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goater14 is the best player on PL. Think you're better? PROVE IT!!


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Re: Are you the best player on PL? PROVE IT!!

told ya mate, given up been there, done that, had the nickname and what ya get for it? abuse, people targetting you, and pressure to perform meaning you change your game to tighten up so u dont lose BPP.....im free and happy!
not sure how to take that,you being my mentor....has the pupil overtaken the master??????????:lol :lol :loon :loon
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Re: Are you the best player on PL? PROVE IT!!

Well done Neil :clap Im shit, and you have matched my shittiness! well done!
94 points will be lost on Wednesday
Lucky you don't care anymore mate :tongue2 Must be as much pressure in the top 20 as when you were top :tongue2
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Re: Are you the best player on PL? PROVE IT!!

come back when you get another 11 days to your BPP total mate' date=' then we'll talk ;)[/quote'] LMAO - fair point :ok Took me 2 weeks after you posted the league table to get above you - another 11 days on my BPP may take a little longer :unsure
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Re: Are you the best player on PL? PROVE IT!!

LMAO - fair point :ok Took me 2 weeks after you posted the league table to get above you - another 11 days on my BPP may take a little longer :unsure
Lol, with some luck and a bit more aggression you will do it mate, im seriously not bothered any more, i tried playing every game i could to get to the top, which i think was a really bad idea, as right now im sick to death of poker, but keep coming back like an addict
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Re: Are you the best player on PL? PROVE IT!!

Lol' date=' with some luck and a bit more aggression you will do it mate, im seriously not bothered any more, i tried playing every game i could to get to the top, which i think was a really bad idea, as right now im sick to death of poker, but keep coming back like an addict[/quote']Personally i don't see any point in making poker seem a chore :unsure .................. i probably only play about half of the focus games (if that) and am not really too fussed how i end up on the leader board (though it is nice being top ;) ) I just play the games that appeal to me when i feel like playing and as it happens i managed to get quite a few good results in the space of 8 or 9 days and so will probably freefall down the table when those scores start to drop ................................ don't see me worrying about it too much :lol ..................................... if it happens it happens. :ok
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Re: Are you the best player on PL? PROVE IT!!

I think its fair comment to say that I needed that! Thanks mate. :ok
Just home after a little 9 hour session....hic!!!! :beer Mr V...fantastic performance and well over due - the floodgates will now open! :hope (you're still one of my favourites! :ok ) Trying to find a cash table - won't manage 11am game tomorrow as golfing at 7am - have fun!!!! :nana :nana :nana TQM
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Re: Are you the best player on PL? PROVE IT!! yep . I was surprised eltrev was sat out too . Very unlucky there . Points dropping tomorrow :cry:cry:cry:cry:cry

Up to date :ok Well done Newbie - great effort :clap :clap Would have been BPP if you'd won..... Unlucky eltrev - sat out for most of the final table :cry
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Re: Are you the best player on PL? PROVE IT!! Well done Newbie :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap ....................... looks like i'm going to start losing points soon :sad and i think tuesday is the first focus game i'll be able to play :sad ................................. watch my freefall down the table :lol :lol :lol Still, after 18 days in a row as BPP i can't really complain :D (sorry .......... had to get that in ;):D )

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Re: Are you the best player on PL? PROVE IT!!

Up to date :ok Well done Newbie - great effort :clap :clap Would have been BPP if you'd won..... Unlucky eltrev - sat out for most of the final table :cry
Indian broadband service went down for an hour :@ Frustrating but happy with the overall return :ok
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Re: Are you the best player on PL? PROVE IT!! Well played today Mo and Joe :clap :clap And LBB - 20 not out :clap :clap Looks pretty conclusive at the moment that he is PL's BEST Tourney Player ........ but era's of the greats come and go - how good will the LBB era be and will the next era be from someone who can match what he is achieving? LBB is to PL Tourney Poker what Tiger Woods is to Golf :ok :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

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Re: Are you the best player on PL? PROVE IT!! looks like i will drop big style very soon:eek havent played the focus games much in the last week :sad as i am consentrating all my efforts on the so stt league as the moneys pretty tasty;) i will be back at the start of next month ,hopefully a few dollars richer:D

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