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Grosvenor Poker GUKPT December League - Over £1000 Added! - Grand Final Weds 2nd Jan

Sir Puntalot

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Re: Grosvenor Poker GUKPT December League - Over £1000 Added! - Grand Final Weds 2nd Yep I personally would mate, tend to only call there with AA or KK, QQ would make me think hard and could go either way, JJ & TT are folds I think. Again similar to mine (1,000 left on 30/15 blinds), you were deep enough to still find a better spot. Each to own though, interested in others views.

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Re: Grosvenor Poker GUKPT December League - Over £1000 Added! - Grand Final Weds 2nd

interesting hand there bart i had one also... raise, reraise, all in pre... i have to fold right?
Perfectly resonable fold. With a raise, re raise and all in, you would be drawing extremely thin. The fact you hit a miracle flop is irrelevent. If you call in those situations most of the time you will lose a lot of money.
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Re: Grosvenor Poker GUKPT December League - Over £1000 Added! - Grand Final Weds 2nd

interesting hand there bart i had one also... raise, reraise, all in pre... i have to fold right? JJhand-1.jpg
Given that there is a raiser, reraiser and an all in you cannot flat call with JJ imo as you are giving the players still to act the odds to call or even put you all in. The liklihood is that you are behind. At best you are up against a lower pair in the case of simoncc and AK or AQs from Haichan and possibly similar from franny. Say you call and there is an overcard to your Jacks (more than likely) on a 4-way pot and Haichan or franny shoves - could you call? I don't think so. You have an 18BB stack - you will get another opportunity. Your fold is correct I think. (of course I would have shoved and hit the quads, lol)
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Re: Grosvenor Poker GUKPT December League - Over £1000 Added! - Grand Final Weds 2nd

just checked my g casino account and it says i have a £22 pound token' date=',,should that not be a £44 pound token,,or maybe 2 x £22 ,,,or am i being thick and not lookin correctly lolol[/quote']That's actually what I got last month too. Should have queried it (haven't had chance to think about using it yet as sats not yet running), I think we might be showing the wrong information in the post, but I'll check whether Grosvenor have made a mistake.
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