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Virgin Festival 4th-5th April / Newcastle


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Re: Virgin Festival 4th-5th April / Newcastle

Played 88 badly on a J42 board and lost 3/4 of my stack 1st hand after break im all in with 575 chips, 2 callers and i have QQ board A 8 9 10 3 David Lloyd shows pocket 10's for the str8 Totally gutted
:unsure has trips now become a straight?????:loon unlucky graeme
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Re: Virgin Festival 4th-5th April / Newcastle bit of an update(these details may be wrong due to alchohol;)) left in geordie gaz on 57k avongirl 24k mcg ? think swampy and fonzie are also still in ,but i might be wrong:unsure there are 45 left and the ME starts at about 1pm i ended up going out 80th after a late pos push when short stacked with a8,button called with 33:unsurei hit my 8 on the flop but he then hit his 3:eyes i did manage to qualify for the stt challenge:nanaand so did slapdash and donna(girlywhirly) dont think we done that well(or badly) in the forum challenge as most of our team seemed to go out 4th,didnt stay till the end coz both me and gaz were knackered after my ft in the friday night game:)

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Re: Virgin Festival 4th-5th April / Newcastle Back home. My first live cash. :cow Will try to remember what I played and post later, but I know I was mostly behind in the ones I won and ahead in the ones I lost. :lol (except the one I went out on)

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Re: Virgin Festival 4th-5th April / Newcastle Ross Jarvis has won the Virgin Poker Festival after steam-rolling the final table. I gota say that he thoroughly deserved it as he was on my table for the best part of 2 days and was absolutely fantastic. I was talking to Ubermonkey last night and I pointed him out as 1 of the best poker players I've come across and had no doubt that he'd take it down once he'd reached the final table - oh and he took me out so at least I got took out by the eventual winner!! :lol

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Re: Virgin Festival 4th-5th April / Newcastle

Back home. My first live cash. :cow Will try to remember what I played and post later, but I know I was mostly behind in the ones I won and ahead in the ones I lost. :lol (except the one I went out on)
A nice little earner :clap Well done :ok
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Re: Virgin Festival 4th-5th April / Newcastle

Back home. My first live cash. :cow Will try to remember what I played and post later, but I know I was mostly behind in the ones I won and ahead in the ones I lost. :lol (except the one I went out on)
:clap:clap Well Done Helen, you now have bragging rights over Duncan for finishing in a higher position :tongue2
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Re: Virgin Festival 4th-5th April / Newcastle

I think "taught her everything she knows" covers it ;)
They like you to think that, but really they always seem to end up better than us. ;) So basically they take in our faults, and remedy them, but dont tell you. :lol
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Re: Virgin Festival 4th-5th April / Newcastle I am now officially the 2nd best live poker player in our house. :ok Just finished watching the streaming on Nutz TV - excellent job by them :clap And working my way through the updates threads on AWOP. Well done to SpitVenom, Beanolizzy, SuperFoo,and Swampster who all cashed. :clap

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Re: Virgin Festival 4th-5th April / Newcastle Agree, well done all the cashers and look forward to seeing Helen in the poker stakings column to build on here live success. Dont know what you need for Oz but if Duncan can cash your nailed on! Great to meet another pile of pl'ers and hopefully wangle another freebie some time either to take hen on in a proper drinking contest or to get Steph that Pork chop I owe him. Thanks peeps it been a pleasure.(peeps is my word Al or are you as pished as me)

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Re: Virgin Festival 4th-5th April / Newcastle Had a bit of trouble travelling up to Newcastle Sat morning, getting caught in the tailback of traffic from an accident apparently near the Angel. We ground to a crawl before Washington Services, and fortunately heard about the trouble ahead in time to take a detour off the A1. Map reading 1-0 Sat Nav. :ok Struggled as usual to find our way through the City centre so decided to park up in the first car park we saw and leg it from there, heading the wrong way at first of course! Arrived at about 1.50, only to hear the start time had been put back 30 mins anyway. Time for a few quick hello's to about 50 PL'ers there and paid my seat money over to Ollie. Duncan checks the seating, so I never looked to see who else is on my table. Here's me: 10 6 Godfrey, Helen sat with 10 1 Boyd, John S (the Mole) 10 3 Browning, James (off the telly) 10 4 Seal, Jon (RobbieBox) 10 5 Sinkiewicz, Arek (heniek) 10 9 Griffiths, David (Fluence) So you can imagine we have a very enjoyable time and play a bit of poker. :ok Even though the tables are so close together we have to breathe in and out in turn with the guys sat behind us. Me and hen and robbie. (from AWOP thread) 203.jpg Must have been playing OK as James Browning asks me in the break where am I from and where do I usually play and did look a bit surprised when I said I don't usually play live. Afterwards he made a point of passing me a flyer for the BetFred Ladies Tour. :loon Me and Duncan ended up on opposite dinner breaks (Virgin fortunately realised I hadn't eaten since breakfast and wisely made sure I was on the first) so I got to eat and Duncan got to move the car to the Travelodge and book in. :tongue2 He seemed to be a bit late back, but the break was a bit tight being only 40mins, the length of a level. Next break we catch up and he tells me Travelbodge apparently have a policy of overbooking as there's always some people who don't turn up, so despite the fact we paid for our £85 room several months ago, we've been bumped out by people who had managed to check in earlier. But don't worry, when we go back tonight they will put us in a taxi to Sunderland and bring us back in the morning and give us a free breakfast. :@ We decide that if both of us bust out, we'll just go home and get our money back anyway. Duncan kept his half of the bargain. :ok So I'm still sat on table 10. At some point hen leaves me, but McG comes to keep me company. Table 10 is renamed YOOOOOOOORK-SHIIIIIIIIRE as by this time we also have Donna (Teacup) and Richard (lucasJ) also from Bradford as well as SpitVenom from Hull. :D We're down to around 50 left, I'm looking for an opportunity to make it worthwhile going to Sunderland or go home and we think we've got another level to go, when they announce we'll stop at 45. I can't find a hand/get in a pot and suddenly it's over for the day. Duncan not looking the happiest bunny in the building, we decide to head off without waiting for the forum challenge and eventually make it to our alotted bed around 1am. :zzz

