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Goal Poker and anything to do with it


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Re: Goal Poker Wow!!! Weren't they only getting 30 odd entrants for Ibiza when it was a freeroll? How many will they get now? :loon There's no question - despite everything Goalpoker have given a lot of prizes away to PL'rs and we are raking it in from them at the moment - and I don't think many of us have money in our accounts...... I think the talk of "complimentary tickets" is a bit of a red herring as well - NUFC don't give comps to just anyone ...... so even if they are comps (and I would say they probably aren't - but are part of the overall package Goalpoker have with NUFC) - Goalpoker are unquestionably spending a lot of money with NUFC on things like perimiter advertising .....They don't get the tickets "for nothing". We are right to be cautious with any new company in the Poker arena, however when we see PL'rs entering tourney's and RECEIVING fantastic prizes, I think we can afford to relax our guard a little. The BIG BIG failings with Goalpoker is their communication - whether it be responding to customer communication or the gobbledegook (sp?) terminology on their website making it impossible to navigate ....... if they can sort their communication out - they have a great chance of success - if they don't then, in my view, they will unquestionably go under....... I get the impression they don't have a huge number of customers at the moment - if they can't respond to those emails, they will never cope if/when they do take off.

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Re: Goal Poker Received an email from GP today.. Looks like the Ibiza tourney is now gonna be a $15 entry...

Play and win on Saturday's (8pm GMT, passcode ********) and Sunday's (9pm GMT, passcode********) in our "Ultimate World Cup of Poker " $15 Buy In. Win and you and a mate will get a seat on the Goalpoker private plane to come to our ultimate weekender on the 8th of July in Ibiza. Exclusive beach parties, VIP club entry and a giant screen showing the 2006 World Cup Final - you can't get better than that!

Glad some of PL's got seats for free :ok Update: I also see the Newcastle Super Sunday is now $10 entry It looks like morls cleaned them out!

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Re: Goal Poker Right. Firstly allow me to introduce myself - Julian Morel. I am the new Commercial Director at Goal Poker and one of my repsonsibilities is overseeing customer service and making sure that you, the punter feel that we that are here to help and sort out your queries. I have read all of the posts regarding GoalPoker.com on the PL forum and there have been some very positive comments and some very negative comments. As a collective, your biggest gripe seems to be lack of response from us. Fair enough! I will check this forum daily and respond to all pertinant queries. However, a few answers to queries posted in the last few days. 1. Our NUFC tickets are certainly not complimentary! I am intrigued on what basis you think they possibly could be! 2.It might not be clear, but the new entry fees for the NUFC games and the World Cup of Poker do not go towards our paying for the prizes. The prizes are an added benefit. Your buy-in for these events, goes straight into the prize pot as per any standard $10 or $15 multi-table tournmament. So, the value is there, especially for the time being before the tournaments start filling up after a large publicity campaign. If I was allowed to play in them I would (but i guess I will be in Ibiza anyway)! 3. Customer service. As a poker player myself, i am fully aware of the importance of knowing that sites have integrity and can respond quickly. To date, confirmation emails haven't been going out nearly as quickly as I would like. This will change from Monday as I have a new system in place. As mentioned, i will check the PL forum daily anyway. GoalPoker.com is a good site. The customer service issues are teething problems. We have some great prizes at the moment and have dreamed up some equally spectacular ones for the future. I look forward to getting to know you and feel free to post if you need any tips on how to play poker ;-)

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Re: Goal Poker Hi Julian I'm in the same boat as Slik Mick - won a Champs League tourney and don't what I have won - from the wording it looks like a seat at the final table!:hope I do like Goal Poker and find it a very playable site - if these issues are cleared up I think it can only get better

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Re: Goal Poker Hi Julian and :welcome to The Punters Lounge. I can see you already know it but I'd like to re-emphasise; Goal Poker's only real problem is communication. Respond openly, honestly and quickly to people and you'll earn their support and respect. And just one other thing to tell your support people. Sometimes they will be asked a question they don't know an answer to. When that happens it's OK to say "I'm sorry I don't know but I'll find out and get back to you in n days/weeks/months". Thanks Julian, this is a good start.

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Re: Goal Poker Hi Julian Well as i started the goalpoker thread here on PL ive been one of the harshest critics and one of the main defenders. Like a few before me, i have won numerous prizes including NUFC tickets, and the World Cup Prize, and so far ive been treat very well by yourselves. If you can get the customer service side of things to run smoothly, then your site will flourish, if not, people will simply go elsewhere. We had agreed a meeting between myself, Paul Ross (PL BOSS) and the goalpoker owner to take place on 19th March before the NUFC Vs Liverpool game, however after offering us this meeting he never replied to messages, and then i got the email stating that no Goal Poker representative would be at the game.....which wound us up no end! Good Luck getting the customer service side of things to run smoothly, as i for one will be a player for a long time if it does, if not, well....you know how many sites there are these days who are more than willing to take our money. Graeme

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Re: Goal Poker I see no-one has registered for either of the world cup games or the newcastle game. By now theres normally a good 20-30 people registered. I spoke with another Goalpoker player yet who was also disgruntled at the steep cost of the buy in for these games. If it were $5 dollars I would consider entering and so would my mates who also play on the site. As for saying the tickets for nufc aren't complimentary may I suggest you speak to the staff at nufc who are the ones stating that Goalpoker receive complimentary tickets for use as prizes!!!!!!

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Re: Goal Poker

As for saying the tickets for nufc aren't complimentary may I suggest you speak to the staff at nufc who are the ones stating that Goalpoker receive complimentary tickets for use as prizes!!!!!!
I used to work for Total, and they sponsor Watford - from time to time I would get "complimentary" tickets with a value of £0 - however they were bought en masse and paid for as a part of a package ....... they certainly weren't "free" ...... Tickets may appear free to you and box office staff - but that doesn't mean they haven't been bought and paid for.......
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Re: Goal Poker

Right. Firstly allow me to introduce myself - Julian Morel. I am the new Commercial Director at Goal Poker and one of my repsonsibilities is overseeing customer service and making sure that you, the punter feel that we that are here to help and sort out your queries. I have read all of the posts regarding GoalPoker.com on the PL forum and there have been some very positive comments and some very negative comments. As a collective, your biggest gripe seems to be lack of response from us. Fair enough! I will check this forum daily and respond to all pertinant queries.
Hello Julian, as you have stated that you have read this entire thread, can i ask whether you intend to act on any of the posts I have made. As you have read it all, I am sure you are very well aware of my problem with GP?? As you have chosen to include no contact details in your Profile (Funnily enough, neither did the last GP poster) nor have the required posts to enable PM facilities, I have posted on here as I know you read this DAILY! I have given up on EVER receiving a reply fron GP support but now you have all the details, can I assume some sort of dialogue starting shortly? I look forward to your reply to this but if you would rather, you can E-mail me on [email protected] (Perhaps you could pass this address to GP support if you get a moment as they seem to be unable to find/use it) Thanks. C.R.
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Re: Goal Poker NUFC gives the complimentary tickets to sponsors. Goalpoker is a sponsor. Goalpoker are now trying to make money out of these complimentary tickets. At the end of the day it's up to Goalpoker. I for one have the money Goalpoker gave me. When I have used my account will be getting closed. I've found a replacement who doesn't expect players to pay to enter a game for footie tickets that they receive free of charge.

I used to work for Total, and they sponsor Watford - from time to time I would get "complimentary" tickets with a value of £0 - however they were bought en masse and paid for as a part of a package ....... they certainly weren't "free" ...... Tickets may appear free to you and box office staff - but that doesn't mean they haven't been bought and paid for.......
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