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Re: X-Factor Yeah they just changed the rules there. Cheryl wants Katie to go through as does Simon.....more papers and publicity for X Factor. Treyc is too quiet for them, nice talented girl who goes about her business without fuss. Not enough for Cowell and CO though. Katie probably reminds Cheryl of herself...talentless and fame hungry. Its all about the media machine rolling behind you......look at Nadine Coyle selling feck all records this week when she is infinitely more talented than Cheryl who has songs written for her and mimes in live shows. Thats the music industry nowadays.

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Re: X-Factor Katie survives another day unbelievable, Cowell just stated based on last nights performance he would give Rebecca a music contract over Matt, given that it would be very difficult to get a better song combination for Matt than the bootcamp song which he sung again yesterday, would you take it from these statements he sees Rebecca as a more money making machine worldwide with her unique tone. Is this the beginning of the subtle cranking up of Rebecca before the the better slots and songs, Cowell sees something in Rebecca, I think thats pretty clear. Hopefully they keep her profile low for a few weeks yet, dont want her coming to the fore to soon.

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Re: X-Factor

Katie survives another day unbelievable' date=' Cowell just stated based on last nights performance he would give Rebecca a music contract over Matt, given that it would be very difficult to get a better song combination for Matt than the bootcamp song which he sung again yesterday, would you take it from these statements he sees Rebecca as a more money making machine worldwide with her unique tone. Is this the beginning of the subtle cranking up of Rebecca before the the better slots and songs, Cowell sees something in Rebecca, I think thats pretty clear. Hopefully they keep her profile low for a few weeks yet, dont want her coming to the fore to soon.[/quote'] Nah Dave I think you're talking through your pockets;) Rebecca is impressive but i think Matt has the best recording voice and is the most likeable person on the show too Rebecca's voice is starting to grate on me just like Duffy did, they both seem to sing through their nose. Also you watch the story of Matt battling cancer as a youngster gaining more press, that's always worth a few more votes too;)
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Re: X-Factor

Why do you think Matt has this in the bag ? We already knew he sings that classic bootcamp song very well, I think on last night show both stood out. We are only at the halfway stage and Matt and Rebecca have deservedly managed to get themselves at the head of the betting at this stage. Rebecca has been more consistant through the competition, probably one of the reasons Matt had to go back to his previous song. Rebecca been kept in wraps so far with some dodgy songs and early slots, you can clearly see Simon loves the girl, with his comments " its ok louis for you to say Rebecca will get a record deal, but I actually think for your confidence and self esteem you want the public to give you something,I think you would be the most incredable ambassador for this show and this country" The shows looks between the two at the moment, but as I said their is still 5 weeks to go, and someone just may come out the pack with a strong challenge, but it does look unlikely just now. Personally I could listen to Rebecca for hours and just enjoy her voice every week, time will tell which act wins, but as I have said I am still very confident with Rebecca at this stage. Her song choice yesterday was very good for a change.
My intitial reasons haven't changed Dave and if anything they've been strengthened. He appeals to everyone of all ages. I know you earlier commented on him maybe not getting the female vote but you can see they've worked on his image. He's no longer that scruffy looking chap with the awful looking shirts and hat. He's certainly the performance i most look forward to. He had that one dodgy performance a couple of weeks ago but he recovered well on Saturday. He's definitely an individual. I can't think of anyone you'd compare him to. I don't think he'd be able to crack America but he could certainly have a successful career in the UK and mainland Europe. I think Leona's probably the only reality contest winner who's actually managed to crack the States.
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Re: X-Factor

The way Dermot was pushing the decisions and Treyc's interview suggested there was no way he was going back to Cheryl to take it to deadlock because they were so short on time that they couldn't fit it in.
I think they already knew Katie was bottom of the public vote and that's why they didn't take it to deadlock this week. It seems Katie brings them media attention so they're trying to keep her in for as long as possible.
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Re: X-Factor Cheryl said she wanted to vote last, dermot said she had to vote now or her vote was void, so she gave up her vote and dermot moved on. However I dont think the rules are fair: 1) If judge has both of their own acts to choose, by default they should be last, as whoever cheryl votes to keep could influence what the other judges vote after her, i.e lets say she saved Katie, the other judges knowing she wanted to save her, could vote to save her also, knowing its what cheryl wanted. And when two judges have an act each, they should both vote first, and then two remaining judges its their call.

