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Good Luck GaF and The Croc

The Quiet Man

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Re: Good Luck GaF and The Croc It seems that anyone who has ever posted on PL was doomed to failure :sad The 4 PL'rs were amongst the first 5 out (and I led the way by some margin!!!) Made one absolutely crazy move early on against BeardyIan to lose half my stack - he had trip 8's, I had....er.....nothing!!! Why oh why oh why do I do that????????? (and why don't I learn?? It's not the first time I've done that!!!) No problem with the way I lost the rest of my chips - flopped trips and ended up all in against a straight flush draw ..... I was a slight favourite, but the chips were all going in there no matter what .... just down to the poker gods ..... they gave him the straight flush.... Now, at the same time I was playing this, I had BetonBet and SO Paradise league open .... but made no focus on them at all .... finished 3rd on BetonBet and won the SO!!!!! Not the first time either ..... it seems that when I focus on a game and try to win it, I do far worse than when I ignore my opponents and just play ABC TAG poker with my cards..... There's a lesson there for me!!!!!

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Re: Good Luck GaF and The Croc Unlucky GaF!:sad i know what you mean though as whenever I have qualified for any games I always end up going out early... by being overlyu aggressive or trying to bluff a big pot! At least there was some compensation in the other games! I'd be pleased to get that far... but then I do have very low expectations! :$

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Re: Good Luck GaF and The Croc It was an excellent game, well played to everyone. I felt really confident for once, and it helped when I hit a flush against poor ole croc. I happened to be the one to get Shaundead on his way too. Best hand I saw too, and it wound up a loser. Roll on Autumn for the next one :cheers Full Tilt Poker Game #2130493851: Hendon Mob Championship (15609760), Table 1 - 120/240 Ante 25 - No Limit Hold'em - 16:37:16 ET - 2007/04/03 Seat 1: shaundead (3,840) Seat 2: Al29 (2,635) Seat 3: thealanc (2,615) Seat 4: ukcat45 (4,350) Seat 6: the_croc_pl (700) Seat 7: beardyian (3,620) Seat 8: MrPactko (5,250) Seat 9: No1Bookie (3,990) shaundead antes 25 Al29 antes 25 thealanc antes 25 ukcat45 antes 25 the_croc_pl antes 25 beardyian antes 25 MrPactko antes 25 No1Bookie antes 25 the_croc_pl posts the small blind of 120 beardyian posts the big blind of 240 The button is in seat #4 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to ukcat45 [Qc Qh] MrPactko folds No1Bookie raises to 480 Stejens (Observer): if psv scored i woulda won a ton shaundead raises to 960 Al29 folds thealanc folds ukcat45 raises to 4,325, and is all in the_croc_pl folds beardyian folds thealanc: action No1Bookie has 15 seconds left to act beardyian: carnage alert No1Bookie folds 288GTO (Observer): gloves are off for sure shaundead: i hate this, but the odds...... shaundead has 15 seconds left to act shaundead calls 2,855, and is all in ukcat45 shows [Qc Qh] shaundead shows [Ac Ks] Uncalled bet of 510 returned to ukcat45 *** FLOP *** [Ah 7h 6d] *** TURN *** [Ah 7h 6d] [4d] *** RIVER *** [Ah 7h 6d 4d] [5c] ukcat45 shows a pair of Queens shaundead shows a pair of Aces shaundead wins the pot (8,670) with a pair of Aces *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 8,670 | Rake 0 Board: [Ah 7h 6d 4d 5c] Seat 1: shaundead showed [Ac Ks] and won (8,670) with a pair of Aces Seat 2: Al29 folded before the Flop Seat 3: thealanc folded before the Flop Seat 4: ukcat45 (button) showed [Qc Qh] and lost with a pair of Queens Seat 6: the_croc_pl (small blind) folded before the Flop Seat 7: beardyian (big blind) folded before the Flop Seat 8: MrPactko folded before the Flop Seat 9: No1Bookie folded before the Flop

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Re: Good Luck GaF and The Croc

It seems that anyone who has ever posted on PL was doomed to failure :sad The 4 PL'rs were amongst the first 5 out (and I led the way by some margin!!!) Made one absolutely crazy move early on against BeardyIan to lose half my stack - he had trip 8's, I had....er.....nothing!!! Why oh why oh why do I do that????????? (and why don't I learn?? It's not the first time I've done that!!!) No problem with the way I lost the rest of my chips - flopped trips and ended up all in against a straight flush draw ..... I was a slight favourite, but the chips were all going in there no matter what .... just down to the poker gods ..... they gave him the straight flush.... Now, at the same time I was playing this, I had BetonBet and SO Paradise league open .... but made no focus on them at all .... finished 3rd on BetonBet and won the SO!!!!! Not the first time either ..... it seems that when I focus on a game and try to win it, I do far worse than when I ignore my opponents and just play ABC TAG poker with my cards..... There's a lesson there for me!!!!!
Gaf you're not alone!!! I have a soloution to this...don't tell anyone though. Get the ironing board out,no kidding! I find it helps me and puts me the good books with the wife ;) I'm just getting it set up for the Mansion game today.
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Re: Good Luck GaF and The Croc

Gaf you're not alone!!! I have a soloution to this...don't tell anyone though. Get the ironing board out,no kidding! I find it helps me and puts me the good books with the wife ;) I'm just getting it set up for the Mansion game today.
Shhhhhh, been doing this for years, dont tell anyone else.
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Re: Good Luck GaF and The Croc

Gaf you're not alone!!! I have a soloution to this...don't tell anyone though. Get the ironing board out,no kidding! I find it helps me and puts me the good books with the wife ;) I'm just getting it set up for the Mansion game today.
FFS Jomell, don't give away our secrets!! :wall Unluck guys. I watched almost all of it and only saw one muppet play. :unsure Although overall I thought the standard was excellent. :clap :clap :clap :clap
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Re: Good Luck GaF and The Croc Unlucky. I can imagine how gutted you must be feeling. Though I'm not sure I can imagine how gutted the second placed player is feeling! I gather from the Hendon Mob forum that you all have a 1% piece of Shaundead. Anybody know what his real name is?

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