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Winamax - Added Value - PL Exclusive! Weds 13th November 7pm

Sir Puntalot

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Winamax has teamed up with PL Poker once again to give us an exclusive added value event. :ok All the details are below: Name: PLounge Express Date: 13/11 at 20:00 CET Buy-in: 2€ Winner: 20€ + 10€ ticket 2 to 4: 20€ ticket 5 to 10 : 10€ ticket Register here to download Winamax Poker! Tournament Password: winamain14

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Re: Winamax - Added Value - PL Exclusive! Weds 13th November 7pm Awesome added value! Didn't realise they had done one b4! must keep my eye out of threads more often! Sadly I cant make it as said I would watch Hunger games on that day with the Mrs and our mate. Good job though and awesome promo! Unless I can change the date but I already commit too much time to poker for the Mrs liking so will get a ear bashing if I ask! Hope to see another one of these soon :-)

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Re: Winamax - Added Value - PL Exclusive! Weds 13th November 7pm

Has anyone had a problem verifying winamax accounts? sent them a copy of my bank statement but it didn't show my IBAN so they refused it.
phone your bank for a copy of your statement with it on or for a letter stating why, even better go into your local branch.
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Re: Winamax - Added Value - PL Exclusive! Weds 13th November 7pm

Has anyone had a problem verifying winamax accounts? sent them a copy of my bank statement but it didn't show my IBAN so they refused it.
Some did at start of PP mag promo games http://forum.punterslounge.com/threads/141323-Poker-Player-Mag-Grand-Prix-8-Winamax-next-leg-Wednesday-October-2-Turbo-Six-max, contact them ASAP, as it can take a few days to get up and running.
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Re: Winamax - Added Value - PL Exclusive! Weds 13th November 7pm There were definitely at least 26 I can remember seeing that number in the lobby. I was going to look at the HH to see where people finished on the final table but I can't seem to get that working on Winamax. I seem to remember like2fish was 3rd, and sm3llyp00p and spitvenom were on final table at some point. I can't remember the name of 2nd place :/ I luckboxed my way to first (as MrSoftwarez)

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