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PL Christmas Poker Tourney - Prize Claiming Procedure in Post 1

Sir Puntalot

PL Christmas Poker Tourney - Prize Claiming Procedure in Post 1  

  1. 1.

    • Hell Yeah!
    • Ummm, I'll be away sliding down a few chimneys I'm afraid...

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Re: PL Christmas Poker Tourney - December 30th 8pm - 53 Prizes & Over £1000 Added! Thought I had missed this tonight...super to see it's tomorrow night. After Xmas dinner at my sons though I may be more than a little knackered, but I believe that is par for the course from previous PL Xmas games. Good luck to everybody who plays. :hope

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Re: PL Christmas Poker Tourney - December 30th 8pm - 53 Prizes & Over £1000 Added!

Haven't played poker for a few years' date=' but im in tonight, so i might as well have a go at embarrassing myself! I'm sure i had a blue square account but haven't got a clue about the login, so i'll try and open a G Casino account.[/quote'] nice one Neil,be good to see you at the tables again
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