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e-sports league - Red Aces


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Re: e-sports league - Red Aces Found it :ok

out 5th had a problem with sleeekshot raising all my calls and my blinds but he folded evertime to silentjay just didnt feel confident to call his raises as he got lucky earlier on' date=' just wish i had the hands to take him out greedy bugger[/quote'] I was just playing the big stack well. :loon Not that I have to defend my play, but I did tangle with SJ too and doubled him up to a similar stack to me. Maybe he was just better... :moon
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Re: e-sports league - Red Aces

The cunning plan involved boring my table mates to death while I played slow waiting for the sitouts on the other table to go out. :$
knew what you were doing mate,and appreciate you keep folding to my raises,,got your revenge in the end though ;)
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Guest gazza271

Re: e-sports league - Red Aces

Looking at availability for Wednesday. I've had no's already from Colu' date=' PnB and Hodgey so [b']I might as well put team in as AG, Joe, Gaz, Gazza and TQM and if someone has to sit out so be it. Sound OK?
I should be fine for Wednesday :ok
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Re: e-sports league - Red Aces

Oh bugger. For some reason I had it in my mind that I wasn't playing last night' date=' and didn't bother to check. Why I don't know. :$ :spank Sorry. :([/quote'] And 12th is a pretty poor performance as a sitout too. :lol Hope you are OK for Weds.
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Re: e-sports league - Red Aces Good luck from me too. Mrs_C and I are away for a couple of nights in a nice little hotel in Dorset. Fortunately they have free broadband access so I'll be looking in after dinner to see how you are getting on. :ok

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Re: e-sports league - Red Aces GL Team Im by the seaside this week doing some training so only limited internet access i can connect my pc to my phone by bluetooth use my phone as a gsm modem but only for short bursts as the bill goes to my employer ill look in later too

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Re: e-sports league - Red Aces 2nd for me. Was a little late home and came in to find I was on a table of 9 sitouts (I was one of them) and only 600chips. Managed to claw my way back and I think I was 2nd as we got to one table. Ended up HU with the guy I'd been with on the 1st table, could have gone either way really.

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Re: e-sports league - Red Aces

Good luck from me too. Mrs_C and I are away for a couple of nights in a nice little hotel in Dorset. Fortunately they have free broadband access so I'll be looking in after dinner to see how you are getting on. :ok
Mmmm lovely have a great time. :D
Im by the seaside this week doing some training so only limited internet access
You too. Fill up on that lovely sea air and those positive ions. :D
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Guest gazza271

Re: e-sports league - Red Aces

69 points for us then. Should be one of the top scores. :nana
Nice one :ok I'm available Sunday if needed :ok but not available the following Wednesday (night shift) :sad
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Re: e-sports league - Red Aces Will wait a couple of days to hear if PnB is available Sunday, as he would be 1st pick. If he is we have a full squad to pick from. :loon To keep games even it would be Joe, Gaz, Gazza, PnB +1, probably Hodgey as he missed tonight.

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