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Re: X-Factor

Nah Dave I think you're talking through your pockets;) Rebecca is impressive but i think Matt has the best recording voice and is the most likeable person on the show too Rebecca's voice is starting to grate on me just like Duffy did, they both seem to sing through their nose. Also you watch the story of Matt battling cancer as a youngster gaining more press, that's always worth a few more votes too;)
Why do you think Im talking through my pockets, just because we have different views on the outcome. The point I made was Simon Cowell stated his preference for Rebecca on record deal, another little Cowell moment when asked by a caller about Matts outstanding performance at the weekend Cowell replied " yes Rebecca and Matt stole the show" now he only had to comment about Matt but put Rebecca into the answer. Cowell is making it clear his preference between the two, you will agree Rebecca has never been in the last half of the slots, so you would have to assume she is likely to have quite a few late slots. Matt has had to pull out his bootcamp song very early in this competition, which was a bit surprising. I would have thought he should have kept the song to the final or at least nearer the end as he does sing it very well. I agree at this present moment Matt would take some beating, but as we are only halfway through the competition I believe the momentum is with Rebecca. Cowell very seldom makes it this clear his preference, so all the signs are looking fine for Rebecca at this stage. We have different views of the winner, I genuinely believe Rebecca could be one of the strongest acts ever on the show. No value anymore on the front runners, so we will just need to see how it all pans out at the death.
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Re: X-Factor This competition really is becoming a farce. You'd need to be a right mug to put money on it. :wall Treyc's dad is in the paper today saying it was a fix. Apparently Katie got 1/3 of the votes Treyc got. I didn't realise Danny had voted Katie off. So basically Simon voted off Treyc, Cheryl then said come back to me at the end and i'll take it to lockdown, Louie then votes off Treyc, but Dermot doesn't go back to Cheryl? WTF

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Re: X-Factor Even worse than usual last night, with only Rebecca giving a decent rendition of an Elton John song. Usual stacking of the running order in favour of Cowell's remaining act, and his totally unbiased "opinion" of, "You know what? I really think a group could win this year". New Direction followed up last week's final spot with ... the penultimate spot. First 2 acts were both Danni's acts :unsure:unsure Matt looked to be well out of his comfort zone, and the others are a motley assortment of oddities. Louis Walsh's regular slagging off of other acts who are likely to threaten his acts is already boring, but what's REALLY got on my wick this year is the incessant shouting and screaming from the audience during the songs and the comments from the judges. The insincerity oozes out of every pore, as you just know that they are getting encouraged to whoop and holler at every opportunity. With Wagner having his secret fanbase, I guess that he'll avoid the bottom two - surely it's Katie's turn to finally fall off that plank this week, but at odds on I'll give it a miss.

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Re: X-Factor Double elimination tonight apparently. I reckon someone will be sacrificed (most likely Paije), and that Katie will lose in the sing-off against some other random act just to keep it interesting and 'protect' Katie. She still gets her place on the tour as she finishes in the last eight. The Facebook nutters should keep Wagner in for at least two more weeks but I don't see by fair means or foul in that he'll outlast Matt, Rebecca, One Direction or Cher. Mary & Aiden in danger after this week imo.

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Re: X-Factor That's the idea but who really knows? No 'independent verification' whatsoever & OFCOM does not care one hoot. Wagner attracting money to be the next eliminated act for what appears to be the fourth week running. A round of applause if that happens. Paije also supported to be next eliminated but Katie's still the favourite to be the next act to go though. http://www.oddschecker.com/specials/tv/x-factor/next-elimination Just had a look at the two main Facebook Wagner groups & I don't think they're quite as organised or rabid as has been suggested. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Wagner-to-win-x-factor/159962667362272 http://www.facebook.com/pages/Rage-Against-The-X-Factor-Vote-For-Wagner-Keep-Him-In/102407649826317

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Re: X-Factor Was monitoring Oddschecker all day. Not much movement on Aiden to be eliminated tonight at all (if there was it was very well hidden). They probably want some variety on the tour and thus Aiden lost out over Katie & Paije. Those left get to go on the tour. The next three eliminations will be interesting as I think it'll be 'random' just as much as Aiden's was. Boringly it'll be between Katie, Mary & Paije with Wagner safe for at least two more weeks before the 'serious' competition between Cher, Matt, One Direction & Rebecca starts.

