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Posts posted by Data

  1. On 11/6/2019 at 4:37 AM, moggis said:

    Not only is sports betting a learnable game , you can learn enough to be one a profitable bettor in just one year . However two years is a lot more likely .

    How many hours per day, and days per week are necessary? Is there an NVQ qualification?

    [The very first thing to learn is that betting on short term markets of any kind really is a spectacularly stupid way of betting on sport for profit .]

    You're likely accusing the majority of this forum's members of ". . . spectacularly stupid way of betting . . ."?

    [Long term markets are way way easier to beat .]

    If you say so.

    [But the OP is like most other gamblers he will ignore what I’ve written as he only wants to bet on short term markets or because he doesnt believe me .]

    More fool him eh?

    [So really he’s asking are there any rules for betting on short term markets .]

    I missed that reference in the poster's original query.

  2. Selling the spreads has always been my golden rule. Anytime I've been tempted with buying it's always come back to bite me in the end.

    Regarding your final question, I've always thought that some of the 'exotic' multi factored bets must only attract thrill seekers, and as such they will probably be looking at the (incorrectly) perceived profit potential of buying. Never actually been motivated enough to follow the theory through though and check the make-ups.

    Another area of interest might be any market where the possible up side dwarfs whatever might be gained from selling, e.g. where the spread contains a multiplication factor, first half points * second half points, multi corners, multi bookings, etc.

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