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Re: Virgin Festival 4th-5th April / Newcastle Day 2. Bad News: I have to get up at least an hour earlier than I would have if we'd been in Newcastle. :( Good News: I get breakfast. :D And I'm not the shortest stack in the village, there's 9 below me. :eek Helen Godfrey 23,150 Duncan rails long enough to see me double up, decides I won't be chucking them all in again any time soon and registers for the Terminator. I think it must have been my JJ cracking Donna Teacup's AA. This is me when I'd let my stack dwindle back to usual levels.

Dave Maudlin loses 40k doubling another player up. He had A-K against her 5-5 He hit his Ace on the flop. But she hit runner runner to hit the flush!!
I briefly hit the average stack. :loon And I've still not moved seat when I take out my last remaining original table 10 buddy.
ToonDavey all in with A-K Ran into Q-Q Board came 9-6-9-Q-8 We lose ToonDavey
Table eventually breaks up and I make my first and only seat move. News of me hitting 100k is greatly exaggerated (was about 85k) as I managed to knock someone else out with QQ again and from then on I'm card dead other than the times I have half a hand but someone's already pushed in front of me. I got one chance to take beano's blind and Weebrick gave me my only walk in 2 days just before Gaz burst the bubble. A few go out in quick succession so I'd actually made it up to the next level when I ran AQ into KK and actually lost a hand I was behind in, going out 14th. A big thank you to all the railers. Most hid their surprise well every time I appeared on a break and said I was still in. :lol This festival is great for meeting up with folks you play with online all the time, so it's really good to put a face to loads of people from all the different forums as well as several from here I've not met before. I felt comfortable playing as it's pretty much a friendly and non-intimidating atmosphere there. Big well done to Aspers and Virgin. :clap
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Re: Virgin Festival 4th-5th April / Newcastle Nice write-up Helen, and congrats on cashing! :clap Although, with AQ as the hand that didn't seem to be doing anyone any favours, seemed to be an instant muck for me (perhaps one reason I managed 110th ... ish) :tongue2 Great meeting loads of PLers again, including a couple from way back when at the first festival! Hopefully will be seeing you again at the next one :hope

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Re: Virgin Festival 4th-5th April / Newcastle Waiting for flight back to London at the mo. Nice to meet some PL'ers I haven't seen before. :ok PsychoDave from AWOP too - top man. :clap Well done on the cashes from PL and unlucky GG. :( Had a 5am finish on Friday and Saturday. Even managed to win a SitnGo (Yeah me!) on the friday, although I don't think anybody could handle my kamikaze play after 25 double jack daniels. :lol Donated to the poker pot in the terminator, but gave the blackjack tables a bit of a tonking. :nana By the way, anyone seen Kenny? :loon :loon

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Re: Virgin Festival 4th-5th April / Newcastle Nice write up Helen, and very well played. :clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap BTW James Browning was European Ranked No 1 Tournament player in 2008 for competitions with a buy in of $1,000 or less, and he is now sponsored by William Hill. His better half is (as you may know) Lynne Beaumont who has won the Betfred Ladies Poker tour for the last 2 years running, gaining the £20,000 sponsorship deal for this year. He is very good (as I'm sure you observed) and Lynne is without doubt one of the best lady players I've ever played against. Lynne did not qualify for the main event but finished 2nd in the STT. The Betfred ladies tour is terrific, Teacup & Girlywirly are playing some of them this year. After playing against you so often in the Virgin festival League, I was determined to have a chat to you (and runadrum) prior to the event but had problems getting there and only arrived minutes before the start. When I sat down I thought "I'll never find her in this lot" only to realise you were 3 seats to my left! Well done again and hopefully this will inspire you to play live more often.

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