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Re: WPT Poker mag - WIN A $20,000 PCA PACKAGE Lock Poker - Sundays, LEG 16 of 16

There is not much I can do.....I have a flight from Dublin @ 18.30....it lands at LHR @ 19.50. Once i get through passort control etc...barring any delays, I will find some wifi and see what is happening......if it is running I will reg using the 30mins late reg if not then i guess we will see what happens.... One way or other this has been a right debacle from the off which is super disappointing considering the pedigree of the prizes. This the organisers fault 100% - they should have emailed all participants about last week and then either auto-reg them or set the tourney up to go with no minimum. If they had done all of that this would all have been avoided.....
So Adny do You want us to reg and start playing or you would like Pl players to not start it at all?
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Re: WPT Poker mag - WIN A $20,000 PCA PACKAGE Lock Poker - Sundays, LEG 16 of 16 Andy, would you not be better off registering now, and losing the first couple of rounds of blinds? Just in case there's a hold up for any reason If you register now, I will register. If you don't I will wait and see how the ground lies at 10to8 - if there's already 10 reg'd and it is going to run then it's a bit stupid me not registering, but if there isn't then I won't

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Re: WPT Poker mag - WIN A $20,000 PCA PACKAGE Lock Poker - Sundays, LEG 16 of 16

i think i would prefer to save my chips after all it does say late reg for 30mins....they surely have to honour that??? surely that is the sole purpose of late reg...for people who turn up late..... in some cases a week!!!
Id be careful here andy, on virgin late reg closes as soon as you hit a final table in some of the low entry mtts
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Re: WPT Poker mag - WIN A $20,000 PCA PACKAGE Lock Poker - Sundays, LEG 16 of 16

Id be careful here andy' date=' on virgin late reg closes as soon as you hit a final table in some of the low entry mtts[/quote'] Thanks - i have now regged and got sunday night in terminal one to look forward to.....the glamour of poker! ooooh where should i sit...burger king or costa coffee! Right - i am off out with my mum for her birthday lunch.....see you all at 8pm ish - never before have i wanted PL to TID it down so much - lets get a PL 1 & 2......GL all!
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Re: WPT Poker mag - WIN A $20,000 PCA PACKAGE Lock Poker - Sundays, LEG 16 of 16 I understand how you feel Andy as WSOP Poker did something worse to me! I qualified for a WSOPE package final and then they changed the date for no reason at all to the week after when I couldn't play and no chance of winning anything as it was winner take all. Anyway, as long as you have more than 1 big blind by the time you manage to play you're probably even money to win, and I'm sure all of us in the final will agree to keep the swaps as they are even if you manage not to play ;) gl

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Re: WPT Poker mag - WIN A $20,000 PCA PACKAGE Lock Poker - Sundays, LEG 16 of 16 just want to wish you all good luck, i am surprised that Swampster (i know he has been moving house ) hasnt been more involved as this impacts WPT Magazine `s reputation, and i have to say how bad LockPoker have been in this from day 1. i feel for you Andy,glad i decided not to play in the end.

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Re: WPT Poker mag - WIN A $20,000 PCA PACKAGE Lock Poker - Sundays, LEG 16 of 16 :lol can't decide what made me call there!! Think it was he had been using his stack to bully both Andy, I and thisclose since he chipped up early. That and panicking as the timeclock ran down :rollin Make sure I have 5% of a big package running by the end guys :hope

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