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Goalpoker - Can't/Won't pay its Winners

Burnley Joe

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Re: Goalpoker - Can't/Won't pay its Winners No Probs Rosie I just would have hoped that people would maybe know me a bit better than to suggest that id make anything from this situation My Blog is simply an online diary/journal of my poker life, and yes, it may have some adverts on it, but they only make money if you actually click the link and sign up to what they are offering, i certainly dont make anything if you click my blog, or by posting in the goalpoker comments part My sole aim is to show anyone who visits my site, googles goalpoker or gets forwarded the link just how bad a site they are, and to make sure that people know they cant and should not be trusted.

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Re: Goalpoker - Can't/Won't pay its Winners

Did they ever come through on their offer of the Johnny Chann invitational?
Haven't heard anything ...... would be interesting to know!!! Have GP any respectability at all? :unsure Then again - are goalpoker sending ANYONE to JCI? They didn't have any entrants in their online qualifier Also see that NUFC still have a link to GP in their newsletter :sad
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Re: Goalpoker - Can't/Won't pay its Winners

can anyone explain why pokerplayer magazine have started advertising goal:puke poker and the johnny chan invite on their website????????????????????????????
????Just when I was just thinking it was good there was no mention of GP in the mag this month :(
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Re: Goalpoker - Can't/Won't pay its Winners

Magazine + Advertising = Money.
Goalpoker + PokerPlayer = Lost readers = Less Money Have to say, I looked on their site and couldn't find any JCI adverts (hasn't it ended now anyway? :unsure) - Did see the Ibiza report is bumped to the top - but this is just an "old" article that has finally found it's way to their web site I think......
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Re: Goalpoker - Can't/Won't pay its Winners The Ibiza party article has appeared in this months Maxim (October, p74). Contrary to the caption the girls either side of me are not 'uncomfortable' they are having the time of their lives... ... And the shirt is supposed to look like that ... And it was fashionable when I bought it ... And it should probably go in the bin...

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Re: Goalpoker - Can't/Won't pay its Winners Gents, I'd just like to say that contrary to popular belief editorial and advertising departments are very much seperate here. It's a fair point asking why we didn't cover the events with Fenners and Joe. In no way, shape or form did advertisers or our advertising team try to apply pressure on the mag. We would have roundly told them where to go. There is a big differences between blogs and forums such as this one - which I think does a fantastic job for talking about such things - and working in straight print media, where factually the story just wouldn't sound as dramatic as you think. 'Two qualifiers were told that they weren't getting their entry into the Main Event, but then they did. And they may yet still be getting entry into the a tournament in the Turks and Caicos islands on top.' Please don't get me wrong, I'm not belittling what happened at all but given when we our deadlines hit it would have just looked like we were participating in a witch hunt. Does that make sense? Have the pair of them been sorted out with JCI packages? And re. the girls, one of them did have the time of her life later that night. Unfortunately, I can't claim responsibility for that. Sorry, forgot to mention that I'm the news editor of PokerPlayer magazine obviously. Rick Dacey news editor PokerPlayer magazine

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Re: Goalpoker - Can't/Won't pay its Winners

'Two qualifiers were told that they weren't getting their entry into the Main Event, but then they did. And they may yet still be getting entry into the a tournament in the Turks and Caicos islands on top.' Please don't get me wrong, I'm not belittling what happened at all but given when we our deadlines hit it would have just looked like we were participating in a witch hunt. Does that make sense? Have the pair of them been sorted out with JCI packages?
Cheers Rick - appreciate your input :ok To the best of my knowledge Fenners and Burnley Joe have had nothing at all from Goalpoker. I haven't heard anything of them getting the JCI places, so presume that offer is no longer there from Goalpoker. The seats to WSOP did not come from Goalpoker, but were a gesture from Absolute as this occured on their network. It was "just" the seats though and fell short of the package that they won on Goalpoker. Hopefully fenners and Joe might be able to provide us with more up to date info though :ok
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Re: Goalpoker - Can't/Won't pay its Winners

