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Forum Challenge on DTD site

Simon Trumper

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Re: Forum Challenge on DTD site cheers for the support guys but I must have made my fair share of bad plays to finish third having been first at one point ;) team event over but the individual freeroll (top 50) still to aim at and it looks as if points earned in the qualifiers carry forward, with double points awarded in the freeroll. :ok

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Re: Forum Challenge on DTD site That guy in 3rd overall is baaaaaaaaaaaad. ;) I think we may have to concede the forum event. :( Although that shouldn't stop us keeping going to ensure we beat Blonde. :lol However, there is plenty to play for in the individual competion so I would suggest that anyone who has already scored points definitely keeps playing. Plus still chance for anyone else to get on the leaderboard. :ok Individual Freeroll Monday 10th Nov - Top 50 qualify, points are carried forward with double points in this event to win trophies and online entries Individual Event The winner of each weekly qualifier will receive a trophy from DTD. The top 3 of the November 10th Freeroll will win the following prizes. 1st Trophy + £120 online entry to Sunday 40K 2nd Trophy + £55 online entry to daily 10K 3rd Trophy + £33 online entry to daily 7K

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Re: Forum Challenge on DTD site

Hey guys n gals' date=' were not all enemies at EMS lol, tbh we are all rooting for you to beat blonde, i think you lot are doing fantastic considering your number count. I have many friends here at PL and i wish you all the best of luck.[/quote'] i cant beleave it agree with this sir:nana:dude
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Re: Forum Challenge on DTD site

Lol i mentioned in my post earlier that i shouldn't have bluffed the idiot early on yesterday. Well guess what. I tried again today, guess what. He called AI for 2.5k with bottom pair on the turn. It was good. Knocked him out yesterday. Don't care what consequences i get but that guy is a complete moron, maverickj the name, lets play please. Anyway GG.
That will be me then and yeah, thanks for following me about and offering to play me HU. You showed real class. For anyone interested the hand: Game #8172524544: Forum Challenge G4 (ID8322613) £5+£0.50 - Holdem NL (100/200) - 2008/10/28 - 21:22:02 (UK) Table "8322613 - 1" Seat 7 is the button. Seat 1: pottsi sits out Seat 2: etcyt (4010 in chips) Seat 4: deanp27 (8345 in chips) Seat 5: AASHOCKER (4781 in chips) Seat 6: ianuk11 (3419 in chips) Seat 7: maverickj (2715 in chips) Seat 8: Nade (3385 in chips) Seat 9: DrOwl (3175 in chips) Seat 10: harryb888 (3205 in chips) Nade: posts small blind 100 DrOwl: posts big blind 200 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to maverickj [5d 4d] harryb888: folds pottsi: folds etcyt: folds deanp27: folds AASHOCKER: folds ianuk11: folds maverickj: calls 200 Nade: raises to 800 DrOwl: folds maverickj: calls 600 ----- FLOP ----- [4h Kc 7c] Nade: checks maverickj: checks ----- TURN ----- [4h Kc 7c][Kh] Nade: bets 2585 and is all-in maverickj: is all-in 1915 Returned uncalled bets 670 to Nade ----- RIVER ----- [4h Kc 7c Kh][Qc] ----- SHOW DOWN ----- Nade: shows [8c Ah] (A Pair of Kings, Ace high) maverickj: shows [5d 4d] (Two Pairs, Kings and Fours, Queen high) maverickj collected 5630 from Main pot ----- SUMMARY ----- Total pot 5630 Main pot 5630 Rake 0 Board [4h Kc 7c Kh Qc] Seat 1: pottsi folded before Flop (didnt bet) Seat 2: etcyt folded before Flop (didnt bet) Seat 4: deanp27 folded before Flop (didnt bet) Seat 5: AASHOCKER folded before Flop (didnt bet) Seat 6: ianuk11 folded before Flop (didnt bet) Seat 7: maverickj (button) showed [5d 4d] and won (5630) with Two Pairs, Kings and Fours, Queen high Seat 8: Nade (small blind) showed [8c Ah] and lost with A Pair of Kings, Ace high Seat 9: DrOwl (big blind) folded before Flop (didnt bet) Seat 10: harryb888 folded before Flop (didnt bet) You even get a mention on EMS lad http://www.eatmystack.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?t=15127&page=3 I look forward to playing the rest of you and good luck.
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Re: Forum Challenge on DTD site

That will be me then and yeah' date=' thanks for following me about and offering to play me HU. You showed real class.[/quote'] I didn't get involved in your .... erm ..... "discussions" last week Nade, but I cannot bite my tongue any more - wtf is it with you at the moment? From everything you say, you're crushing the game at the moment, and you're raking it in by the wheelbarrow load - whether you're right or wrong in your opinion about other peoples play, why do you feel the need to chase them and tell them how bad you think they are? If you are right - you want them to play bad dont you? Is it the good players or the bad players that bought your car for you? After last week, I doubt you'll find many on PL who will support you on this - I think you need to really think about whats causing you to react so emotionally to everything on the tables - there's no room for emotion in poker - not if you want to be good, not if you want to be professional, not if you want to be profitable - emotion will undo any poker player - no matter how good they are!
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Re: Forum Challenge on DTD site Because i'm an idiot. Maybe though it's because of too much caffeine and junk food ATM. That might sound stupid but the last few weeks i've had to get up early for Uni :eyes after 4/5months of getting up between 11am-1pm, now all of a sudden the last few weeks, half the week i need to be up by 8.30am. But i still go to bed at the same times i.e. whenever i want so to stay awake after having 5hrs of sleep or whatever i have lots of caffeine and junk food. I guess it gets me tetchy. I know myself, pretty certain this is the reason. Healthy body is a healthy mind they say. I have neither ATM :ok

