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Singapore calling, Singapore calling, come in PL


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I thought I'd better set this thread up before I depart these shores. I haven't got a laptop so I'm hoping I'll be able to cadge the use of someone else's PC while I'm out there so that I can post updates. I'm leaving Heathrow at 11am on Saturday, arrive in Singapore 7.40am Sunday. Singapore are 8 hours ahead of us so that's a 12 hour flight. :puke The memsahib has decided not to accompany me. 12 hour flights, Indonesian forest fires putting a pall of smoke over Singapore and then having to watch me play poker didn't appeal to her. She also pointed out how quickly I exited the Brum game whereas she did rather a lot better and that maybe the wrong person was playing. And apart from that she's going to shop till she drops whilst I'm AWOL. :eek I won't bore you with details about the BAPT, if you want to know more see here: http://www.betfairasianpokertour.com/index.php Suffice to say I go into action at 1pm Singapore time on Wednesday. Just the packing to do now: ColU shirt, check PL shirt, check PL business cards, check - will try to get Gus Hanson to join PL. :ok

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Re: Singapore calling, Singapore calling, come in PL Yep , Singapore is hot as fook :loon:loon:loon:loon . hmm 1 pm kick off ? hmmmm , see if i have the chance to go down and have a look :clap:clap:clap:clap

Thanks Sam, added to packing list, it's hot as foook in Singapore so shorts might be in order too (no no 9ooner, not the camouflaged ones). ;) :hope all, you've got 20% of me.
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Re: Singapore calling, Singapore calling, come in PL have just checked with the singapore embassy and the following have been banned,with penalty of 2 yrs hard labour for each item.. colchester utd shirt white socks jesus creepers bad jokes are included as well

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Re: Singapore calling, Singapore calling, come in PL Thanks to Dan from Betfair, I'm online. Journey out in the back of the plane wasn't too bad. I probably walked half way to Singapore since I spent more time standing than I did sitting. The back of the plane on Singapore Airways is much more comfortable than BA or Virgin. The food was superb. 3 hours kip at the hotel then it was off to the reception put on by Betfair. Food superb and I must of drunk half of one week's production of Tiger beer. Alcohol fueled sleep worked perfectly till 3am this morning when I woke and then coudn't get off again till 6am. Early morning telly in Singapore is crap. ;) I'm watching some of the side events today (it's pouring with rain at the moment), I won't be playing till the main event on Wednesday. A dry couple of days for me now then I'll allow myself a couple (and no more) of Tigers before it starts at 1pm Singapore time. The Betfair people are superb. They have had some logistical problems but have overcome them. A well organised event so far. :ok Singapore is a stange place, Taxis and food are cheap as chips, booze is horrendous. I bought one beer and a Singapore Sling after the Betfair reception and it came to Sin$45. That's about £17!!!! I'll post again when Dan doesn't need his PC.

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Re: Singapore calling, Singapore calling, come in PL Singapore is a food paradise , so here u go . :clap:clap:clap:clap Been raining shit loads of rain today . Looks man-made to me though as the sky clearly wasn't dark at all . Looks to be some kind of effort to clear the haze up i feel . Oh ya , forgot to mention booze . Booze here is damn ex . Not too sure why though . Cigarettes's prices are already jagged up to an all time high for some time now but still less than booze .

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Singapore Diary - Part 1 - by Dave Woods Col_U gets a mention ;)

