent over todays  /  Lingfield - bond spirit, lordman, jazzy princess, inaam, jade country, suanni, -  ZERO WINS

catterick - western beat, emerald duchess, the grey boy, magical effect, obee jo, profiles mix , hoot scoup, -  10/1 winner

they ended up  + 14 pt  over the weeknd  

windsor- sea galaxy, thisworth only ta, kings gem, thismydream, harb, zing fei, danville,   "Winners @ 11/2 - 6/1 - 7/1 


bangor- razzo italiiano, tommydan, coal stock, eritage, shetland bus, lignou, ravens raft,  -   ZERO wins

++ i was wrong in the  + 14 pt figure   they were + 24 pt up  on a level 1pt win on all selections

but in my opinion  they will crash and burn ?   

TED   they picked up another  = +9.5   pts profit today      hence  a  +   33.5 pts total { taking weeknd results on board}

do you think we should start a section for this ?    as your an established member perhaps you could run it by administrators  please

{ what you think ? }

Edited by black rabbit
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8 hours ago, black rabbit said:

windsor- sea galaxy, thisworth only ta, kings gem, thismydream, harb, zing fei, danville,   "Winners @ 11/2 - 6/1 - 7/1 


bangor- razzo italiiano, tommydan, coal stock, eritage, shetland bus, lignou, ravens raft,  -   ZERO wins

++ i was wrong in the  + 14 pt figure   they were + 24 pt up  on a level 1pt win on all selections

but in my opinion  they will crash and burn ?   

TED   they picked up another  = +9.5   pts profit today      hence  a  +   33.5 pts total { taking weeknd results on board}

do you think we should start a section for this ?    as your an established member perhaps you could run it by administrators  please

{ what you think ? }

Don't see why you couldn't  put up a new thread calling it "The Dog & Duck system"   if not put them in the daily threads.

MCLARKE would  a thread be ok to put up ?

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20 hours ago, black rabbit said:

windsor- sea galaxy, thisworth only ta, kings gem, thismydream, harb, zing fei, danville,   "Winners @ 11/2 - 6/1 - 7/1 


bangor- razzo italiiano, tommydan, coal stock, eritage, shetland bus, lignou, ravens raft,  -   ZERO wins

++ i was wrong in the  + 14 pt figure   they were + 24 pt up  on a level 1pt win on all selections

but in my opinion  they will crash and burn ?   

TED   they picked up another  = +9.5   pts profit today      hence  a  +   33.5 pts total { taking weeknd results on board}

do you think we should start a section for this ?    as your an established member perhaps you could run it by administrators  please

{ what you think ? }

Morning all ? do you do them win each way looking at some of the prizes . I’ll have a bash if you put them up ????

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11 minutes ago, LEE-GRAYS said:

Morning all ? do you do them win each way looking at some of the prizes . I’ll have a bash if you put them up ????

i am not punting them lee/ in fact i layed the selections for them over the weeknd but as of yesterday they poping their

bets on in lad"s i think ?/   @  a fiver a pt/

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18 minutes ago, Tedthewolf said:

Dog  & Duck have got a fan club already!

Landlord  will be selling the system next!

?  i have the feeling you know him ted "he'd sell his own mother" ?   lets see where they are in a months time/

i know that if they keep plying it in every race ?  it will only take a bad week to put a large hole in the bank they have/

still all good fun { watching not punting ] 

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