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Posts posted by Tiffy

  1. 40 minutes ago, waynecoyne said:

    i'll have a bit of that yossa-he would be my pick as his teams play attractive football, he gets the best out of players and recruits well. None of these apply to Mourinho but is he a big enough name?

    If he was called Eduardo Suarez, he would be managing a top 4 club!

    Dont forget that he also built the Burnley side that Dyche took up to the Prem.

    I would love to see him at a big club. The added bonus is that Bournemouth will revert to type, and be back in L2 before you know it:loon 

  2. Match Report

    BRIGHTON & HOVE ALBION 3-1 "That lot from up the road"

    Well I was way off the mark with my predictions, although I did say Palace would probably not match their performance from the weekend.

    It was a cracking game, and I am pleased to say that there was no trouble, with the away end very subdued after 45mins. To be fair, I think that if the Palace fans thought their team could get back into it, they would have been more encouraging & vocal.

    But for me, it was a tale of 2 clubs & how they have developed.

    Brighton's recruitment has been terrific over the last few seasons, and the new recruits Bernardo, Andone & Bassouma all shone last night. Their work rate and passion was what was needed to win this game, and they took it to Place from the off. On the other hand, and worryingly for Palace fans, they don't seem to have moved on from last season. There is no goal threat, no desire, no passion, and if you can't show that in a game like this, then you get a fair idea of where you are at. Everything was chanelled through Zaha in the 2nd Hal, but he really looked like he couldn't be bothered. To be honest, he would be better off in panto this Christmas, because that's how he treated the game last night. Hodgson, didn't make any changes at half time, either in personnel or tactics. I mean, come on Roy, your 3-0 down at half time, in a Derby, against 10 men!

    To be fair, it was an uncharacteristic performance from Palace, they have always been a team to give 100%, fight for everything & break with speed.

    This was Brighton's best perorance since the 3-1 Home win against United.

    For Palace, I have said that there are 3 worst teams than them this season, which will have meant safety. But on last nights showing & with Cardiff & Fulham playing well, and Burnley due a change of form/manager, then it's going to be a worrying time for the Nigel's 

  3. @Mindfulness

    Love the magnum, did you nick it from the Selhurst boardroom?

    I think it's a difficult game to call. You could well be right about the draw, I think it could be a repeat of last season, where both teams cancel each other out. The atmosphere made everyone a bit nervy last season, so perhaps that will prey on their minds?

    I think either team could win too. Palace are hitting a bit of form, and will feel confident after Saturdays win. According to reports they put in their best performance of the season so far.

    Are they likely to follow this up with a repeat? I would say it's unlikely. I can't see them having 29 shots at goal tonight. Brighton are much better organised than Burnley.

    I'd be tempted to back unders, or BTTS NO. 

    I may be wrong, and I am going tonight, so I hope it's an entertaining game.

    I just hope their isn't the aggro that there was last season!

    Good luck, I'll report back!

  4. 9 hours ago, Mindfulness said:


    It's a match which is highly unpredictable and awkward to analyse. If you put a gun to my head I would back Burnley +1.0 AH but really it should be a no bet scenario for most people.


    Well if you insist, I do have a Colt 45 at the ready for such an occasion. Perhaps we could do it at half time on Tuesday:ok

    Ther are usually plenty of loud bangs when your mob come and visit, so I think it could fit in really well.

    Anyway, I can't hang about, I've got overtime, making clackers for the big night!

    Have a think and let me know!

  5. 9 hours ago, StevieDay1983 said:

    I can see you boys getting the win here, @Tiffy. I was impressed by how organised you were against us both with 11 and 10 men. I wasn't overly awed by Leicester. Felt we gifted the three points and even then they struggled to win the game. Granted, they had a lot going on off the pitch but that won't disappear overnight here. Nice shout with the corners. :ok

    Thanks StevieD. I can see us getting something, as we can grind a result out these days. 

    I've gone for the CORNERS though! 


  6. Brighton V Leicester

    some good posts on here this week

    I couldn't call the result of this game, but what I have noticed is that since the tragedy at the Kingpwer Stadium a few weeks ago, Leicester have stepped up the ante to honour their Chairman.

    Brighton don't tend to get the most corners in a game, even at home, and I think that will most probably follow here.

    Leicester's last 2 matches have ended up 24-7 in their favour (corners)

    Brighton's last 3 matches have seen them lose 20-6, on corners

    I'd be tempted to back Leicester Most Corners - @ 1.8

    Also LEICS  -1 Corner Handicap @ 2.3


  7. 3 hours ago, Darran said:

    I was big on them a couple of weeks ago and they drew with the bottom side Weston! As I mention above the league is very tight and I don't think there is much between the teams at all and most are capable of beating each other. Torquay have improved massively for Gary though. St Albans score a lot and concede a lot already been over 60 goals in their matches now and I would be a little surprised if they end up in the play-offs.

    Yes, I think St Albans are a busted flush now. They didn't have the legs on Tuesday, and against full time sides who are fitter, playing on on heavy pitches, they will find it difficult.



