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John "Kunku Wap" Tabatabai Team Challenge - Congratulations Teams KENT and AOC


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Re: John "Kunku Wap" Tabatabai Team Challenge - Formez vos bataillons

would love to play in any team thats prepared to take me?
Public teams are open to all :ok Just pick the team you feel you have the most affinity with :ok
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Re: John "Kunku Wap" Tabatabai Team Challenge - Formez vos bataillons

Public teams are open to all :ok Just pick the team you feel you have the most affinity with :ok
Well seeing as there is no team south east, I guess team south would be the best option, if no objections from the other members. :ok
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Re: John "Kunku Wap" Tabatabai Team Challenge - Formez vos bataillons

Well seeing as there is no team south east' date=' I guess team south would be the best option, if no objections from the other members. :ok[/quote'] :$ forget that, really need to read things properly, as team south are private, we'll go with team London. :ok
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Re: John "Kunku Wap" Tabatabai Team Challenge - Formez vos bataillons Can't decide if it's a good idea or not to be in the same team as runadrum. I know there used to be problems with shared IP addresses playing in the same tournament, but don't know if that's still the case. If so, it's probably better we are in the same team, then we'd never find ourselves playing on the same night? I might be struggling with time/money resources so I think I need to be part of a bigger, rather than smaller team. If this doesn't fit with Team Roses please feel free to black-ball me, anyone who joins up, but I'll put myself down for the White 'n Reds (or Red 'n Whites, depending on your viewpoint) for now. :ok avongirl on Betfair.

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Re: John "Kunku Wap" Tabatabai Team Challenge - Formez vos bataillons Guys, good luck with this and hope you enjoy :ok Nice effort by Betfair. I don't have the time to put proper effort into this, it seems more of a challenge geared to those that can play many days per week. Therefore I will watch from the sidelines.

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Re: John "Kunku Wap" Tabatabai Team Challenge - Formez vos bataillons :ok

tip2win :ok
Guys, good luck with this and hope you enjoy :ok Nice effort by Betfair. I don't have the time to put proper effort into this, it seems more of a challenge geared to those that can play many days per week. Therefore I will watch from the sidelines.
sugleh-even in a team of 3 you would only need to play 2 days a week,less if in one of the bigger teams:ok
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Re: John "Kunku Wap" Tabatabai Team Challenge - Formez vos bataillons Hello there!! Hello Ladies, gentlemen and poker players !!!! I am amazed at the huge response rate this challenge has received so early on. As I was reading through this thread I saw a lot of you saying nice things about myself, which of course I like and appreciate. Makes me feel nice and warm inside. However, I would like to make it very clear that this whole challenge, the idea from the start was that of Trevor's. He put in a lot of effort and even put up with a lot of my BS and some beaurocracy problems from betfair. Thank you Trevor for seeing this through and creating something that looks to be very popular and successful. I can only hope this goes smoothly and most importantly, we will need feedback from yourselves about every point of the challenge so that where possible it can be improved for future months and eventually, implement better prizes. I would like to say one thing though regarding the teams, there is no shame and no real disadvantage to having your own team. Playing as a single person. If you do play most nights, it is probably to your advantage, all things considered, to have your own team. If there are people who don't want to seem biased or favouritist (shame that's not a word) you can even set up B teams or sub divisional teams. i.e. Team Aberdeen Angus Apples can currently have 5 members. However a few of them would like to play nightly, but not all. What you could do is split into two teams but have an arrangement between each other that you split overall. Thus, Aberdeen Angus Apples and Aberdeen Angus Cheese is born. Two teams but splitting overall winnings. I think this is allowed. Have to see what Trevor says :) Just a thought. Well, I wish you all the very best and look forward to seeing you guys on the site. Cheerio John

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Re: John "Kunku Wap" Tabatabai Team Challenge - Formez vos bataillons

Team SW is now full agreed by all members.
I go away for the weekend and come back to find myself blackballed! :cry But the doctor's given me some antibiotics for that, so I should be OK to play for Team UN by the time the challenge starts. :ok Betfair alias: slapdash
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Re: John "Kunku Wap" Tabatabai Team Challenge - Formez vos bataillons Thanks for the kind words John - was definitely a collaborative effort to get us to the point we are now :) (you make it sound like it was all me - which it wasn't!)

