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Betfred League

Guest gazza271

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Re: Betfred League - Starting with Freeroll Good game guys, finished 3rd behind Runadrum and Staffy for $30! :ok Apologies to George for beating his AA with my QQ and hitting Q on the river - same to Pistonbroke when my 88 beat his JJ. :$ Fun tourney again with no swearing at any of my tables (shame) and nice to get back playing at Betfred! :cheers

FFS - Bloody TQM at the top again!!! I wanna keep recruiting newbies until we find someone that can deal with him :P
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol I know you don't mean it, GaF! :lol TQM
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Re: Betfred League - Starting with Freeroll Well played Staffy :clap :clap and TQM and everyone in the real money :clap rather than my seat in the BF Million semi on Friday when I will probably make an early exit ! If I'd have won tonight I was going to let loose a worldwide virus to bring down the internet once and for all and reign forever as 'the best player on PL' - but I guess it can wait a day or two :lol

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Re: Betfred League - Starting with Freeroll

Modern day Fagan indeed - is quite amusing by itself but I think we might be collectively pissed off if he won it!
Might be wrong but presume he wants to be a modern day Fagin ie. "gotta pick a pocket or two" rather than a modern day Joe Fagan - not sure Liverpool would have been as successful under his management if his half-time team talks had been along the same lines !! "get out there and knock a few in Kenny, oh and by the way your mother has got a dong" :unsure
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Re: Betfred League - Starting with Freeroll

"get out there and knock a few in Kenny, oh and by the way your mother has got a dong"
LMAO .. Ive just nearly woke up the kids...:rollin Right.. had a gr8 time tonight ... my 1st proper PL league thingy.... Thanks to all for organising these events and look forward to tommorow night :nana hmmmm... still loooking forward to OH8.... anyone for a game of HORSE>>>
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Re: Betfred League - Starting with Freeroll

Might be wrong but presume he wants to be a modern day Fagin ie. "gotta pick a pocket or two" rather than a modern day Joe Fagan - not sure Liverpool would have been as successful under his management if his half-time team talks had been along the same lines !! "get out there and knock a few in Kenny, oh and by the way your mother has got a dong" :unsure
:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin I meant the Dickens one too - can't really have a go at his spelling since I didn't notice either.
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Re: Betfred League - Starting with Freeroll Sorry- needed:beer great game everyone - real quality for a freeroll, I hope the rest are as good, well pissed off about going out of SO so early though. gg all, after the week I've just had you wouldn't believe just how much a game with good players means:clap :clap :clap :clap :clap

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Re: Betfred League - Starting with Freeroll Gaf, Don't i get any bonus points for knocking out our new friend "moderndayfagan" from the tourney ??? :tongue2 (Evidence on the screendump in this thread - lol) or perhaps minus points as that was probably what started off his couple of minutes of abuse :$ Cheers all for a gg - see u in the future games :ok

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Re: Betfred League - Starting with Freeroll Ugh. Apologies for not turning up again but it's probably just as well as I'd probably have put my foot in my mouth again what with the trash talk that was happening at the table I was at. 25th out of 78th? LOL. :lol I'm making it a fooking unnecessary habit of registering and not playing (mostly because I've fallen asleep in the afternoon) when I don't have to go into work on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. :(

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Re: Betfred League - Starting with Freeroll

Went out in 10th to a bad beat from Jaded (suprise suprise !!!),
Was that the 89s vs KK catching a runner runner flush? :unsure Even *I* felt a bit bad about that one... :$ :$ :$ As one of my year 9's would say... not really! :rollin :rollin J/k Phil, good game and sorry to waste your chips!
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Re: Betfred League - Starting with Freeroll Don't forget Friday is Omaha...if you have never played, just google omaha strategy and there are several decent sites out there. It will take you five minutes, but will give you a precious handle on the game.

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Re: Betfred League - Starting with Freeroll 2nd game is in the lobby - registration not due to open until 18:00. Am PM'ing the password out to the list in the poll now. If you have less than 50 posts, you wont receive it, please email Poker at punters lounge dot com to receive it. Please include your PL Username and your Betfred Screenname :ok

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Re: Betfred League - Starting with Freeroll No Martyn. :( Its has to be one of the people who signed up just for the freeroll :eyes, but we forgot to ask for Betfred table names, so we have several e-mail addies that belong to relative strangers, but none that say [email protected] so we're stumped. If Betfred could at least chat ban him that would be great. :ok

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Re: Betfred League - Starting with Freeroll It seems this guy has already been warned over this incident durring the actual tournament. We have a policy which covers this kind of thing and we will follow it through, if the player persists with this kind of, lets face it, childish behaviour then their chat will be banned or they will be struck off the Betfred books. I hope the actions of one individual did not ruin your play and look forward to the games in the rest of the series. Good luck all.

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