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Naps - Wednesday 12th May

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4 minutes ago, Barnes1882 said:

You have serious issues, stop commenting on my posts, you've been awkward before and I don't want any interaction with you.

Clearly didn't work out like that did it?! I'll give you specifics so you can rest easy. I'm a fantastic Dad and was up at 3am getting a drink etc for my fiancée. Whilst waiting for the kettle to boil I placed the bet. I then took the drink to my fiancée and then my newborn became upset and I had to comfort her before going back to bed. I'm glad I could justify my ability as a father to you. Now kindly stop commenting on my posts! If I can find an ignore or block button I will! 

Calm down luv!!!

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9 minutes ago, The Equaliser said:

I'm not sure what your game is by keep harrassing @Barnes1882. Are you are a disgruntled bookie who wants to stop other people making money by following his excellent tips?  Please back off and leave him alone.

Sorry, Are you a moderator?

I am not harassing anybody.

Play nice and mind your own business.

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3 minutes ago, Wanderlust said:

Sorry, Are you a moderator?

I am not harassing anybody.

Play nice and mind your own business.

You should learn to live by "playing nice".  Making money in this game is hard enough as it is; we don't need unnecessary flak being given to members on the forum who are genuinely trying to help others get a few winners.   @MCLARKE who is a moderator is duly advised of your actions

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