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Big Brother.....

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Re: Big Brother..... Cairons now moved out to being a massive outsider. I'm not really sure why this has happened since he's reasonably popular inside and outside the house. There seems, to me at least, a list of people who are fairly certain to be leaving the house long before him. Also Freddie, who I laid off just before he was up for nomination is now one of the forerunners after only getting 9% of the public vote for eviction. Though against Sophia it's not hard to see why. Lay and learn I suppose.

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Re: Big Brother..... I think Cairon is an outsider due to his outburst at Sree. You can see Cairon having a massive arguement somewhere along the way which could see his chance of winning gone. If he keeps his temper he's still got a chance in my opinion. I think it's been rumoured he's up for eviction this week as well. I backed Freddie and Sree at the beginning and funnily enough they are my favourite two housemates and have been most entertaining so far. Don't see what Angel has done to be currently joint favourite on Betfair, she just seems really weird to me. Long way to go and still too close to call. Tonight's episode was the best yet though. Sree was so cringeworthy talking to Noirin.

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Re: Big Brother.....

I think Cairon is an outsider due to his outburst at Sree. You can see Cairon having a massive arguement somewhere along the way which could see his chance of winning gone. If he keeps his temper he's still got a chance in my opinion. I think it's been rumoured he's up for eviction this week as well. I backed Freddie and Sree at the beginning and funnily enough they are my favourite two housemates and have been most entertaining so far. Don't see what Angel has done to be currently joint favourite on Betfair, she just seems really weird to me. Long way to go and still too close to call. Tonight's episode was the best yet though. Sree was so cringeworthy talking to Noirin.
I think that Freddie is really popular outside the house, I had a problem with the fact that he seems to be a figure of ridicule inside the house though he does handle it well and I think that's part of the reason the public like him. I think it looks like Freddie v Cairon this week, I really can't see Cairon winning. I'm really surprised at how badly I managed to pick'em this series. Sree is very entertaining to watch. Kris seems like a pretty horrible guy, though anyone who works in a shop and describes themselves as a 'visual artist' probably isn't living in accord with reality.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Big Brother..... I think its got to be odds on they will be up for eviction next week after that fiasco last night, clueless or what!! Actually think that Tom bloke and the hippy look the most promising, i actually thought this year the late housemates might have a chance, not so sure now, maybe a couple of weeks too late.

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Re: Big Brother..... Lisa is doing my nut in at the minute. She thinks she owns the place doesn't she? The other day, demanding some food when one of the housemates was evicted, even though she gave up her cut of the extra budget to get fags. I think she does actually believe that she could get any girl in the house too - as she said at the start. What a repulsive human being she is.

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Re: Big Brother..... Looks like everyone is up this week except for Lisa and Rodrigo. Surely a straight head to head between Marcus and Kenneth. Despite my hatred for all things Marcus, i cant see Kenneth not going after last nights show - what an embarrassment for Karly.

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Re: Big Brother..... Looks like Kenneth has walked. He's now 30 to be evicted. Here's the Youtube video of his exit. I like the way he says "This is the honourable thing to do". What? Sneaking over a wall in the dead of night to avoid being booed by people, is 'honourable'?

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Re: Big Brother..... It's obvious that interest in Big Brother has waned over the years and I think that this will be the last proper series on C4. Next year is the last that they are contracted to show and it's rumoured that it will feature only ex-housemates. However, it is also true that with the advent and growth of multi-channel TV and other forms of entertainment, TV ratings as a whole have gone down. So it's rather lazy journalism when the papers compare the current figures to a few years ago as a sign of the show's death. The ratings of EastEnders and Corrie have also declined dramatically over the years, but no one talks about them ending. I wouldn't be in the least surprised if Sky or another channel moved for Big Brother, when Endemol's contract with C4 expires.

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