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Forum Speed? Good, Bad or just Urrrrrrrrrrrgly?

Forum Speed? Good, Bad or just Urrrrrrrrrrrgly?  

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Ok let's see what this tells us... I'm hearing speed is superb from some and some saying it's slow. If you think it is slow, vote that in the poll and then tell us (and do) the following: 1. Make sure your laptop/pc isn't full of rubbish and tell us what spec your machine is too (Click, Start, Control Panel, System). 2. Check how much spaced you have on your C Drive (Right click "Start" got to windows explorer, then right click C drive and go to properties) - how much free space is there? 3. Who is your Internet Service Provider and what speed do you get from them? See here http://www.broadbandspeedchecker.co.uk/ 4. What browser are you using? 5. What in particular is slow? Please be as descriptive as possible. Any other comments on top, please post them. :ok So for example, I would post as follows. 1. Dell Lattitude E6410, always clean system every 2 days. Intel Core i5 CPU 2.53GHZ processor. Memory is 4GB. 2. Capacity of C Drive is 230GB, Free Space is 177GB. 3. Virgin Media - getting around 19mb speed. 4. I use various, but usually Chrome. 5. Nothing is slow for me.

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Re: Forum Speed? Good, Bad or just Urrrrrrrrrrrgly? 1. Acer aspire 2.1ghz , 3gb memory 2. 161gb free of 221gb 3. talktalk broadband running at 4.84, with upload at .80 4. Usually IE. 5. everything else runs smoothly. The only main difference i have noticed and happens on ie and on chrome etc, is that the top part loads up very quickly (the banner section etc) then there is a pause to load the rest in, where as before the older version all loaded up instantly. So voting acceptable at the moment but was quicker for me before.

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Re: Forum Speed? Good, Bad or just Urrrrrrrrrrrgly? 1. Acer aspire 2 ghz , 4gb memory - given my system a good clean yesterday. 2. 32gb free of 120gb 3. virgin media running at about 10mb 4. Usually IE 8, sometimes chrome, firefox 5. everything else mostly runs smoothly & quicker Similar to Rivrd, forum was quicker before.. Paul your internet speed is around double that of mine, and 4 times that of Rivrd, so probly expected that your pages would load twice as fast as mine, four times as fast as Rivrd.

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Re: Forum Speed? Good, Bad or just Urrrrrrrrrrrgly? Haven't time to give full details at the moment, but what shows at the bottom of my screen when pages are slow to load are facebook plugins etc. (on IE) I find the new posts page loads at normal speed, and that doesnt have the right hand feeds.

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Re: Forum Speed? Good, Bad or just Urrrrrrrrrrrgly? 1. Samsung NP300E5A, always clean system every 24 hours Intel Core i5 CPU 2.4GHZ processor. Memory is 6GB. 2. Capacity of C Drive is 270GB, Free Space is 187GB. 3. Virgin Media - getting around 21mb speed. 4. I use IE9 5. Loading of the control panel/pl logo area is fast, loading of forum is sluggish and usually a few seconds to load

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Re: Forum Speed? Good, Bad or just Urrrrrrrrrrrgly? further to my above post on IE it's very slow, (below slow would be my vote) pages really struggling to load, pages just left as a white screen or I get a proxy error.. This is when navigating on general chat topics. I was on a few other subforums a bit earlier for where speed I would describe as slow; though not sure why there should be a difference in sub forums speed? switching onto firefox and my vote would be between acceptable & fastish.

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Re: Forum Speed? Good, Bad or just Urrrrrrrrrrrgly?

I voted fast, but for comparison: 1. HP G56, defragged 2/3 times a week (too many torrents). Pentium Dual Core CPU T4500 @ 2.30GHZ processor. Memory is also 4GB. 2. Capacity of C Drive is 465GB, Free Space is 293GB. 3. Virgin Media - getting around 30mb speed, RIGHT NOW: T mobile dongle at work & still loading fast. 4. Chrome. 5. No problems with any other sites either. It was slow the first couple of days (banner loaded first, then the rest of forum like somebody else said), but now it seems fine to me.

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Re: Forum Speed? Good, Bad or just Urrrrrrrrrrrgly? 1. HP Intel Core Dual Quad 2.33 GHz 4mb Ram, cleaned regular 2. 320 Gb of which 187 is free 3. Sky Broadband 3meg speed only 4. IE9 and Firefox (not much difference between either but need IE for tables) 5. Get the odd server error still but on the whole cant see any difference since the upgrade.

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Re: Forum Speed? Good, Bad or just Urrrrrrrrrrrgly? Samsung R522 Intel® Core™2 Duo CPU T6400 2.00GHz 4gb Ram 32 Bit OS 350GB Capacity 90GB Free Plusnet 1.75Mb Using Firefox but tried IE, Opera and Chrome. They are all slow. The top menu (above the quick navigation) loads first with the PL banner loading in stages. I then get a bit of a pause before the body of the forum loads all at once. I use several other forums without any issues.

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Re: Forum Speed? Good, Bad or just Urrrrrrrrrrrgly? Dell Studio 1555, Intel® Core™ Duo CPU [email protected], 4GB Ram 32-Bit OS Vista HDD 300GB, 210GB free Vodafone at home getting up to 8.24Mbps Use IE8 and FF Only thread i have found to load slow is the Glory Hunters Consecutive Bets League but only on IE8, loads fine on FF

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Re: Forum Speed? Good, Bad or just Urrrrrrrrrrrgly? HP mini 110-1100 1GB RAM INtel processor 1.60GHz 137GB 82GB free clean up occasionally IE (not sure if 7 or 8 !) slow to open each time, the time bar at the bottom (green bar) just takes longer than it used as the old PL would just load immediately

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Re: Forum Speed? Good, Bad or just Urrrrrrrrrrrgly?

HP mini 110-1100 1GB RAM INtel processor 1.60GHz 137GB 82GB free clean up occasionally IE (not sure if 7 or 8 !) slow to open each time, the time bar at the bottom (green bar) just takes longer than it used as the old PL would just load immediately
No wonder it's slow, you need a machine that was built this decade mate. ;) We're on IE9 now.
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Re: Forum Speed? Good, Bad or just Urrrrrrrrrrrgly?

Just seen this thread I dont venture in here much. Been erratic lately but may just be teething problems, certain times of day does lag a lot slower than other sites I should have no probs speed wise but it does seem a bit up and down. 1. Custom built , Intel Core i7-2600 , CPU 3.4GHz processor. 8GB Ram, windows 7 pro 64-bit 2. Capacity of C Drive is 1TB, Free Space is 766.3 GB. 3. Virgin Media - 50mb speed. 4. Chrome. 5. Erratic of late,but not unusable

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Re: Forum Speed? Good, Bad or just Urrrrrrrrrrrgly? Ok, adjustments have been made to the server and optimisation of VBulletin (that's the software the forum runs on) and it's quicker, but we can still see issues stopping it from being lightning quick and that's what we will get at some point next week. We'll start to look at it again on Monday. :ok

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