It would be good to hear what the final situation was as the Chan tourney is going on now right now.
Well, they're still around in this country - so it seems as if Goalpoker didn't "deliver" on that either......
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Re: Goalpoker - Can't/Won't pay its Winners Dacey, when your magazine has 'goalpoker' advertised in it and with an article about the Ibiza party then I think there is a bit of a conflict when a news item like this is overlooked as not being 'dramatic' enough. A company has falsely advertised something and I would guess a lot of your readership had oipened up accounts with the said firm after taking up the freeroll offer a few months ago. Now - bear this in mind -it's not only two people who were ripped off. It is every single person who paid money towards these WSOP satellites. If the terrible service provided by one of your advertisers isn't dramatic enough then my thoughts on 'money talks and bullshit walks' is very much justified with your comments.

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Re: Goalpoker - Can't/Won't pay its Winners You may well of recieved the Ibiza piece after this whole thing hit PL but magazines have to be sent to press significantly before they hit the shelves in the shops - and in this case it went to the printers before any of the WSOP shenanigans had occurred. If you asked the guys involved at that point what they thought of the site, after just getting back from Ibiza, they would have been giving the site a big thumbs up. MorlSpin is in the mag doing just that, for instance. I do undestand your sentiment however and I'm sure this isn't the end of the saga quite yet.

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Re: Goalpoker - Can't/Won't pay its Winners Its a very important point Rick that GoalPoker did not provide Fenners and BJ with their seats. Absolute provided a rescue package which was fantastically generous, but still only put those two in as alternates, which both felt put them at a distinct disadvantage. Also, did you know that the Ibiza trip was put together because of a self-confessed balls up on their part? Morlspin was one of the first winners, so ask him how 'good' GP were to him regarding that.

Two qualifiers were told that they weren't getting their entry into the Main Event, but then they did. And they may yet still be getting entry into the a tournament in the Turks and Caicos islands on top
Looking at it from an unconnected point of view, thats a reasonably fair comment. But. Don't you think that there is an important issue here that should be given coverage in the Poker Player mag? Already there have been qualifiers for the WSoP Main Event (on Holdem Poker I think). When that news was shared on PL there was already comments of, "Yeah, but will it be there when the time comes?"! The fact is these sites promise to fulfil the dream of every online player, and it is scandalous that they can do this without even having bought the seat. Its almost like buying tickets of e-bay when the vendor doesn't have them to sell, and thats illegal. Don't you think its an important issue for your readers? If this issue doesn't get publicity now, then I believe this could be the tip of the iceberg. We are all passionate poker players, and proud to be members of PL, but this doesn't mean that this is the only forum we are members on, and I know of more than one instance where other forums have been given the story here and all of them agree it stinks. (Regardless of this, when you're up in Stoke for the Bonfire night Poker tourney the beers are on you/your expense tab ;))
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Re: Goalpoker - Can't/Won't pay its Winners Maybe Morl might like to point you in the direction of Newcastle United too and how they have reacted to the way Jeffers and Joe were treated. Kudos to NUFC for that. Seen any Goalpoker adverts in St James' Park this season?. Thought not...

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Re: Goalpoker - Can't/Won't pay its Winners

then I believe this could be the tip of the iceberg
Definitely!!! Goalpoker weren't the only ones that promised more than they could finance - Checknraise were in exactly the same situation. The huge proliferation of sites - all trying to outdo one another and offer bigger and bigger prizes - by my guess, there could easily be more than the 2 such cases in 2007!!!! What amazes me beyond anything is that both Goalpoker and Checknraise are unable to fulfil their prizes, yet both are still trading - Checknraise didn't affect PL directly, however it's a site (like Goalpoker) I just wouldn't play on again - in fact I cannot understand why anyone would play on/trust either and therefore why they both still exist and trade!!!!! It is hard to understand why providing your readers with FACTUAL information on what has happened in both cases to allow them to make informed choices doesn't seem "newsworthy" - ESPECIALLY where Poker Player has heavily promoted one of the sites in the past - surely it is more a "duty" to your readers than anything.........
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Re: Goalpoker - Can't/Won't pay its Winners