  8. @Darran @StevieDay1983

    As I have now moved to Devon, I went to watch my local side on Tuesday, Torquay (against St Albans). I have to say how refreshing it was to go to a good old fashioned game like this. . £12 to get in, we stood on the terrace, and had 2 pints with 2x burger & chips for £11. A pie and a pint at Brighton is £9! 

    The atmosphere in the "Popside" was terrific, with most of the 1500 camped down the side terrace. I was suitably impressed with the Gulls, as they should be playing L2 at least playing like this. St Albans came into this match 4th in the league, with the best attack, but they looked anything like playoff contenders. Torquay had tons of pace and a creative midfield. If it was 8 or 9  to Torquay, no one would have argued. St Albans tired in the 2nd half, and Torquay took full advantage with wave after wave of attacks.

    i'd feel confident backing them to win most weeks, and also scoring goals, especially if Jamie "Reeeedy" Reid is playing.

    GJ is obviously loving it, and quite rightly milked the applause at the end. The fans love him, and there is a real feel good factor at the club at the moment.

    Get on the Gulls this season is my motto!


  9. On 10/11/2018 at 8:10 PM, StevieDay1983 said:

    On a side note, @Tiffy, sorry that you boys had to suffer defeat today. It was an even game before the sending off and I don't think we tested you enough with the extra man to warrant taking all three points. Luckily, we managed to steal the win at the end but it was harsh on your side who coped with our woeful attacks with relative ease all game. Looks like you boys will have no problem avoiding a relegation dog fight this year.

    Cheers StevieD. Think you shaded the match by the sounds of it anyway. It's always a dangerous game hanging onto a 1-0, 1-1 score line, and we aren't going to do it every game. 

    I think we had the support of "that lot up the road" for this one, as you and them are very close down the bottom at the mo.

    well done anyway, like I said, I think the best team won. I am just pleased that my corner bet on the game came in 

    Anyway, who are Brighton? I'm a Torquay fan now!

  10. 14 hours ago, Mindfulness said:

    The next striker we buy needs to have the ability to magic himself out of the treatment room :eyes

    Selling Murray was probably the worst bit of business the club has done since being back in the EPL. We'd be flying if he was in the team now.

    Anyway, glad you're alright. I have mixed feelings about Brighton scrapping the clackers, they provided such lol's. I guess some of you do have some honour left.

    Thanks, It's made me feel better knowing that I was being missed. I feel inspired to win some money now:ok

  11. @StevieDay1983

    I think GJ signed them once he joined. I have known a Torquay fan for years, and he follows them through thin & thin (no thick to be had!). I have always kept an eye out for them, and have now ditched my season ticket at the Albion (although I am going to the Palarse game). I'll report back on the non league thread after Tuesdays game.

    Anyway, on to matters concerning our teams. I can't see past a draw either to be honest. We haven't played well in our games against Wolves, West Ham or Newcastle, but have got 9 points!. I think that Brighton will be hard to beat, it should be a low scoring game, but I think the value may be with Cardiff on the corner handicap market. Brighton have been getting 1/2 corners a game, whilst the opposition are getting 9/10.


    Cardiff most corners 1.72

    cardiff AH -1 corners 2.2

    Good luck, and may it be an entertaining game, with no clackers in sight!

  12. 1 hour ago, Mindfulness said:

    By the way, where is @Tiffy??? Have hardly seen him on the EPL threads this season. I hope Tony Bloom hasn't hired him to handcraft clackers and laminate song sheets for match days.


    Christ, where do you get this stuff from @Mindfulness?  I think you lot are a lot  more obsessed with Brighton than they are of you

    Obviously we don't need clackers now tha we have got Big Glenn up from banging the goals in ( There was such a backlash after the clackers were introduced, the club dare not do it again! They are the naffest  thing ever)

    Magiko- sounds like the sort of foreign import Palace will blow £30 million on, in a vain attempt to stay up. :ok

    Made me chuckle though,

    I have moved to Devon now, and am going to watch Torquay V StAlbans on Tuesday, but I'll start the Magiko song off in the Popside & see what response it gets!  

    In all seriousnes, I have been busy moving and selling my businesses. Consequently I have not been putting enough time or clear thinking into my decision making, and its cost me! So I have been off it for a few weeks, just having a break. 

    I did back Torquay to win their league e/w at 34/1 just after GJ took over. They are 9/1 now! 

    Illl stick a post up on this weeks Brighton game, 

    Nice that your thinking of me anyway.

    Mmmmm, Magiko, Magiko, we will follow you wherever you go, la la la de da, mmmmm, yes Its got a ring to it. 

  13. 21 hours ago, Darran said:

    Think at the very least you will lose the win part as Billericay will win the league in my view. He's off to a decent start, but I am still not sure he was the right man for the job as he's never been down this low before. Jury still out for me, but we shall see what happens in the next few weeks.

    Thanks for your thoughts, I thought it was worth a go at that price!

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