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Re: X-Factor It looks like we have another one to add to the main 2, One direction who were reasonable last week, and obviously will have big loyal support. Matt the fav I personally think has played his hand to early in this competition, yes he is good and again has a large fan base, but cant see him improving over the bootcamp song. Rebecca as I have thought from the start, is the one who looks to have that bit extra. Last week on the show, you had Seal stating Rebecca is different class from the rest. In my opinion Simon has guided Rebecca through this competition slowly, he is the one picking her songs, which was noticeable early on when he applauded himself after the Wicked Game performance. Throughout this competition Cowell and the rest have not had a bad word, and have also went out their way throughout this with very strong comments, Ambassador for show and country we can go on, these are all from Cowell not Cheryl her mentor. I just have a feeling Cowell will allow Rebecca a little slack soon and we may see a different Rebecca from what most have seen. The odds between the top 3....2/1 to 11/4 very tight top 3....For me Rebecca will eventually take the title, still surprised she isnt fav yet but thats not important. Rebecca has the perfect profile for the show, gives it a bit of credibility and class, also a good role model for many. Again this is only my opinion and some will have different views, but thats what this place is for opinions.

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Re: X-Factor These same theme artist nights are really poor, Rebecca was really poor tonight. Bottom 2 looking like anyone could be in the mix, thought Paije was one of the best tonight but he could be still in the mix. Poor show from many tonight, but was really shocked with Rebecca tonight

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Re: X-Factor Can someone enlighten me............ I thought Katie was average as usual, and looked horrendous to boot. The judges said vocally she was incredible! Am I missing something here?......:spank Rebecca was poor really, her song choices all seem wrong. Thought Cher did OK tbh, tough song

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Re: X-Factor Really not sure about this week at all, there seems to be some sort of chaos with the bigger acts at the start of the show this week, song choice for Rebecca surely had something to do with the main purpose this week of causing mayhem with the evictions this week, still convinced Rebecca is the chosen one, even though she was made to look really bad. I also think Rebecca knew from the off this song was not for her tonight. Matt also had a dodgy song for the same effect, but at least he sung it reasonable. For some reason I think the main 2 for eviction could be safe for some reason, just get the feeling this theme and set up was for shock eviction again for viewing figures so I am going to have a punt on Cher tomorrow 12/1 betfair just now, but think she will go further out, with most punters thinking the obvious ones are more likely to go.

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Re: X-Factor 9th Elimination - LAY Katie Waissel @ 4.00 Betfair Meant to post this up earlier when prices were much lower but I just can't see Katie getting the boot tonight, she's survived for a reason and here is why I think she won't be going tonight. There is a huge chance she'll be in the bottom two because crowd do not like her, so then we go to the vote with either Wagner, Paige or possibly Mary, well I hope its one of them three, the odds are massively in our favour that they will be. Now I don't see how the judges can put her out after praising her so much last night, they've kept her in for this song saving her week after week. Hopefully the public do keep her in without going to the judges but even if we do I would fully expect a 3-1 vote in her favour. Odds are still worth laying.

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Re: X-Factor

Really not sure about this week at all' date=' there seems to be some sort of chaos with the bigger acts at the start of the show this week, song choice for Rebecca surely had something to do with the main purpose this week of causing mayhem with the evictions this week, still convinced Rebecca is the chosen one, even though she was made to look really bad. I also think Rebecca knew from the off this song was not for her tonight. Matt also had a dodgy song for the same effect, but at least he sung it reasonable. For some reason I think the main 2 for eviction could be safe for some reason, just get the feeling this theme and set up was for shock eviction again for viewing figures so I am going to have a punt on Cher tomorrow 12/1 betfair just now, but think she will go further out, with most punters thinking the obvious ones are more likely to go.[/quote'] Well done so far but worth laying it off as surely they'll get rid of paije? Also Spooner, well done on the lay of Katie
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