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Grex's OVERS; 353 bets; +3.7% yield


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Re: Grex's OVERS; 170 bets; +17.8% yield No problems, Banner..... I never got round to taking out a "copyright" on it :p However, I notice in your "Home Favourites System" that you have left out the all-important column on "yield". This is the statistic that the success (or failure) of any system is usually judged by. I assume you are using Excel for your tables.... it's quite easy to inser a formula to automatically display the yield.

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Re: Grex's OVERS; 171 bets; +18.2% yield I just had a quick look at the overall performance for this season (not a lot else to do in Ankara with snow and temperatures of minus 10 degC) and, to be honest, it's rather disappointing. Last season (2010-2011), the yield for "over 2.5" was 22.5%, and for "over 3.5" it was 41.2%. This season (so far), the corresponding yields are 8.1% and 19.3%. Conclusion ?...... it's not a consistent system.... but it is still profitable ;)

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Re: Grex's OVERS; 171 bets; +18.2% yield Banner..... I think you may be confusing things a little. This is an "overs" thread, not a "homes" thread, like yours. I presume that's why you originally mentioned Udinese (as a home win???) :unsure

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Re: Grex's OVERS; 171 bets; +18.2% yield Grex, how many games last season ? In the great scheme of things, one season's games aren't that many but even if your overall yield fell to 10% over the course of a 1000 games that would be an amazing achievement. I don't think you appreciate how well you're doing. It's a pretty rare thing to make anything like your yield and you should be proud of it.

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Re: Grex's OVERS; 171 bets; +18.2% yield Thanks for the kind words, Mr. Woods (sorry.. sounds a bit formal) In the 2010-2011 season there were 120 selections. This season to date, there have been 51 selections. At the same stage of the 2010-2011 season (i.e. mid-February) there had been approximately 85 selections. So, this season is much slower in terms of selections... and also in terms of yield. I can't explain this anomaly... I am using the same selection criteria. :unsure

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Re: Grex's OVERS; 171 bets; +18.2% yield I posted a graph on my "Homes" thread showing the variation in Profit since the start of the system. I thought I would do the same for "Overs"...... the Over 3.5 and Over 2.5 mirror the same trend, but both are certainly a bit more volitile (up-and-down) than the "Homes".... interesting :zzz ejnt_fd4_ucn57.png

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Re: Grex's OVERS; 171 bets; +18.2% yield Hello, bookmark this thread olready, keep posting Grex. And pardon me, if my english is bad, anyway i want to ask you some questions regarding this system : 1. Is it safe to use this system if my bank is low. I know in a big picture your system is making profit. I just afraid that my bankroll for using this system to succeed is not 'big picture' enough. 2. If im not mistaken. from 171 games. starting bankroll is 100. you ended up with 400. Its 400% profit. But in your table, collumn 'yield' is 18,2%. What is yield ?

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Re: Grex's OVERS; 171 bets; +18.2% yield Hi, Scapegoat.... and :welcometo Punters Lounge. Regarding question (1).... everything is relative - if you had followed the system with a starting bank of 10,000 units, with a flat stake of 1,000 units, then your current bank would be 41,180 units :loon. At the other end of the scale, if you had started with a bank of 10 units, and betting 1 unit, your current bank would be 41 units. So your level of commitment depends (a) on the amount of money you can afford to lose, and (b) your nerve ;) Regarding question (2).... yes, the profit is 400%. But it is usual to measure the performance of a system in terms of "yield" = profit/total amount staked (expressed as a percentage).

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Re: Grex's OVERS; 174 bets; +18.7% yield

Nicceeeee :) Any midweek pick ?
Doubtful..... there aren't any midweek matches in the EP, EC or IA ;)
HelloGrex I would like to make a selection on the Under/ over. do you know website to find the number of goals for Home and number of team goal for away team (goal average)
I am sure there are loads of such sites..... but I tend to download all my historical data from football-data.co.uk and work out the relevant statistics from scratch in Excel :ok
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Re: Grex's OVERS; 174 bets; +18.7% yield

Doubtful..... there aren't any midweek matches in the EP, EC or IA ;) I am sure there are loads of such sites..... but I tend to download all my historical data from football-data.co.uk and work out the relevant statistics from scratch in Excel :ok
ok ! thank you this website is very interresting . I do not know how used this information. its very difficult but i'm novice whith excel Can you contact me on my mail for help me ? [email protected] I do not have access to my MP
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Re: Grex's OVERS; 174 bets; +18.7% yield Hi, Seydou86..... I hope you will understand that I do not have the time to enter into personal Excel tutorials...... my day job + keeping these threads up-to-date takes up a lot of time :\ Judging from your original question, I think you want to develop a simple system based on the recent goal-scoring record of the teams. As I said before, there are many sites that will give you this information without having to resort to complex Excel analysis. Unfortunately, I am not familiar with these sites, but perhaps somebody out there can help

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