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PL Poker Night - Birmingham - Sat May 26th

Sir Puntalot

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Re: PL Poker Night - Birmingham - Sat May 26th

hey mate' date=' it could be worse, you could be sat next to kevsul in the tourney.:cry[/quote'] :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol Is this to show that there is someone louder than me.:ok Anyway Guys and Gals. I am sorry I will not be attending as under Doctors order's. :sad :sad I would not of been able to drink anyway, But just to be in the company of you all is good fun. Now for those of you that know me and my good wife Georgina, Please look after Georgina. Yes, I am letting her out on her own, As I know she will be in excellent company. And get looked after. BTW. she does not play poker, and knows nothing about gambling, Except when I win and its hands out for money.:lol I think (Well I Know really) she deserves a good night out so get her wrecked, Everybody enjoy your night and have a great time, to the Newbies on thier first PL outing, Just go with the flow, you will be amazed how welcoming everyone is. :cheers :cheers :cheers :cheers :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer
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Re: PL Poker Night - Birmingham - Sat May 26th

Ok, looks like 32 in the MTT, DaMatrix possibly coming after 10pm for STT's, making it 33 poker players in all. 35 all in all. :ok :nana Looking forward to this. :ok :beer :loon
Looks unlikely that I can make it. Might pop in for a drink if I am in the area around midnight if possible. Otherwise, have a great time all!
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Re: PL Poker Night - Birmingham - Sat May 26th

hello................. fckuing ngrewt bnight . laas man dstandint ijt ......aga ffsd fcukn sake mr agisan
Sorry but could I please have that in English. Thats the only language we allow on here, consider that your first warning Galronix!
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Re: PL Poker Night - Birmingham - Sat May 26th And he is planning on giving me a visit some time today..(Galronix. That is) Btw. Had a Text message at 2am this morning while sleeping, Bleep, Bleep, Bleep, Realised it was the mobile. Message said. Morlspin won the cup. Well done Morlspin.:clap :clap :clap Now did my wife really need to text me that. Thanks for looking after Georgina, Everyone.:clap :clap :clap She again really enjoyed herself, Dont understand why she never woke me up in the early hours for any nookie though, I thought that was common place when you been out drinking.;)

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Re: PL Poker Night - Birmingham - Sat May 26th Jeeeeeez I'm knackered. Somehow I managed to not look at the first post so almost everyone was greeted by me say, "I didn't know you were coming!" :$ As good as always to see the PL stalwarts and a pleasure to meet Dave 'piss-taking cnut'488 ;) and his jetlagged brother Millber. Once again I intened to chat more with Les Johnson but maybe next time eh Les? Met Jaded before we went off to meet everyone at the Sports Bar and when we got there it was amusing (and possibly a little unnerving for him) to see how people's reaction changed. I'm sure that people had to physically stop themselves for automatically reaching for his neck as soon as they realised that 'this' was Jaded. Anyway up to Barrys and once again the hospitality was without equal. :clap :clap :clap The poker tourney was fixed, while PaulM became a serial killer...of karaoke songs. Big Andy did an excellent version of a New Order track, although I'm concerned that Mrs. BA has kicked him out because he was there after midnight. :tongue2 Good fun overall and just a taster for the raceday on July. Sorry you weren't there Kev and I hope you get better soon, although I doubt that Georgina will do another table-top dance routine like that for a loooong time. ;) P.S. Donna's gay and proud. :clap :clap

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Re: PL Poker Night - Birmingham - Sat May 26th Not long back after getting the 10.30am train from Birmingham. Left Barry's at gone 5.00am just so that we would get some use of the hotel room ! Not played live that often but Barry's the smallest and most friendly venue I've been to. Avon recognised one of the dealers as having dealt in Goa so definitely quality :clap Well done to Morlspin on his win :clap . Avon and I double bubbled in 4th and 5th respectively but claim the 'couples' prize ahead of Mr & Mrs Gal, Mr & Mrs V, Mr & Mrs Ross, and Lou and Donna ;). I was semi-comfortably third when pushed after a rag flop with KT to be caught out by Kevshat's trips 2's :clap . Apologies again to Damo for the KK v AA - hope you were successful in the final STT. Good to meet PL people old and new having missed the last two race days (and will miss the next one too). :ok

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Re: PL Poker Night - Birmingham - Sat May 26th Great night... :ok .... managed to get 2 hours of sleep before I was on my way to the airport, alone.... (as Paul is staying for the Play-offs monday) After a loooong poker tourney that made me quite tired I managed to pull a social/pissed comeback and join the party into the late hours... :nana However I am paying the prize today... and it was absolutely HORRIBLE to have to get up for that early flight... and I must have been have pretty annoyed as a whole :unsure ...anyway, I managed to pick a fight with one of the stewardesses before take off (she REALLY pissed me off) and she actually threatened me, that she would bring the Captain and make him throw me off the plane :eek :loon ...I thought it would be wise to pack it in after that :\ Paul would have slowly killed me had he been there :lol I am home now though, had a few more hours of sleep and the world suddenly seems like a great place again :nana Thanks everyone for a great night... AND :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap to Rich, Norm and all the fantastic people at Barry's P.S. Donna... don't be ashamed of your sexuality, I know it must have been a hard decision to "come out" at this PL night. I am sure you have set a great example of honesty and braveness... and maybe more PL'ers will have the balls to come out aswell, thanks to you... you're a queen :clap

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Re: PL Poker Night - Birmingham - Sat May 26th

P.S. Donna... don't be ashamed of your sexuality, I know it must have been a hard decision to "come out" at this PL night. I am sure you have set a great example of honesty and braveness... and maybe more PL'ers will have the balls to come out aswell, thanks to you... you're a queen
:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin errrrrm... where to start. Great night really, not much else to say. Wish I'd have stayed in the taxi and gone all the way home. Idiot.:eyes
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Re: PL Poker Night - Birmingham - Sat May 26th Like Paul, not really sure where to start! Had a great, great night, thanks to all of you, and to everyone from Barry's - only my 2nd ever live game but found it really enjoyable. Big thx to Andy for finding me when I was lost in Brum, as well! And congrats to Morlspin for winning, I think it may have been karma for his amazingly pleasant welcome to me - he stopped his hands well over two inches from my throat! :rollin

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