Betfair Asian Poker Tour BAPT Diary #1 PokerPlayer magazine Editor Dave 'K_Unknown' Woods has touched down in Singapore for the Betfair Asian Poker Tour
By Dave Woods November 2006
Saturday, November 11 I never sleep on long-haul flights. So you can’t even begin to imagine my delight when, after being fed and watered, and firing up Pirates of the Caribbean, I blinked and seemingly missed the entire 12-hour trip. Bleary-eyed and distrusting of the flight map, I turned to fellow PokerPlayer writer, Shelley Rubenstein, and asked, “Where are we?”, to which she replied, “I’ve done five films and I’m halfway through the sixth. You’ve been asleep the whole way. We’re just about to land.” You think she’d have been happy for me, but this was said with such badly-disguised bitterness that I completely forgot to ask why she was looking furtive and wrapped from head-to-foot in two blankets. (I found out later she’d nicked the blanket from the bloke next to her because she was cold and, rather than give it back, pretended to be asleep every time he looked at her accusingly.) Sunday, November 12 Met up with PokerPlayer Grand Prix winner, Colchester Kev, waiting for my luggage and told him I didn’t have any Singaporean dollars for a taxi to the hotel (true) and that I’d pay him back later (no comment). After a quick shower, the first major question of the trip was posed by Shelley: “Should I play in the $400 Super Satellite tonight? I’m really jetlagged.” I pointed out that she’d only got two chances to qualify and that if she didn’t play she’d put pressure on herself later in the week. Five minutes later she’d lost half her stack. An hour later she was out, and to save the obvious recriminations I decided to retire for the night and watch Arsenal v Liverpool in my room in preparation for my first stab at glory, the $150 freezeout. Monday, November 13 A useless bit of trivia: three Singaporean dollars = one pound. (I’m only telling you this because it makes my breakfast seem a lot cheaper, and I’m going to need to get the phrase off pat to get my expenses approved.) Shuffle-up-and-deal was set for 1pm, and I was feeling good. Deciding that a tight-aggressive strategy was a good one, I re-raised a player on a Ah-7d-3d board, with two low diamonds and watched him pass A-10. The rest of my hands played themselves – first when someone decided to move all-in when I had Aces, and then raises with Kings and Queens that never saw a flop. Three hours in and I was on around 8000 chips from a starting stack of 2500. I made a move with J-9 and got called on a rag-rag-rag flop, held my nerve to fire a second bullet on the turn and take down a nice pot, before congratulating myself, feeling a bit smug, and promptly going card-dead for the rest of the tournament. The best I picked up from then on in was King-Queen (re-raised and mucked), Ace-King (which I raised and the player folded to), and then nothing. I finally dribbled out in 44th (out of 278 starters) and went to rail Shelley, who had been shorter-stacked than me the whole tournament. Somehow, from around 5000 chips, she built herself up to around 15,000 and held out to make the money. She finished 18th, which netted her $320, minus my 10% (which we’d swapped at the start), which meant she’d made $138 for nine hours work. I said she’d have been better off plying her trade at the tastefully-titled ‘Four Floors of Whores’, (just down the road from the hotel apparently). She told me to buy her a drink (100% of my 10% gone in one glass). First impressions of Singapore? Clean, friendly, beautiful food, beautiful people and very expensive alcohol. To be continued… Thanks to: Betfair for putting on what looks set to be a stunning festival of poker and PokerPlayer readers Colch Kev and ColU_FC. No thanks to: The player who limped with Ace-King out of position, prompting me to push with A-10 and busting out of the money in the $150 freezeout. Fish.
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Re: Singapore calling, Singapore calling, come in PL Well, I must of died and gone to heaven. Watched some poker yesterday, then went for a long walk in the harbour area. Got very thirsty and had to pop in to the nearest bar for a beer which just happened to be *cough* Hooters *cough*. Very nice beer and very cute butts. The food on the first night was a finger buffet and as I've already reported was superb. Last night it was a buffet and I must admit I thought that "after the Lord Mayors Show comes the Moo Moo cart". I remember how bad the buffet was in Dublin at Easter, one step up from disgusting. How wrong I was to doubt. It must of been the best buffet I've ever had. Starters - help yourself to a mixture of prawns, scallops, oysters, mussels, lobster, etc. Mains - amonst other things roast short rib of Australian beef, cooked rare. Sweets - I had two.. Fan fooking tastic. :clap :clap :clap I was intending to go out to eat one night, there's no point, no way anyone else can improve on the food they are serving us at the Meritus Mandarin. Today went for a walk to Chinatown instead of having breakfast at the hotel. Called into one little shop and had a spring roll, Sin$0.60. Then went into the big market on Outram Road. Brilliant displays of fish, meet and veggies. Had some Peking duck with noodles Sin$3.00 and 640ml of bottled Tiger Sin$5.00. All delicious, total cost £3. Amazing. The Betfair people need the PC back so that's it for now. I'll be as big as Big Andy when I get back.

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Re: Singapore calling, Singapore calling, come in PL

I'll be as big as Big Andy when I get back.
Hey, I'll have you know that there's a lot of hard work gone into my "physique" And you expect to achieve it in a week?:rollin In your dreams buddy!:lol It sounds awesome mate, and you're obviously enjoying yourself. Heaven on earth. :nana
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Re: Singapore calling, Singapore calling, come in PL :loon:loon:loon:loon:loon:loon Glad to see you are adapting very well to the delicious food here mate :clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap Rest well tonight for the early afternoon kick off in poker tomorrow :ok

Well, I must of died and gone to heaven. Watched some poker yesterday, then went for a long walk in the harbour area. Got very thirsty and had to pop in to the nearest bar for a beer which just happened to be *cough* Hooters *cough*. Very nice beer and very cute butts. The food on the first night was a finger buffet and as I've already reported was superb. Last night it was a buffet and I must admit I thought that "after the Lord Mayors Show comes the Moo Moo cart". I remember how bad the buffet was in Dublin at Easter, one step up from disgusting. How wrong I was to doubt. It must of been the best buffet I've ever had. Starters - help yourself to a mixture of prawns, scallops, oysters, mussels, lobster, etc. Mains - amonst other things roast short rib of Australian beef, cooked rare. Sweets - I had two.. Fan fooking tastic. :clap :clap :clap I was intending to go out to eat one night, there's no point, no way anyone else can improve on the food they are serving us at the Meritus Mandarin. Today went for a walk to Chinatown instead of having breakfast at the hotel. Called into one little shop and had a spring roll, Sin$0.60. Then went into the big market on Outram Road. Brilliant displays of fish, meet and veggies. Had some Peking duck with noodles Sin$3.00 and 640ml of bottled Tiger Sin$5.00. All delicious, total cost £3. Amazing. The Betfair people need the PC back so that's it for now. I'll be as big as Big Andy when I get back.
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Re: Singapore calling, Singapore calling, come in PL Mrs ColU here. Himself can't get access to a PC so has asked me to let you all know that he's out.:cryHe lasted five and a half hours but didn't get any cards at all. Came 290 somthing I think. I'm sure he'll let you have all the details in due course. As usual after a few days away, he's missing real beer and his own bed (as opposed to the one in the hotel room, you understand). Also seems to have had enough of buffet food for now. Wonder why!

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