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Posts posted by Trotter

  1. Potential big developments in Gambling regulation are on the horizon as the Government is due to lay out it's proposals for consultation today

    From the Post .......

    'Proposals for radical reform of gambling regulation which promise to reshape the betting and racing industries will be laid out on Tuesday by the UK government.

    Online restrictions, marketing, stake and spend limits, advertising and promotional offers and extra protections for young adults will be examined by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport.

    Among the potential reforms are stringent new affordability checks for gamblers, with the Gambling Commission carrying out a consultation which has raised the possibility that overall monthly online gambling losses might be capped at £100 unless a customer could prove they could afford to lose more'

    If it's going to be such a hassle to bet I'm sure a lot of punters will just give up. I had to jump through hoops to keep my betting account open a couple of years ago with ID Verification ...... if it gets more problematic than that I'll probably just close my accounts and call it a day

  2. 16 minutes ago, Valiant Thor said:

    More like 30yrs ago
    BELPER trained by John Dunlop

    No, that's not the one I was thinking of ...... my one was definitely since I came back to racing after a dozen years 'break' and that was in 2008, so it's since then

    The one I'm thinking of might have won group races or at least run in group and listed races

  3. 2 hours ago, MCLARKE said:

    I still can't price a race though.


    A quick way which I used when I looked at lots of races ........ 

    Look at the runners in your race and just put them in order of preference ....... so your first choice is 1 and your second choice is 2 etc

    Then take a reputable site like the Racing Post and look at their forecast odds and put the odds for their favourite against your number one, the odds for their second favourite against your number 2 and so on

    So you're using the 'expert' odds compiler to give you the overall shape of the market but substituting his order of market position for your order

    take an example ......... if your number 1 is 4th in the forecast at 7/1 and you can get 7/1 then it's probably good value if your assessment that it's number one is correct

    if the odds compiler has a horse as 2/1 Fav and you have 4th on your list it's probably bad value


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