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As in previous years we will be running a tipsters competition for Cheltenham, Tuesday 16th to Friday 19th March.



  • 1 selection per race throughout the competition
  • Bets settled to £1 level stakes - WIN Only
  • Bets settled at SP
  • Highest accumulative total over the competition wins £60 cash (via PayPal)
  • Runner Up wins £25 and the third place wins £15, all prizes via your PayPal account
  • No edits allowed in selection posts
  • Losses incurred for losers.
  • Replacement selections for NRs can be posted but must be before the first race deadline
  • All Bets must be posted prior to the first race each day (no exceptions)
  • Not compulsory to enter everyday or every race (so if you miss the first day or two you can still take part)
  • Leader-board posted each evening
  • A minimum of 14 bets is required to qualify for any prizes

All welcome, good luck.

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just noticed that you have 'Losses incurred for losers'

I think in the past we have always had 'No losses incurred for losers' ......... on the basis that you don't want people to nick a 33/1 winner on day one then not post again to avoid losing stakes

just want to check this with you ...... 


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I am using the same rules as for the Naps competition.

It doesn't seem to make sense (to me at least) that in effect every bet is treated as if it was a free bet.

This will encourage more people to choose longer odds shots as there is no downside to having a loser.

I will go back to the original rules if that is what people prefer but it does seem a tad artificial and does not reflect the real world in which we operate.

We did run the Xmas competition with the new rules and that didn't seem to cause any problems.


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7 hours ago, MCLARKE said:

I am using the same rules as for the Naps competition.

It doesn't seem to make sense (to me at least) that in effect every bet is treated as if it was a free bet.

This will encourage more people to choose longer odds shots as there is no downside to having a loser.

I will go back to the original rules if that is what people prefer but it does seem a tad artificial and does not reflect the real world in which we operate.

We did run the Xmas competition with the new rules and that didn't seem to cause any problems.


Hi MCClarke.

My opinion is that you have posted the rules, clearly explained them and we should all abide by them. I am sure we have all got our own ideas of how we could 'tweek' them to make it better, but the problem is Nobody would ever be 100% happy!! Leave them as they are.It works fine for the other comp

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10 minutes ago, thebestthere said:

To me having only 14 selections is ruining the competition,you are allowed to only pick 14 at present if you miss a couple of days so why limit it to only 14 overall I suppose its easier to check right enough.

You don't have to do only 14 ...... most people will pick a horse in every race

14 is just the minimum number of selections to be included in the final table

It's just the same as the Monthly Naps comp ....... most people pick one every day but there's a minimum number of selections to qualify for the final table

seems perfectly sensible to me

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