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the Royal Flush Thread


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Re: My First Royal!!!

and to answer Valiants question (you know - the one that you're about to ask!!!) - I didn't bet it - even though I was last to act' date= cos I wanted to show :$ He had a flush as well - so I could have got something out of him.........
Wow - I cant imagine holding that attitude now :loon
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how many straight/royal flushes have you gotten? How long have you been playing? I just got a royal flush and I realized its the only straight/royal flush I have had since I started playing back in August. I was curious and looked up the odds and its was ridiculous how small the chances were. I got 649,740 to 1. I was wondering how many royal/straight flushes the people here who have been playing for huge periods of time for many years have gotten. Like can you guys keep track, or what? I'm just curious as to how many the people here have gotten since they started playing.

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Re: how many straight/royal flushes have you gotten? How long have you been playing? 1 and ive been playin a few years, of course thers been numerous ones where iv folded pre cause of preflop action, postion, players history, four cards to it and so forth. just to make matters worse, i didnt get paid of on the one i had. stright flushes iv had a few 5/6 and there easier to get paid for believe it or not playing live iv had 3/4 which is impressive considering hand numbers.

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Re: how many straight/royal flushes have you gotten? How long have you been playing?

:welcome John. We have a thread of these here http://forum.punterslounge.com/f63/my-first-royal-22136/ Gina, you either play too much or are way too lucky - I've been playing about the same time as you and I've had 2 I think. :\
Perhaps I am to lucky, I have a list where I counted them, but I have to say only two of them brought me a really big pot chips, the rest was just a waste sort off I even had one tourney where had 2 in same tourney
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Re: how many straight/royal flushes have you gotten? How long have you been playing?

I am playing 4 years in december' date=' I had 26 royals since than[/quote'] Wow, that is a lot in 4 years! You must be really lucky :) I think I've had 15-20 over more years and some were in omaha games. I've only ever had 1 royal flush live and that was in a plo home game. ------ BUT when the home game is dealers choice Italian poker then you can get a royal flush every hour as a stripped deck is used, lol, I don't count those though...
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Re: how many straight/royal flushes have you gotten? How long have you been playing? Never had a royal flush and been playing for many years 8+, few straight flushes, and a royal flush using the Joker card on video card which was the best return of all :ok

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