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Re: John "Kunku Wap" Tabatabai Team Challenge - Formez vos bataillons

Yes' date=' that's the tournaments....but to "max out" one would like to do the bonus bit which requires more effort.[/quote'] Respect your decision not to play - if the format we've set up isn't quite right for you, no problem :ok (we cant please everyone all of the time - it's normal that the format is more suited to some than others - I dont think that says anything against you or us). I'm not sure that I totally agree with you though. The Bonus Boost is totally optional. What's more, I feel that it remains entirely possible (and therefore there's still good added value) to finish in the top two if you dont achieve any of the bonus boost. The emphasis is definitely on the daily MTT entries. To try and illustrate this - lets say Team A wins $550 in the MTTs and has no Bonus Boost, whilst Team B wins $400 in the MTTs and has the maximum bonus boost. Team A will finish above Team B. It will only take one win over the month and Team A would be in a great position to win a prize, even without a boost. I would suggest, if there are a few players who would like to play the MTTs, but dont want the bonus boost, then they should join together in their own team with that understanding. Sure you'll have a slight disadvantage over the other teams when it comes to winning the added value, but IMO you still have a great chance. We really aren't looking to exclude players from this with the boost.
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Re: John "Kunku Wap" Tabatabai Team Challenge - Formez vos bataillons Yes, totally agree with your reasoning. I did not want to join a team that was trying to max the bonus boost but not contribute to it myself. So I might just create my own team and play only 1-2 nights per week, but not playing every night is actually a disadvantage in the challenge since you can't lose anything by playing (see discussion in other thread). If anyone wants to play in a team where we are not looking to rake in all the bonus then please give a shout.

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Re: John "Kunku Wap" Tabatabai Team Challenge - Formez vos bataillons

Yes, totally agree with your reasoning. I did not want to join a team that was trying to max the bonus boost but not contribute to it myself. So I might just create my own team and play only 1-2 nights per week, but not playing every night is actually a disadvantage in the challenge since you can't lose anything by playing (see discussion in other thread). If anyone wants to play in a team where we are not looking to rake in all the bonus then please give a shout.
As far as Im aware, we are not looking to be breaking the bank with the bonus boost and concentrating mainly on the MTT's. We are also looking for at least 1 other player and Im sure I speak on behalf of Aldric and steveo in saying we would be more than happy to have you on board if you didnt mind playing for a skirt wearing nation. :ok
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Re: John "Kunku Wap" Tabatabai Team Challenge - Formez vos bataillons

Yes' date=' totally agree with your reasoning. I did not want to join a team that was trying to max the bonus boost but not contribute to it myself.[/quote'] It's up to each team to sort out the finances within the team, so it would be quite possible to come to some arrangement that took account of how much each player contributed to the winnings and/or bonus boost. There are arguments both ways about whether it's better to work on net winnings or gross winnings: personally I think gross winnings are better, as it means that there's no incentive to sit out to preserve a lead towards the end of the month.
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Re: John "Kunku Wap" Tabatabai Team Challenge - Formez vos bataillons Well, I lived in Glasgow for a few years so I know that skirt wearing nation pretty well and as a matter of fact I will be visiting in only 10 days! :beer Have to decide whether I will take part at all but your offer is a good one so I most likely will join up :ok

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Re: John "Kunku Wap" Tabatabai Team Challenge - Formez vos bataillons

Well, I lived in Glasgow for a few years so I know that skirt wearing nation pretty well and as a matter of fact I will be visiting in only 10 days! :beer Have to decide whether I will take part at all but your offer is a good one so I most likely will join up :ok
Would be good mate :ok
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Re: John "Kunku Wap" Tabatabai Team Challenge - Formez vos bataillons

Have PM'd all in Team Kent' date=' as I have to withdraw - forgot I've got another holiday planned for end of September - sorry guys :$[/quote'] We're not having that :tongue2 Washy reinstated :)
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