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Re: The Jockey Thread

All top class jockey's have to retire sooner or later . A lot of criticism towards him in recent years have mainly been from punters talking through their pockets , when all he was doing was looking after the owner's horses. I don't have a clue who's going to take over can't see former second jockey's getting the job like Supple , Dwyer or O'Shea and the current champion jockey has virtually no experience in riding top class horses.
That's like the most random comment ever on this forum. You don't think Hanagan will ride better than Hills, do you? :lol
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Re: The Jockey Thread

A jockey's job is to win races. Richard Hills was the weakest jockey i have ever seen in a finish. He is up there with Barbara Butterworth.
From a punting perspective , yes their job is to win , however as we both know that is not the case all the time for one reason or another . Your comment about him being weak is ludicrous , don't think Sheikh Hamdan or Angus Gold would agree with you.
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Re: The Jockey Thread

From a punting perspective , yes their job is to win , however as we both know that is not the case all the time for one reason or another . Your comment about him being weak is ludicrous , don't think Sheikh Hamdan or Angus Gold would agree with you.
Jeez, mate. Give up already. I know you've watched him long time ago and I know he's probably been a lot better in the past, but that's the one thing that is plain to see - he is ridiculously weak in a finish. Stop being so stubborn and admit it that other people might actually be right in this case.
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Re: The Jockey Thread I'm not overly comfortable slagging off Jockeys.... I'll shout at em as much as the next man but not after they have earned an honourable retirement... For what it's worth, I think Richard Hills was - by far - the best judge of pace in the weighing room for a very long time. Jockeys probably don't retire at their peak but neither do footballers, tennis players, golfers etc etc but they seem to be immune to the abuse jockeys get. I'm greatful for em! Good or bad, we need em to put their necks on the line every day for our entertainment and hopefully our wealth!! Winning the QE2 (I think it was that race) on Maroof at 66/1 was brilliant. Rode a field of superstars to sleep - not that anyone would thank him for it given it was the complete outsider.... Happy Retirement Mr Hills - will be looking out for your last runner in the coming weeks!

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Re: The Jockey Thread

I'm not overly comfortable slagging off Jockeys.... I'll shout at em as much as the next man but not after they have earned an honourable retirement... For what it's worth, I think Richard Hills was - by far - the best judge of pace in the weighing room for a very long time. Jockeys probably don't retire at their peak but neither do footballers, tennis players, golfers etc etc but they seem to be immune to the abuse jockeys get. I'm greatful for em! Good or bad, we need em to put their necks on the line every day for our entertainment and hopefully our wealth!! Winning the QE2 (I think it was that race) on Maroof at 66/1 was brilliant. Rode a field of superstars to sleep - not that anyone would thank him for it given it was the complete outsider.... Happy Retirement Mr Hills - will be looking out for your last runner in the coming weeks!
Yes Maroof was a fantastic ride nearly 20 yrs ago , he went on to beat Willie Carson (first jockey)a few more times in Group 1s
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Re: The Jockey Thread

Jeez' date=' mate. Give up already. I know you've watched him long time ago and I know he's probably been a lot better in the past, but that's the one thing that is plain to see - he is ridiculously weak in a finish. Stop being so stubborn and admit it that other people might actually be right in this case.[/quote'] I'm well aware that he is nearly 50 and nowhere near his prime however some on here are going to the extreme by suggesting he's the worst jockey around.
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Re: The Jockey Thread

. I don't have a clue who's going to take over can't see former second jockey's getting the job like Supple , Dwyer or O'Shea and the current champion jockey has virtually no experience in riding top class horses.
I was right about Supple , Dwyer and O'Shea , but wasn't expecting Hanagan to get it . Lets hope he's as successful as R Hills, good luck. Anybody got any custard ? My humble pie seems a little dry .
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Re: The Jockey Thread

Richard Hills on Entifadaah or whatever its called at Meydan... Looked a certain winner' date=' traded as low as 1.08.... Surprise Surprise, caught on the line.. Weak in a finish[/quote'] I think you are looking at any excuse to have a go at him , he came from miles behind and was just done in a photo.
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Re: The Jockey Thread

