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PL Betfair League $950 Added Starts March 15th


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Re: PL Betfair League $950 Added Starts March 15th Who is Andy Bell? Is he the camp guy with Aids out of Erasure. I think I upset him with my call but I had the chips and I was just up against him. If there were 4 or 5 in I would have folded. I had 10-3 and called his raise. I hit trip 3's on the flop, bet into him and hit the 10 on the turn. Took all his chips to see him turn over A-A. Telling me how it was a ridiculous play, might have been but I had been playing really tight, just won a big pot and went 4th so had the chips to cover it. I like to mix it up a bit now and again. ;) Give a little respect to-oo-oo-oo me. :D Enjoyed the game, first time I've played for ages, banter was ok apart from that. Went out in 10th, pushed with KJ and lost out to AJ or AK, can't remember which. :(

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Re: PL Betfair League $950 Added Starts March 15th

Pete knocked him out...... then 1 hour and half later, Pete gets knocked out, for Pokerdonk to pop up and say something along the lines of "well played Samba, you played 2 extra hours and won same as me!" :rollin:rollin:rollin:notworthy Now, that's etiquette.... hanging around for an hour and a half, waiting for someone to get knocked out :rollin:rollin
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Re: PL Betfair League $950 Added Starts March 15th Well done cashers tonight and thanks to all for another great turnout. :clap I still need pokerdonk21 and crakthenu to post their PL names on here. If you remain anonymous you will not get points and not be eligible to play the final freeroll. You are both (presumably) new to PL games so may not realise that they are as much about the taking part, having fun and some banter together, as the winning, therefore it is usual and polite to respond at the table when asked who you are so we all know. :ok

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Re: PL Betfair League $950 Added Starts March 15th

i am a big fan of betfair poker and would be very intrested in participating' date=' however i don't want to fill the forum with junk that no one needs to read, is there any other possible way of entering other than 5 posts?[/quote'] Will come back to you on this Scholey, but even if the answer is no for this, stick around and join in. ;) :welcome to PL. :ok
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Re: PL Betfair League $950 Added Starts March 15th Hi Scholey and:welcome to PL-unfortunately you will be unable to join the league this time round,but please do stick around as this was also run last month and hopefully will be again:ok Sure you can post a few good things up in the meantime-any decent value tourneys around that you see,a few posts in strategy or the leagues or Poker chat. We also have a decent Horse Racing forum and footie if thats your bag or general chat-you'll be amazed how quickly they add up-I joined to make 1 post and found them friendly enough here they had to suffer thousands more:rollin

i am a big fan of betfair poker and would be very intrested in participating' date=' however i don't want to fill the forum with junk that no one needs to read, is there any other possible way of entering other than 5 posts?[/quote']
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Re: PL Betfair League $950 Added Starts March 15th Cheers Scholey. We have another exclusive running at the moment without the entry restrictions, so if you fancy playing on Virgin Poker have a look at the thread: http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/f17/pl-exclusive-virgin-poker-league-starts-wed-3rd-march-98032/ . Just let us know your username on there. :ok

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