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Re: Forum Challenge on DTD site

Because i'm an idiot. Maybe though it's because of too much caffeine and junk food ATM. That might sound stupid but the last few weeks i've had to get up early for Uni :eyes after 4/5months of getting up between 11am-1pm, now all of a sudden the last few weeks, half the week i need to be up by 8.30am. But i still go to bed at the same times i.e. whenever i want so to stay awake after having 5hrs of sleep or whatever i have lots of caffeine and junk food. I guess it gets me tetchy. I know myself, pretty certain this is the reason. Healthy body is a healthy mind they say. I have neither ATM :ok
I've been a student Nade and know exactly what ya mean - however I bet you get the 'older' guys replying to this with the phrase.... 'You wouldn't know a hard days work if it hit ya in the face' ;)
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Re: Forum Challenge on DTD site

I've been a student Nade and know exactly what ya mean - however I bet you get the 'older' guys replying to this with the phrase.... 'You wouldn't know a hard days work if it hit ya in the face' ;)
you hit the nail on the head :dude
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Re: Forum Challenge on DTD site :welcomeTo EMS guys. Maverick you get trash talking nobs at the table all the time and when they offer to play you H/U you know they have huge ego issues going on. I've recently had on Boss "Hope your mother dies of cancer, you mother's a filthy whore and usually the highly original suck my dick bitch. I never reply and 90% of the time I have chat off anyway but getting in the neck in a friendly forum game would really fcuk me off.

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Re: Forum Challenge on DTD site

:welcomeTo EMS guys. Maverick you get trash talking nobs at the table all the time and when they offer to play you H/U you know they have huge ego issues going on. I've recently had on Boss "Hope your mother dies of cancer' date=' you mother's a filthy whore and usually the highly original suck my dick bitch. I never reply and 90% of the time I have chat off anyway but getting in the neck in a friendly forum game would really fcuk me off.[/quote'] Had plenty of those at the tables. I try to have a comeback ready like. "Hope your mother dies of cancer" - Too late, 2 years past August. "Your mother's a filthy whore" - Yeah, she is a bit of a MILF. My best one to put people on tilt is "Sorry was you talking to me?....I was counting your chips" :lol Best person I have seen give it back good online and live is WASP. :ok
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Re: Forum Challenge on DTD site

I react badly to it Gal' date=' because the way I see it if someone said those things in a live game you would go beserk and even online it slowly festers away at me that's why like I said I usually switch it off.[/quote'] I know how to put you on tilt now then!! :tongue2
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Re: Forum Challenge on DTD site Hi guys. Read through the last few pages of this thread with interest. I've been a member of this forum for a while but TBH consider myself an EMS member 1st and foremost. I agree with gotafancy's points wholeheartedly re: the structure of the event, it just proves which forum has the most members nothing more. To be a true challenge IMO it should be that each team is only allowed to play a team of say 10 players for eg. (It would be fun deciding which 10) Had to laugh at Nades outbursts and ranting at the player. I've been playing poker for over 30 years and I'd be lying if I said I hadn't had the odd rant during that time. But very often Nade it reflects worse on you than the person you're berating. I've been a successful (profitable) player not because I'm a good player but because I'm good at finding fish. Muppet plays and outdraws are an occupational hazard and it gives the fish a glimmer of hope that they can win and keeps them coming back for more. (Though after reading the HH it wasn't that bad IMO, though I don't want to get into that discussion) In poker the most difficult battles I've had over the years have been with myself and it would appear you are also struggling to get to grips with yourself at the present time. You cannot possibly be playing good poker whilst burning up with rage and following people round tables to type in abuse. I wish you well with it, and if you think that was bad heaven help you if you ever get on my table. :)

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Re: Forum Challenge on DTD site TBH there was a thought process in my call Nade and my (limited) stats do show you as a very good player. I'm not going to go in to the processes behind that call cause that's just boring, but suffice to say to me the raise didn't make sense to me and on that instinct I called. I can't claim to be the best player on our forum and I understand you completely Nade, I've let rip myself, even getting a chat ban on Intertops :$ No real harm done. Time to put it in to the past and move one to next week. (when of course LIP will crush you all :D) Good Luck all

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Re: Forum Challenge on DTD site I can have no complaints, i knew it didn't make any sense, but people usually fold those spots to pressure regardless so i give you kudos for the call, TBH it was the pre-flop call that got me most annoyed when i saw your hand but w/e. Fair play to you for coming here and posting and you seem to have my card marked with 2 decent calls :tongue2

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Re: Forum Challenge on DTD site

TBH there was a thought process in my call Nade and my (limited) stats do show you as a very good player. I'm not going to go in to the processes behind that call cause that's just boring, but suffice to say to me the raise didn't make sense to me and on that instinct I called. I can't claim to be the best player on our forum and I understand you completely Nade, I've let rip myself, even getting a chat ban on Intertops :$ No real harm done. Time to put it in to the past and move one to next week. (when of course LIP will crush you all :D) Good Luck all
well said good luck next week :ok
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