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**Titan Freeroll and League Series**


**Titan Freeroll and League Series**  

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Re: **Titan Freeroll and League Series** all of this carry on is disgraceful not on our part what so ever but on the part of Titan players in general therefore i will not be making a deposit or competing in future leagues as i don't want to be part of this site or any of its FREELOADERS! :@ :@ :@ whatever they have given to this forum surely (Paul) this site is bigger and better than this particular site and we should move on and definately never add this as a core site. Opinion from other GENUINE PL members ONLY would be appreciated, thanks rant over!!!!

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Re: **Titan Freeroll and League Series**

therefore i will not be making a deposit or competing in future leagues as i don't want to be part of this site or any of its FREELOADERS! :@ :@ :@ whatever they have given to this forum surely (Paul) this site is bigger and better than this particular site and we should move on and definately never add this as a core site.
Have to say I take a slightly different view - I'm EXTREMELY impressed that Titan have taken the list of gatecrashers that we sent them and banned all of their accounts - I'm not sure what other action we could possibly have hoped for from them...... For the future games, the added value (the leaderboard prize money) is paid manually at the end of the league series - so no prospect at all of non PL'rs getting it - so I think this was a one off as we started with a freeroll ......
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Re: **Titan Freeroll and League Series**

Just wondering why Bigd hasnt been banned also
Dunno, I guess bigd77 has 'fess'd up to doing wrong, and asked for another chance. If he goes from here, and starts posting and makign a real contribution to the place, then I guess everyone is happy, if not...............
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Re: **Titan Freeroll and League Series** You can't turn your back on a site just because of the actions of a few dodgy individuals. I was immensely impressed that all the interlopers were sat out by Titan...just cast your mind to other sites that are crowded with multiple entries in the freerolls and they never seem to do anything about it!

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Re: **Titan Freeroll and League Series** I concur entirely - excellent customer service - esp as they also sat the gatecrashers out as well - so its stealing time for our boys and girls Damo

Have to say I take a slightly different view - I'm EXTREMELY impressed that Titan have taken the list of gatecrashers that we sent them and banned all of their accounts - I'm not sure what other action we could possibly have hoped for from them...... ......
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Re: **Titan Freeroll and League Series** I agree that it is not the sites fault as people 'cheating' and stealing passwords is what is wrong here. TITAN actually seem to want to do something about this... so a big :ok TITAN! My main concern with this whole debarcle is how they got the PW. Some-one who was on the list requesting it must have given it out... do we actually know who did this or is it pure conjecture? Once that has been sorted and the person in question dealt with I would feel more comfortable about the whole situation. I was infuriated :@ at this highjacking by so many non-PLers (20+) for a PW protected game as I was looking forward to what I consider a game at a level above the norm. I would find it hard to allow some-one who has cheated back into these types of games... just my opinion on cheats... shoot 'em!

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Re: **Titan Freeroll and League Series** Customer service was very good in getting my account unlocked in time for the game, and they are obviously security conscious (having locked it in the first place due to it appearing to be a duplicate). However,....having followed it up explaining why there are 2 accounts for our address I have not heard a peep from them for 2 days now. I also might have a problem depositing, since they don't appear to accept a debit card. :(

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Guest gazza271

Re: **Titan Freeroll and League Series** I was annoyed at missing the game but I think Titan deserve a big :ok for making the crashers sit out:clap My concern would be if that is a PL'er who gave out the password then that would be a big disapointment :sad and we need to stop it happening for the future games :hope

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Re: **Titan Freeroll and League Series**

and we need to stop it happening for the future games :hope
It shouldn't happen in the future as there is no value added for non PL'rs - all future added value is distributed manually through our leaderboard :ok Having said that, our next game is already showing, with the value added showing - they are going to change this :ok
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Re: **Titan Freeroll and League Series** All this about 'making the crashers sit out' I am pretty sure that was not the case. BigPumpkin (or whatever his name is) has posted to say that he sat out himself. I was on the same table as this guy and another crasher and whilst BigP was sat out the other guy was still playing - so i reckon things have got confused somewhere along the line - although i do applaud the efforts Titan appear to be making on our behalf. I regularly play in a another forum freeroll - they advertise how much the freeroll is worth in total but make payments to winners manually after the event, whilst this does not stop non-qualifiers from entering (and possibly taking legitimate players out) it does ensurethat they don't get paid for teir trouble.

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Re: **Titan Freeroll and League Series**

All this about 'making the crashers sit out' I am pretty sure that was not the case. BigPumpkin (or whatever his name is) has posted to say that he sat out himself. I was on the same table as this guy and another crasher and whilst BigP was sat out the other guy was still playing - so i reckon things have got confused somewhere along the line - although i do applaud the efforts Titan appear to be making on our behalf. I regularly play in a another forum freeroll - they advertise how much the freeroll is worth in total but make payments to winners manually after the event, whilst this does not stop non-qualifiers from entering (and possibly taking legitimate players out) it does ensurethat they don't get paid for teir trouble.
Whilst playing and noticing some players sat out i then loaded all the tables up and every gatecrashers was sat out.I mentioned this to hornet and the rest at our table.
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Re: **Titan Freeroll and League Series**

You could always gatecrash a few freerolls to build up a balance. ;)
Well I've managed to get in the $100 beginners freeroll tonight. I was sat at the PC at 5pm when reg opened and it was full in just over a minute (1000). Pays 50 places, but I'll need to get 20th to get $1.10 I need for Monday! :hope
our next game is already showing
And is the 1 person reg'd one of us? - Juma115
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Re: **Titan Freeroll and League Series**

And is the 1 person reg'd one of us? - Juma115
It's cos the passwords were all sent out at once(not knowing we would have a Passer-On.) Otherwise it's someone from Titan's side that could be passing them on. Give him the John Smith's Advert "Your Barred":lol EDIT: good god your speeding up with your typing Gaf lol.
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Re: **Titan Freeroll and League Series** I can't play tonight either as Titan do not take debit cards for deposits. I did win $1 on one of the freerolls last week but didn't manage to win another 10c to top it up. I sent Titan an email this morning to try to get the bonus that Jolly got (I think it was Jolly), but not had any sort of reply. I've changed my mind about their customer service now. :( Hope it's a good game - looks like just PL anyway. :ok

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Re: **Titan Freeroll and League Series**

I have to give tonights game a miss i- as I idiotically forgot to leave enough in my Neteller to deposit. :$:$:$ Once my transfer is through from Dreampoker then I can play next week and totally kick ass. :moon :ok
I'm in thanks to Mr V's help :notworthy:notworthy:notworthy
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Re: **Titan Freeroll and League Series** Sorry Avongirl,I should have made it clearer, the guy who phoned me with the bonus said I'd been chosen at random for it.It did come in handy though as the site won't let me use a card and I still have'nt got round to setting up Netteller.

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