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PL Heads-Up League = Money Returned, and Billy The Punter Banned

billy the punter

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GaF has very kindly listed all the outstanding games. I thought it would be best to work on one thread from now on. As soon as we get through half of these I will post more fixtures. Week 8 TQD v Nade Week 9 Superfoo v TQD Week 10 Nade v Avongirl TQD v GaF runadrum v Billy The Punter Voice of Joe v Gaz Blades Jaded v Hooloovoo Week 11 Superfoo v Nade Avongirl v TQD Guppie v Runadrum GazBlades v HooLooVoo Week 12 runadrum v superfoo ubermonkey v TQD Jaded v Nade Gazblades v Avongirl Week 13 superfoo v ubermonkey runadrum v voiveofjoe TQD v jaded Woodie v HooLooVoo Nade v GazBlades Week 14 Voice of Joe v Superfoo Jaded v Ubermonkey Hooloovoo v runadrum Gazblades v TQD BillyThePunter v Nade Week 15 superfoo v Jaded Ubermonkey v GazBlades TQD v BillyThePunter Nade v Guppie

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Re: PL Heads-Up League - Outstanding Games (Use This Thread Only)Up to Game 15 Billy, I am hoping (it's probably a 1/3 (for you), or 75% (for Ginge followers :ok) chance) to be back online permanently from the end of next week. If so, I'd happily catch up the games I didn't play - if there's still a place. :cheers

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Re: PL Heads-Up League - Outstanding Games (Use This Thread Only)Up to Game 15 Huge apologies guys, but I'm going to have to pull out of this - taking some time off from gambling for a while, and I'd forgotten about this to be honest. Once again, sorry all, especially BTP who's doing a great job of organising this.

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Re: PL Heads-Up League - Outstanding Games (Use This Thread Only)Up to Game 15

Huge apologies guys, but I'm going to have to pull out of this - taking some time off from gambling for a while, and I'd forgotten about this to be honest. Once again, sorry all, especially BTP who's doing a great job of organising this.
Thats fine by me Jade, these things happen and this was always going to happen somehwere as the competition progressed - It just leaves us with some sticky resolutions to find. My suggestion would be - 1.All outstanding games against (any) dropouts should be classed as Wins - (Not ideal, but seems as fair as removing points for people who have already played them) 2.But these 'wins' should not count towards any of the 'Streak' competitions or 'Points per Type Competitions' 3. (Difficult one this but .... IMO) There should be no refund of the 'Stake' - The 'Bets' been placed the 'Race' has started. - Alternatively, Pete (Samba) could always take over Jades fixtures with no financial risk (providing we aren't returning Jade his stake) - and even if the league is probably out of grasp the Streak and 'Type' side bets are all still achievable. Just my thoughts :\
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Re: PL Heads-Up League - Outstanding Games (Use This Thread Only)Up to Game 15

Week 10 Nade v Avongirl TQD v GaF runadrum v Billy The Punter Voice of Joe v Gaz Blades Jaded v Hooloovoo
Voj 2-0 GazBlades RAZZ Well played Gaz, both games took over 1/2 hour - I just got the luck in the big pots :ok
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Re: PL Heads-Up League - Outstanding Games (Use This Thread Only)Up to Game 15

Week 14 Voice of Joe v Superfoo Jaded v Ubermonkey Hooloovoo v runadrum Gazblades v TQD BillyThePunter v Nade
Voj 2-0 Superfoo RAZZ The first game took over an hour - Well played Simon :clap - I just got lucky with the big pots when it mattered :ok
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Re: PL Heads-Up League - Outstanding Games (Use This Thread Only)Up to Game 15 Well done VoJ - by my reckoning that puts you top :ok Obviously not an official table and a lot will depend on how BTP decides to deal with Jaded and Samba.

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Re: PL Heads-Up League - Outstanding Games (Use This Thread Only)Up to Game 15 Regardless of how its done - someone will benefit and someone will lose out when players drop out. For the record, I beat Jaded 2-0, and hadn't played Samba - so removing all games for both players (which is what I suggested) from the record books would in no way work in my favour. Maybe BTP could consider a rule something like - "If a player has fulfilled more than 75% of their fixtures, then their results will stand and their remaing games will be counted as defeats. If they have completed less than 75% of their fixtures, then all their results will be removed from the record books"?

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Re: PL Heads-Up League - Outstanding Games (Use This Thread Only)Up to Game 15

Samba might be in no?
Yes - but he was out - so I'm comparing the action taken when he initially withdrew. I dont know what BTP will decide about readmitting Samba - I can see arguments for and against (and I'm sure Pete can too :ok) - glad I'm not making that decision :lol :lol :lol :tongue2
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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: PL Heads-Up League - Outstanding Games (Use This Thread Only)Up to Game 15 I've said to Billy I will sit this one out, and play in the next one. It would just be too much work for, well - everyone really, in order for me to catch up my games. Sorry, didn't think to post in here about the decision :$

Yes - but he was out - so I'm comparing the action taken when he initially withdrew. I dont know what BTP will decide about readmitting Samba - I can see arguments for and against (and I'm sure Pete can too :ok) - glad I'm not making that decision :lol :lol :lol :tongue2
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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: PL Heads-Up League - Outstanding Games (Use This Thread Only)Up to Game 15 Hey folks. Long time, no speak! Firstly, huge apologies, like maaajor apologies. I've been totally out of the game for a while now. Completely dropped off the grid without really telling anyone. Those who sent PMs (which I have only just got around to reading!) it was much appreciated, although all was and still is good :) Long story short... I took a poker hiatus, went off travelling for a couple of months, moved in to a new place and got a new job and have been generally getting my head screwed on for the real world post-university! Having now partially 'sorted my life out' :lol I'm back in the game and ready to bosh out whatever I need to... I had kinda expected this to have been finished by now (hah!) and for me to have been booted out! If this is the case, it's obv no worries as it was all my fault. If not, I can play whenever suits... what's going on atm? It's good to be back and I'm looking forward to catching up on everything I've missed! Hope all is well with everyone :)

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Re: PL Heads-Up League - Outstanding Games (Use This Thread Only)Up to Game 15

Have said i'm available a couple of times but no replies but i'm around most days as ever just get in touch if we have a game :ok
I'm around most weekday evenings again now, usually after 8pm. It's your choice of game so if you want to pick a night and what we're playing I'll ask Guppie to set up (unless you can do it?) Ditto for GazBlades. :ok
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Re: PL Heads-Up League - Outstanding Games (Use This Thread Only)Up to Game 15 Indeed it was! gg sir. Got totally crushed in the 2nd game, lol. Couldn't adjust quick enough and not enough balls to start 4-bet shoving you w/ air :rollin Very enjoyable 2 games!

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