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Aussie Millions 2010


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Re: Aussie Millions 2010 Thanks guys :ok Had a pretty poor start, despite being determined not to bust as early as last time :\. Had KK a couple of times in first level, but no takers, then lost a bit with 88. Second level was awful, slipped back to about 12k I think (from starting 20k). Eventually reached a low of about 8.6k. Then picked up to around 12k, can't remember what with though :$, before I picked up AA UTG. I put in a standard raise, but just got the one really loose caller. Flop of 3Q3, I bet again, he calls. Same on low turn, and then I push my 6k on the blank river - he calls, and shows a queen :ok Then slipped from that 22k or so, reaching about 15k with about 45 minutes left in the day. Blinds were now 400/800 with 100 ante, so was really low. Got A7s in BB, raise from UTG, and 1 caller - I push, and am a bit sick when UTG calls with QQ :\. Still, the A on the flop kept me in the game :tongue2 Next time in my big blind I have 33, two limpers, and I check. Dream flop of 3AK - I bet, player 2 folds, SB reraises to about 7k. I immediately push, and he calls with AJ :rollin:rollin Then table broke for last 15 minutes of the day, and I lost a few chips with AK, but pretty happy with what was generally a poor day.

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Re: Aussie Millions 2010 As Helen said, was sat with John Tabatabai (until he bust about 5 hours in) and James Akenhead most of the day, aswell as an American guy they both knew. Akenhead got up to about 100k with some good play and good cards, before tilting a bit when the crazy aussie who joined the table just played any 2 cards. Once he bust though, he seemed to build back up again. Think the chip counts on Pokernews are a bit out of date, but pretty happy all the same :ok

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Re: Aussie Millions 2010

I can't see any Chip Counts for you Rich ?? How many are you taking into Day 2 ?? .... (No wisecrack reply of 'All of them' please :))
Something happened near the end :) 67' date='900 at nightfall :) :nana :cow :nana :cow :nana :cow ([url']http://bwinpokerblog.com/aussie-millions/chip-counts/) Looking at the overall, looks like chip leader has around 117k :) http://www.pokernews.com/live-reporting/2010-aussie-millions/event-9/chip-counts/day1a/
The Bwin blog says 67,900
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Re: Aussie Millions 2010

I this going to be on the tele some time in the near future. :ok
Looking on Pokertube, last years seems to have been broadcast around April. Being a newer member, you may not be aware of the excitement we had around this time last year - runadrum went very deep and had a period playing on the TV table :) :hope for a repeat this year with Washy :hope
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Re: Aussie Millions 2010

Looking on Pokertube, last years seems to have been broadcast around April. Being a newer member, you may not be aware of the excitement we had around this time last year - runadrum went very deep and had a period playing on the TV table :) :hope for a repeat this year with Washy :hope
Hope he dose go deep he seems to have a good chip stack going into day 2. Keep up the good work washy. :ok
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Re: Aussie Millions 2010 Yes 67,900 is correct :D Got up late, but decided to play the $550 PLO8 on the Pokerpro tables - made it to last 24 or so before bombing out, which I was quite pleased about, as they still had about 12 left 4 hours later :eek Then just chilled out, watched a bit of the main event, had dinner and went to watch a few dances :tongue2 Its now 5.30am, so will sleep as long as possible tomorrow, get up late and watch a bit of the main event before Wednesdays day 2 :hope

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Re: Aussie Millions 2010

Being a newer member' date=' you may not be aware of the excitement we had around this time last year - runadrum went very deep and had a period playing on the TV table :) :hope for a repeat this year with Washy :hope[/quote'] Don't think Runa played in last years Aussie Millions did he Gaf ??:unsure
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