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Michael Wray Spreadsheet system

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Re: Michael Wray Spreadsheet system ...... Don't seem to be able to get the pop up box to stay, it disappears after I have clicked the manage attachments button.Must be my Zone Alarm which is doing this.Anyone know how to disable pop ups until I can get the files uploaded?:unsure

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Re: Michael Wray Spreadsheet system Did you download the files after 11th December Mac? If so, did you update all matches played since that date? Let me know, this is odd.:unsure ps My Zone Alarm warns me to steer clear of the above mentioned site, hacking is mentioned.

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Re: Michael Wray Spreadsheet system Georgej, got your pm but each file is around 5mb so taking too long too send, as I was finding the other day when I tried to send to Mydog.I'll have to investigate and ask the guy that made my PC, on just how to untick some of the pop up boxes to allow upload.Meanwhile eight teams ride tonight on the 2-0's so will be interesting.;)

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Re: Michael Wray Spreadsheet system Mr.Wray's spreadsheet provided another good set of winners tonight using my adopted 2 goal or over predictions.Initially there were 9 selections between Primera Liga and Serie A as outlined in a previous thread, with Barcelona romping home last night.Tonight's results provided:- Barcelona :) Deportivo :eyes Real Sociedad :) Osasuna - still to come:hope Valencia :) Inter Milan :) Juventus :) Livorno :eyes Parma :) So 6 correct from 8 and one to come = 75% So I suppose one cannot grumble at this early date from a system which has literally sprung from the ashes.;)

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Re: Michael Wray Spreadsheet system Well I've done some calculations based on the bets posted here since #77 (Except the 2 you haad merlin that weren't in my selections) Assuming a flat staking plan of £10 per bet. Stake: 10 P/L : 61.1 Bets : 16 Wins : 13 Losses : 3 Strike Rate: 81% :clap Yield : 38% :loon

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Re: Michael Wray Spreadsheet system .... thanks for the calculations Mac. Certainly impressive when you see it written down like that.I did not realise that it was so good, and to have stumbled across such an easy method is quite astonishing.Of course it has to stand the passage of time before we can take the accolades, but it really looks a promising proposition at this early date.The overall spreadsheet predictions do not present the same rosy picture however, the actual strike rate for correct score predictions is poor,yet this 2-0 or over seems to work over and over again.Will be interesting to see just how this keeps performing for possible future bets.:ok

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Re: Michael Wray Spreadsheet system ... to complete the selections on the Euro post above, we were waiting for Osasuna in Primera Liga. They duly obliged 2-1 to bring the tally to 7 correct from 9 = 77.78%, so satisfaction there indeed! For those interested I will repeat the selections from post 85 above for matches played on the 26th December:- Chelsea. Liverpool. Man U. Middlesbrough. Bolton W. Tottenham H. Derby Co. Sheffield U. Gillingham. Colchester U. Macclesfield T. Northampton T Hereford U. Gravesend U. So again it will be interesting to see how these turn out.;)

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Re: Michael Wray Spreadsheet system Well not a good day at the office today. Chelsea :) Liverpool :) Man Utd :) Middlesborough :( Bolton Wanderers :( Tottenham :) Derby :( Sheff U :( Macclsfield :) Colchester :( Northampton :) Gravesend :( Hereford :( Gillingham :( Makes a dent in our performance so far..... P/L 20.34 Bets 31 Wins 20 Losses 11 Strike Rate 64% Yield 6.5%

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Re: Michael Wray Spreadsheet system ... thanks for that update Mac, certainly did not perform as well as expected for matches played 26th December. Here are the matches churned out for Saturday 31st December:- Chelsea Liverpool Manchester U Reading Notts F Bury Leyton O Macclesfield T Halifax T Accrington S So hoping these turn out somewhat better.;)

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Re: Michael Wray Spreadsheet system Results from 28th look good: Liverpool :) Newcastle United Postponed Luton :) Norwich :) Cardiff :( Reading :) Wolves :) Swansea Postponned Bury Postponned Torquay Postponned Managed to delete my spreadsheet with results/yiled etc. in it, so will have to do it up again when I get the chance!

