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PL World Poker Champs - 6th Oct - Sponsored by Grosvenor & Over £1300 Added!


PL World Poker Champs - 6th Oct - Sponsored by Grosvenor & Over £1300 Added!  

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    • I will be playing both events
    • I will be playing the Omaha only
    • I will be playing the Hold'em only
    • I will be attending but not playing
    • I cannot make the event

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Re: PL World Poker Champs - 6th Oct - Sponsored by Grosvenor & Over £1300 Added! Well done to the winners! :clap Thanks also to Rich who did us proud again. It was great to see him :ok It was great to meet some new faces, and I was lucky enough to be on a table with Ooblio, Rivrd, teaulc and Dave488 which was simply hilarious at times with the banter going on between them. I ended up drinking too much come the end of the night, even though I was as sober as a judge at 10pm sipping a sparkling mineral water. I blame it on Aidy and Stewart forcing JBombs and spirits down me. Hooligans the pair of 'em :lol

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Re: PL World Poker Champs - 6th Oct - Sponsored by Grosvenor & Over £1300 Added! just to add my bit,many thanks to all involved in organising our meet up this year and a big THANKYOU to Rich for looking after us all so well,sorry i didnt get to chat with you that much,but having a decent run in both games put paid to that.The food was stupendous and the chilli-con-carne was about the best i have had in a long while. finished 3rd in the Omaha,exit hand was a humdinger and well done to Rhubarb for the win,also well done to Bagheira for runner-up,(i would like to take credit for his game with the Variant League but that wouldnt be right). as for the Holdem,wellllllll.......... stuck between Ooblio on my right and Dave488 on my left,i knew i was gonna get a hard time (in the friendliest of ways),and the banter on the table was cracking. managed to get a 7/2o bluff on Dave as well. finished 8th when my 4/4 pre raise just couldnt match Franny`s A/8 (i thought you was stealing Mr Bond) all in. well done all the cashers as said in previous post. good to see some old faces and meet up with some new ones as well. Aidymac, you are one sure piss-head. roll on next year...................

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Re: PL World Poker Champs - 6th Oct - Sponsored by Grosvenor & Over £1300 Added! Top do as always and thanks to all involved. Was way too pissed by the end and if I offended anybody my apologies, sure the drink had plenty to do with it (regrettebly far too much). Truth is Im a big mouth regardless of beer, so again my apologies to any I may have offended at the table. Like Marmite man like me or hate me. :$

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Re: PL World Poker Champs - 6th Oct - Sponsored by Grosvenor & Over £1300 Added! That was a ridiculous day/night/morning of drinking ! Was still drunk come mid afternoon the next day (Helen and Duncan will vouch for that having bumped into me at about lunchtime Sunday !) :eyes What a great weekend again though ! Great to catch up with all the old faces, and I think it was great meeting the new ones although I genuinely can't remember much of the night ! Big Andy - I dread to even count how many Jagerbombs we ended up going through - must have drunk the bar dry ! Hope everyone had a ball - great hospitality and great company as usual !

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Re: PL World Poker Champs - 6th Oct - Sponsored by Grosvenor & Over £1300 Added!

I remember Aidy went to get 6 J-Bombs at one point' date=' brought 4 over including one for him. He then went back for the other 2 and said "where's mine?" and I'd downed it plus mine! Cue priceless look on Aidy's face! :rollin :rollin :rollin[/quote'] :rollin :rollin :rollin
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Re: PL World Poker Champs - 6th Oct - Sponsored by Grosvenor & Over £1300 Added!

I remember Aidy went to get 6 J-Bombs at one point' date=' brought 4 over including one for him. He then went back for the other 2 and said "where's mine?" and I'd downed it plus mine! Cue priceless look on Aidy's face! :rollin :rollin :rollin[/quote'] It's ok mate, i got you back in the hotel when i stamped on your chest a few times. :nana
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Re: PL World Poker Champs - 6th Oct - Sponsored by Grosvenor & Over £1300 Added!

I don't remember that! :loon You were horizontal most of the time - did you do a horizontal Jackie Chan move on me?
Outside your bedroom door you grabbed Stewart in a headlock, and then i pulled ye both to the ground and started kicking ye. Was quite entertaining. :lol Then when we were walking away you kept slagging us off, we would run toward you and you would run into your room and lock the door. LOL!
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Outside your bedroom door you grabbed Stewart in a headlock, and then i pulled ye both to the ground and started kicking ye. Was quite entertaining. :lol Then when we were walking away you kept slagging us off, we would run toward you and you would run into your room and lock the door. LOL!
:rollin :rollin Sent from my HTC Desire using PL Forum
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