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Aussie Millions - Runadrum out in 19th for AUD $65,000


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Re: Aussie Millions I'm sure Duncan will want to relive some of this later :loon 1 hour 54 minutes ago | Posted by aardvark17 478ef459591ea.jpg Phil Ivey Phil Ivey Eliminated Phil Ivey and Richard Teatum took a flop of qh.gif4d.gif8s.gif. Teatum led out for 6,000 and Ivey raised it up to 16,000. Teatum announced he was all in and Ivey made the call. Ivey: as.gifac.gif Teatum: 8d.gif4h.gif The turn and river came 10s.gif7d.gif giving no help to Ivey and the former Day 1 chip leader was eliminated from the 2008 Aussie Millions Main Event.

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Re: Aussie Millions 1 hour 26 minutes ago | Posted by aardvark17 Andy Black Having Fun on Feature Table Andy Black is talking up a storm and having lots of fun with the players on the feature table. In a recent blind battle with Michael Wolf, Black completed from the small blind without looking at his cards and Wolf checked his option, also without looking! The flop came 9-7-9 and Black and Wolf both checked again in the dark. They then agree to look at one card each, with Black tossing out a 2,000 bet on the queen on the turn, and Wolf making the call. The river is an ace and they agree to look at both cards, with Black firing a 5,000 chip bet. Wolf makes the call and the table has a laugh as Black flips over K-9 for trip nines to take down the pot!

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Re: Aussie Millions 3 hours 37 minutes ago | Posted by DrPauly 478edbf3a0ff2.jpg Hachem = Busto Joe Hachem Eliminated Joe Hachem opened with a standard button-raise and Peter Ling called from the big blind. The flop was 7-3-3 with two spades. Ling led out with a 12,000 bet. Hachem raised to 40,000. Ling resonded with a re-raise of his own and moved all in. Hachem called and turned over 5-3 for trip threes. Ling tabled 6s.gif6c.gif and was well behind Hachem's trips, but he managed to catch running spades for a flush to send Hachem to the rail.

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Re: Aussie Millions Chip Counts for Duncan Godfrey

Previous day »
44000chip_down.gif3200 2008-01-1716:53 GMT+10
47200chip_up.gif29000 2008-01-1716:31 GMT+10
18200 2008-01-1708:47 GMT+10
18200 2008-01-1601:07 GMT+10
Would love to know how he won those chips - do you think he made a move against the big boys with 72o? :lol :lol :lol :lol
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Re: Aussie Millions Looks like no more news for a while now......

  • 1 minute ago | Posted by change100 Players Take a 75-Minute Dinner Break
  • 5 minutes ago | Posted by DrPauly 478f11009b14f.jpg Warney has been eliminated from the Aussie Millions Shane Warne Eliminated; Stumps on Day 2 for Warney Shane Warne raised to 5,500 and Kevin O'Donnell called. The flop was ac.gif9c.gif7c.gif. Warne checked. O'Donnell bet 20,000. Warne called all in for 16,500. O'Donnell: ks.gifkc.gif Warne: jc.gif10s.gif O"Donnell was ahead, but Warne had a flush draw and a gutshot straight draw. The turn was the qh.gif and the river was the 9h.gif. O'Donnell won the pot and Warne was eliminated. Warney was given a warm round of applause from the crowd upon his elimination. O'Donnell increased his stack to 210,000..
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    Re: Aussie Millions

    I'm sure Duncan will want to relive some of this later :loon 1 hour 54 minutes ago | Posted by aardvark17 478ef459591ea.jpg Phil Ivey Phil Ivey Eliminated Phil Ivey and Richard Teatum took a flop of qh.gif4d.gif8s.gif. Teatum led out for 6,000 and Ivey raised it up to 16,000. Teatum announced he was all in and Ivey made the call. Ivey: as.gifac.gif Teatum: 8d.gif4h.gif The turn and river came 10s.gif7d.gif giving no help to Ivey and the former Day 1 chip leader was eliminated from the 2008 Aussie Millions Main Event.
    am i missing something here?? did he go all in pre-flop with 8/4???:loon:loon
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    Re: Aussie Millions I think Phil slow played his AA against Teatum who was in the BB with 8 4, he got his miracle flop, bet the pot, Ivey re-raised and the guy pushed. Ivey puts him on Q x and calls thinking he's got an overpair. Bad mistake Fairly crappy play really from Phil.

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    Re: Aussie Millions Quick update while on dinner break. He's been all in against Ivey fairly early on, then twice against Black - 88 against QQ - 8 on the flop, and Ad9d against KK - hit his flush on the river. :loon Played 1st level in the main room, then got taken up to the TV room where they played 2 levels, but after both Hatchem and Ivey had gone they knew they would be back down next level. He's sitting with 54K going into level 11 so still M of around 10. ;) Restarts in 10 mins so I'm off back over now. 2 levels to play today. There's 144 left, pays to 80 we though (seen somewhere on here 90 so not sure now.) Oh, and they played the ipoker qualifiers freeroll this morning, which Richard won. :clap

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    Re: Aussie Millions

    I think Phil slow played his AA against Teatum who was in the BB with 8 4, he got his miracle flop, bet the pot, Ivey re-raised and the guy pushed. Ivey puts him on Q x and calls thinking he's got an overpair. Bad mistake Fairly crappy play really from Phil.
    i dunno,what was Teatum thinking raising with 8/4 preflop? best of luck to Dunc,Helen :hope
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    Re: Aussie Millions

    Quick update while on dinner break. He's been all in against Ivey fairly early on, then twice against Black - 88 against QQ - 8 on the flop, and Ad9d against KK - hit his flush on the river. :loon Played 1st level in the main room, then got taken up to the TV room where they played 2 levels, but after both Hatchem and Ivey had gone they knew they would be back down next level. He's sitting with 54K going into level 11 so still M of around 10. ;) Restarts in 10 mins so I'm off back over now. 2 levels to play today. There's 144 left, pays to 80 we though (seen somewhere on here 90 so not sure now.) Oh, and they played the ipoker qualifiers freeroll this morning, which Richard won. :clap
    Definitely only 80 paid Helen. Prize structure is available here: http://www.pokernews.com/live-reporting/aussie-millions-2008/event-12-main-event/payouts/ Keep it going Duncan!!! Good luck mate!:hope:hope
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    Guest gazza271

    Re: Aussie Millions

    Quick update while on dinner break. He's been all in against Ivey fairly early on, then twice against Black - 88 against QQ - 8 on the flop, and Ad9d against KK - hit his flush on the river. :loon
    unbeleivable :loon:loon:loon:loon:loon Fairytale stuff :loon:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap Come on mate :hope:hope:hope:hope:hope:hope:hope
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    Re: Aussie Millions Frustrating waiting for news to filter through...not knowing who he is up against or anything... Michaela Johansson Eliminated An early position player raised to 7,500, Michaela Johansson moved all in for 43,000 from the button and her opponent called, turning over ac.gifjc.gif. Johansson tabled ks.gifqh.gif. The board ran out 9d.gif7c.gif6h.gif4s.gif5s.gif and Johansson hit the rail. You never know:hope ????

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    Guest gazza271

    Re: Aussie Millions posted 4 minutes ago.. Level: 12 Blinds: 1,200/2,400 Ante: 400 Average Stack: $150,000 Players Left: 104 Tables Left: 18 104 left, :hope Dunc is still in

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