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PokerPlayer Gala UK Tour - next up - Grand Final - Birmingham


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Re: PokerPlayer Gala UK Tour - next Event Edinburgh 21st May Got nobbled myself in 15th...3 off the cash. The Finnish lad pushed all in for around 31k and I had 33.5k (blinds 2-4k)ante 400 and I made a good call with 99 vs his 77 pre. Flop came 77A!! :puke Real shame the cards went dead for you Al, but great result mate :clap :clap

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Re: PokerPlayer Gala UK Tour - next Event Edinburgh 21st May thanks guys :ok well that was a good tourney methinks. from the off i quickly doubled up and didnt really look back,made a couple of stupid schoolboy errors which wasnt too costly at the time but i really should concentrate more. i couldnt believe that at the 1st break they laid on the buffet, about 3.30pm. mind you i wasnt turning it down and the chilli was quite good. the casino itself was like stepping back into the 1930`s but was was okay. after that,i went a bit card dead for the 1st time,think it was nearly 2 levels before i got back into it again and that was very lucky for me,2 guys called to my BB and i am sitting with 2/4 and the flop come down A/5/?,they both check and with only 16k left i decide to shove,1st player folds and then the big stack goes into thinktank eventually calling with A/3,i turned to him and said "bugger you got my 3",someone else said they had had a 3 as well :loon so i need a miracle which the river gives me :nana:nana....a 3 for my straight...i couldnt believe it :loon:loon:loon i was in shock for a couple of minutes but it was nice to stack up all those chips i won :D. anyway next hand i have 10/10 all fold to me and i raise the BB who states ALL IN, i insta call and he goes "oh shit" and shows A/7 spades,flop comes down with 10/spade/spade,turn nowt and i am covering my face now expecting a bloody spade to hit the river, it didnt so i doubled again,happy days............ after that it was just a case of trying to stay constant and finally we hit the Final Table with me with 180k and chip leader. then it didnt work for me,i quickly lost 30k with A/J after i re-raised preflop but got it back 2 hands later when i bluffed the young lad opposite me and AQ was no better for me when the only Gal in the game left shoved over the top,now she was more of a rock than me so that was easy fold. then card dead as one by one the numbers fell,i was getting non stop razz hands and unable to defend myself with the crap i was getting,eventually shoved J/8 diamonds SB into BB A/J :eyes and out in 4th. enjoyed the day and the banter at the tables and thanks to Spitvenom and Chromehead for the support right to the end :ok and Graeme for the phone support after he and Dave,Beano went home early. roll on LEEDS :hope

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Re: PokerPlayer Gala UK Tour - next Event Edinburgh 21st May

thanks guys :ok well that was a good tourney methinks. from the off i quickly doubled up and didnt really look back,made a couple of stupid schoolboy errors which wasnt too costly at the time but i really should concentrate more. i couldnt believe that at the 1st break they laid on the buffet, about 3.30pm. mind you i wasnt turning it down and the chilli was quite good. the casino itself was like stepping back into the 1930`s but was was okay. after that,i went a bit card dead for the 1st time,think it was nearly 2 levels before i got back into it again and that was very lucky for me,2 guys called to my BB and i am sitting with 2/4 and the flop come down A/5/?,they both check and with only 16k left i decide to shove,1st player folds and then the big stack goes into thinktank eventually calling with A/3,i turned to him and said "bugger you got my 3",someone else said they had had a 3 as well :loon so i need a miracle which the river gives me :nana:nana....a 3 for my straight...i couldnt believe it :loon:loon:loon i was in shock for a couple of minutes but it was nice to stack up all those chips i won :D. anyway next hand i have 10/10 all fold to me and i raise the BB who states ALL IN, i insta call and he goes "oh shit" and shows A/7 spades,flop comes down with 10/spade/spade,turn nowt and i am covering my face now expecting a bloody spade to hit the river, it didnt so i doubled again,happy days............ after that it was just a case of trying to stay constant and finally we hit the Final Table with me with 180k and chip leader. then it didnt work for me,i quickly lost 30k with A/J after i re-raised preflop but got it back 2 hands later when i bluffed the young lad opposite me and AQ was no better for me when the only Gal in the game left shoved over the top,now she was more of a rock than me so that was easy fold. then card dead as one by one the numbers fell,i was getting non stop razz hands and unable to defend myself with the crap i was getting,eventually shoved J/8 diamonds SB into BB A/J :eyes and out in 4th. enjoyed the day and the banter at the tables and thanks to Spitvenom and Chromehead for the support right to the end :ok and Graeme for the phone support after he and Dave,Beano went home early. roll on LEEDS :hope
Yeah, well played Alan! Great meeting you, sorry I didn't know about this site until the day, didn't get to say hi to others. Was watching the game as it progressed. Just so you know I do all the live twitter and facebook stuff, so if you do want updates just let me know. Sorry if they didn't make sense... My day started at 5am :s If it is OK with the mods and admin I will post the links (if not, no offence taken!) so you can all follow next time :) The Gala Casino social sites: mycasino.co.uk facebook.com/mycasinos twitter.com/my_casinos
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Re: PokerPlayer Gala UK Tour - next Event Edinburgh 21st May

:welcome Pete Links are fine, be better if you could link us back too :ok
You mean you haven't read my summary blog of Edinburgh?! Complete with a mention of Alan and this here lounge of punters......?!! Tsk. I have it on good authority that it will be going out on PokerPlayer.co.uk website too.. although that isn't 100% and it will be edited before publication, so can't guarantee a mention of here.. Next time (Leeds) I hope to last a bit longer than 45mins, but we'll see. Glad you enjoyed the commentary :) If anyone would like to read through the stuff so far and give some constructive criticism or write something for bragging rights, more than welcome!
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Re: PokerPlayer Gala UK Tour - next Event Edinburgh 21st May Pete, i was that short stack and the all in was after the flop :eyes:eyes read my write up again :ok hopefully if that gets published you will have the right information to edit with ;)

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Re: PokerPlayer Gala UK Tour - next Event Edinburgh 21st May

Pete, i was that short stack and the all in was after the flop :eyes:eyes read my write up again :ok hopefully if that gets published you will have the right information to edit with ;)
:lol Al what you like!!, you get a mention, should be happy with that and its not as if the information is wrong!!! Nice write up pete :ok
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Re: PokerPlayer Gala UK Tour - next Event Leeds 23rd July I notice some of you have a blog too - if you want to guest write a piece either on casino/poker or coral (mycoral.co.uk) we are more than open to submissions (msg me). For poker stuff I can also forward it to PP Mag for their online community section.

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