Richard Hills on Entifadaah or whatever its called at Meydan... Looked a certain winner' date=' traded as low as 1.08.... Surprise Surprise, caught on the line.. Weak in a finish[/quote'] I'm definitely no Richard Hills fan and he is undoubtly no top class anymore, totally agree. But to criticise him for the ride on Entifaadha is unfair. It was even a good ride by Hills in my mind. However a better horse just won. The eventual winner travelled best of all and not to forget it was Entifaadha's first race since October 11.
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Re: The Jockey Thread I am increasingly impressed with the young Nicole Nordblad. It's true she has had some poor rides but also she has had some super rides-and the nice thing is because so many people think female apprentice jocks are sxxte she goes off at much larger prices than should be the case.today was a perfect example. I couldnt believe she went of at 5/1-she has something of the Nina about her I feel-obviously she has to be on the right type of horse and the right race but she is well worth following I think

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Re: The Jockey Thread

I am increasingly impressed with the young Nicole Nordblad. It's true she has had some poor rides but also she has had some super rides-and the nice thing is because so many people think female apprentice jocks are sxxte she goes off at much larger prices than should be the case.today was a perfect example. I couldnt believe she went of at 5/1-she has something of the Nina about her I feel-obviously she has to be on the right type of horse and the right race but she is well worth following I think
I totally disagree even if it's true that she keeps riding horses with good chances at interesting prices but still I struggle to back her because she is very very poor everytime she has to make a decision or drive hard her raider. Surely Adielsson is not a bad trainer with a bunch of good routiniers plus a few valid purchases bought in the last few months but she is still miles away from Nina Carberry (if Nina was her) and even Hayley Turner (who is surely overrated atm bus still pretty decent at least and you can't ride the average of 80 winners per year if you're a bad jockey). That's just my opinion of course and Nordblad's latest wins on Striding Edge and Fugitive Model didn't change my mind (both were unbeatable on the day the way their races developed).
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Re: The Jockey Thread

I am increasingly impressed with the young Nicole Nordblad. It's true she has had some poor rides but also she has had some super rides-and the nice thing is because so many people think female apprentice jocks are sxxte she goes off at much larger prices than should be the case.today was a perfect example. I couldnt believe she went of at 5/1-she has something of the Nina about her I feel-obviously she has to be on the right type of horse and the right race but she is well worth following I think
It's lucky that we don't all agree on everything!! She has managed to get Sand Skier in trouble soooo many times.... And is it Striding Edge? Been caught napping loads out the back and been left too far behind on that one too! She's on my list of Jacks that actually stop me betting at the moment I'm afraid. Seems to have been claiming 7lbs for ever! Still - stats seem to say that her recent form has improved and I'll keep an open mind at this point.
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Re: The Jockey Thread

Seems to have been claiming 7lbs for ever!
Seems premature to judge her so harshly, as she is only 16 years old and working hard to learn her trade. Debut 24 Sep 2011; 8 wins from 70 rides (level stakes profit of £19.25). Given that jockeys have a 7lb claim until they have ridden 20 winners, I don't really see how she could be expected to ride out that claim already. Yes, 10 of those rides were on Sand Skier, but that horse has only one once in 31 tries, and probably doesn't put it all in, flattering to deceive and making him hard to win with. The following jockeys failed to win on that horse last summer: Richard Hills, Fallon, Dettori, De Sousa, Fanning, Catlin and Buick, so she is in some pretty good company!
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Re: The Jockey Thread Nicole Norbland is punching well above her weight at the moment. She is so young and inexperienced, its a miracle she has 8 winners already. She may be weak in a finish, but she is very good at front-running tactics, and her ride yesterday was terrific i thought, she caught Kieran O Neill unawares on the 4/11 shot, got a few lengths lead and went for it at the perfect time. Promising female jockey, she has huge potential in my opinion. She has 1 ride tonight at Kempton, i am interested to see how she fare's.