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Re: Michael Wray Spreadsheet system Chelsea :) Liverpool :) Manchester U :) Reading :( Notts F :( Bury - Posponed Leyton O :) Macclesfield T :) Halifax T :) Accrington S - Posponed These were today's results - 6 wins - 2 losses - 2 posponed = 10 games. Not a bad day at the office 75% correct, so still some leverage in this system by the looks of it.;)

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Re: Michael Wray Spreadsheet system I downloaded the Michael Wray spreadsheets a while back but found that they were practically unusable because of their extremely slow response times. Perhaps this was down to the fact that I don't have Excel and was trying to run them with Open Office, but in any case they hogged system resources and therefore slowed down my PC to such an extent that they were unusable and I deleted them from my system. The above is not a criticism, just a statement of my experiences with the spreadsheets and it appears that others have no problems with them. My main reason for posting is to ask a question. I have been looking at the Betting Genius software and as far as I can see (although there is a cost attached) they have similar attributes to the Michael Wray spreadsheets. So the question is; have any of you tried the Betting Genius or similar software and if so what were your opinions on the results that the software produced? I apologise if this question has already been posed elsewhere on the PL site and would appreciate being pointed to the thread if there is one already. Thanks.

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Re: Michael Wray Spreadsheet system ..... thanks for your comments on Michael's spreadsheet and also your question.Firstly let me say that you must be experiencing your problems with not having Excel.Michael does mention on his site that the spreadsheets were designed for those with Excel 97 and above.Obviously if you don't have Excel at all I would say that this is the basis of why they are taking so long to operate, and with Open Office they must not be compatible.The sheets themselves run quite smoothly in Excel, and although I have encountered a minor problem with getting some of the fixtures en bloc for prediction,there is still a way around this which is not too complicated.As for Betting Genius software, just take a long look at various comments by other punters on this site.If it had been any good,why would they be selling it? They could be making money with their betting.These people are constantly looking for mugs!The system we are looking at the moment is where the teams have been predicted to win by two clear goals or more, but I have back checked a little, and I would now advise a further refinement and say that results have been more accurate when taking only those teams with 2-0 or more and where the opposition has not scored any goals.i.e take those teams with a two goal prediction margin but not the likes of 3-1 etc.I don't see it as a problem if you don't have the spreadsheets when you can tune in here before the scheduled matches and take a look at what the sheets have thrown out as expected predictions,after all, these are here each week, and better still, there is absolutely no charge whatsoever!Hope that you call back here for your weekly visits.;)

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Re: Michael Wray Spreadsheet system Hi Merlin. I have been watching the thread and see that you have had some success which will hopefully continue. Recently I upgraded to a newer (beta) version of Open Office so today I decided to download the Premier League spreadsheet to see if it would work and to my surprise it does, although it doesn't appear to be fully functional. So I will be following this thread with much more interest (and perhaps some input) from now on. As for the Betting Genius software, it does cover sports other than football and I would still be interested in hearing from anybody who has experience of using this software. I don't think that it is over priced at £27.95 and perhaps the reason they want to sell it is to maximise their income from the spreadsheet.

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Re: Michael Wray Spreadsheet system You can't use the workbooks with open office i'm afraid. Had a look at open office when they replaced excel at work and the problem is with the macros. In excel, macros are written in VBA while oOo uses Basic. So you basically can use the formulas etc, but none of the code. I heard that it was possible to convert the code from one to another, but after many hours digging, found that what they meant by conversion was manual conversion. You would need to retype all the code from one language to the other. :( I got rid of oOo from my work computer and stuck with excel as i am familiar with it. Maybe the beta version will have something to work around this, but not holding my breath. good luck George

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