Maybe Morl might like to point you in the direction of Newcastle United too and how they have reacted to the way Jeffers and Joe were treated. Kudos to NUFC for that. Seen any Goalpoker adverts in St James' Park this season?. Thought not...
Not seen many goals for that matter:lol :lol :lol :ok
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Re: Goalpoker - Can't/Won't pay its Winners

Not seen many goals for that matter:lol :lol :lol :ok
now now.......footie banter is on another thread, and i aint been beaten off any mackems or smoggies this season i tell ya! Anyway just thought id share my bit with ya all now.....been watching a lot over the last few days.. Ok.... I contacted NUFC regarding the issues raised here, they did in fact read the entire thread as some references he made to me were way way back in the thread and some were near the end, so i was happy they actually took the time to read it, let alone act on it. Once i had spoke to the NUFC advertising and marketting director, he assured me that it would be sorted on NUFC's side of things, and asked me if i would wait for a few weeks before 1. Handing out flyers and 2. mentioning it on the public forum, so that things could be cleared up first as like Rick says, the mags and programmes in NUFC's case were sent to the printers weeks back so they could be ready intime, and there was 1 final advert for GP in the programme against wigan, but he promised me it would be the last. What i want to applaud them for, is that they actually pulled the goalpoker advertising hoardings from SJP, and they then removed the adverts from any future programmes! Agreeing that it would be bad for Newcastle United to be seen to be advertising a company that cant and wont pay its prizes out!
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Re: Goalpoker - Can't/Won't pay its Winners Re: the ibiza trip! Now.....yes we had a fantastic time but even then goalpoker DID NOT fulfill the whole of the prize. When i won the tournament, which i beleive i was the 1st to do so, they hadn't even sorted a prize for it! After around 3 weeks of badgering them, they returned on Punters Lounge to say i had won a weekend in Ibiza for the world cup final! all inclusive and expenses paid we were told which included flights, accommodation, food n drink and entry into Pascha on the sunday night after the goal poker private beach party. Now what we got was considerably different, we never got a private beach party, as there were a number of local ibizians(if thats a word haha) we never got any drinks included on the sat or the mon, and we were not all in, we were half board. We also never received entry into Pascha on the sunday night, as one GP spokesman said when he was mortal drunk....they simply hadnt budgeted well enough for it to be viable! We also had to pay to get to gatwick, and stay overnight because of the ridiculous flight time that it left on the saturday morning, meaning anyone outside of london had considerable costs to go on this holiday.....a few people actually dropped out because of this!

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Re: Goalpoker - Can't/Won't pay its Winners Re: the ibiza trip! Now.....yes we had a fantastic time but even then goalpoker DID NOT fulfill the whole of the prize. When i won the tournament, which i beleive i was the 1st to do so, they hadn't even sorted a prize for it! After around 3 weeks of badgering them, they returned on Punters Lounge to say i had won a weekend in Ibiza for the world cup final! all inclusive and expenses paid we were told which included flights, accommodation, food n drink and entry into Pascha on the sunday night after the goal poker private beach party. Now what we got was considerably different, we never got a private beach party, as there were a number of local ibizians(if thats a word haha) we never got any drinks included on the sat or the mon, and we were not all in, we were half board. We also never received entry into Pascha on the sunday night, as one GP spokesman said when he was mortal drunk....they simply hadnt budgeted well enough for it to be viable! We also had to pay to get to gatwick, and stay overnight because of the ridiculous flight time that it left on the saturday morning, meaning anyone outside of london had considerable costs to go on this holiday.....a few people actually dropped out because of this!

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Re: Goalpoker - Can't/Won't pay its Winners

What i want to applaud them for' date=' is that they actually pulled the goalpoker advertising hoardings from SJP, and they then removed the adverts from any future programmes! Agreeing that it would be bad for Newcastle United to be seen to be advertising a company that cant and wont pay its prizes out![/quote'] Yeah - have to say - hats off to NUFC :clap :clap :clap They do still have a link to GP in this weeks newsletter - but I presume this is an oversight rather than choice.......
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