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Re: The Jockey Thread

Seems premature to judge her so harshly, as she is only 16 years old and working hard to learn her trade. Debut 24 Sep 2011; 8 wins from 70 rides (level stakes profit of £19.25). Given that jockeys have a 7lb claim until they have ridden 20 winners, I don't really see how she could be expected to ride out that claim already. Yes, 10 of those rides were on Sand Skier, but that horse has only one once in 31 tries, and probably doesn't put it all in, flattering to deceive and making him hard to win with. The following jockeys failed to win on that horse last summer: Richard Hills, Fallon, Dettori, De Sousa, Fanning, Catlin and Fanning, so she is in some pretty good company!
You may well be right - I obviously caught her on pretty much her first ride. As I say - will keep an open mind at the moment. With regards to Sand Skier, I do take your point about him being hard to win with but under the right conditions, on his current mark, if in form etc etc, I would defiantly be back on board given a stronger Jockey booking.
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Re: The Jockey Thread i hoped I'd sort of qualified my appreciation of Nicole. I think she has to be viewed as part of a team with her trainer-and the level stake profits are extremely good, and part of that I am sure is having un -favourable races for her as well so they can fly under the radar in some respects.I think the point I was trying to make was that some horses in a particular race at her level will suit her style.My main occupation for many years has been sports injury rehab (of humans) so I have spent a crazy amount of time looking at video analysis (often in slow motion) of humans running especially I'm trying hard to improve on my assesment of equestrian gait,however I will say that on the right horse and in the right race because of her very 'lite' style she probably manages to get a much better speed around bends than some other jockeys even though it appears that she isnt doing much and conserving energy maybe I really wish I had more time at the moment to analyse properly from a bio-mechanical point of view the AW sprints especially around bends-I'm sure there could be interesting and fruitful research there to be done. I don't often post and I don't manage to read the forum on a daily basis but I would just like to say thanks for a well moderated forum full of interesting informative and well mannered debate something which is becoming increasingly rare these days to be honest

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Re: The Jockey Thread

i hoped I'd sort of qualified my appreciation of Nicole. I think she has to be viewed as part of a team with her trainer-and the level stake profits are extremely good, and part of that I am sure is having un -favourable races for her as well so they can fly under the radar in some respects.I think the point I was trying to make was that some horses in a particular race at her level will suit her style.My main occupation for many years has been sports injury rehab (of humans) so I have spent a crazy amount of time looking at video analysis (often in slow motion) of humans running especially I'm trying hard to improve on my assesment of equestrian gait,however I will say that on the right horse and in the right race because of her very 'lite' style she probably manages to get a much better speed around bends than some other jockeys even though it appears that she isnt doing much and conserving energy maybe I really wish I had more time at the moment to analyse properly from a bio-mechanical point of view the AW sprints especially around bends-I'm sure there could be interesting and fruitful research there to be done. I don't often post and I don't manage to read the forum on a daily basis but I would just like to say thanks for a well moderated forum full of interesting informative and well mannered debate something which is becoming increasingly rare these days to be honest
Hope u backed it!! :notworthy
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Re: The Jockey Thread

Hope u backed it!! :notworthy
HA!! yes indeed sort of!! I only backed each as part of a dutch so moderate profits both races as I really fancied other ones in those races, more than Nicoles rides. The annoying thing is that that will prob be the end of the value now for a while with her rides-there's bound to be more publicity unfortunately-its already happened with Rachel Green, egan,lucy alexander,etc. also on the card tonight was a clutterbuck runner who is now qualified for a handicap-may be worth watching in future if there is a different jockey on board and at a different trip-Buckle boy is the name.definately notebook material!
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Re: The Jockey Thread Watch Miss Tenacious in the 4.00 and tell me if that wasn't a lay job. Been drifting all day and Timmy gave her a "special" ride. Love him when he is trying, but God he is a cunt. Doubled in price. I was wondering why she might be drifting on her form behind Pearl Swan and Ifyouletmefinish with both of them rated 135 and 140+ now. Now seeing the ride it's pretty obvious, they just layed her today.

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Re: The Jockey Thread

Watch Miss Tenacious in the 4.00 and tell me if that wasn't a lay job. Been drifting all day and Timmy gave her a "special" ride. Love him when he is trying' date=' but God he is a cunt. Doubled in price. I was wondering why she might be drifting on her form behind Pearl Swan and Ifyouletmefinish with both of them rated 135 and 140+ now. Now seeing the ride it's pretty obvious, they just layed her today.[/quote'] I backed this horse today... absolutely rubbish from Murphy
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Re: The Jockey Thread Peter Toole has just been on Ch4, so sad to see him even struggling to talk but then again so much better than being in intensive care. It hits you just seeing the risks the jockeys take when you see the effect a terrible fall has had on him.

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Re: The Jockey Thread Well that was a very 'special' ride you gave that Mr Richard Hughes - 700 Kempton. Don't think your horse would have won but we'll never have a clue as u managed to make his head dissappear from view at least 3 times in 2f as you shoved it up the arse of the horse in front!! U Bumder!!!!! U r not Lester Piggot!!!!!! Hmmmm - ironicaly, if Baby Thrower doesn;t do the bussiness in a minute I will be throwing my rattles all over the place and keeping my powder dry until next Tuesday!! Bollox!

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