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PL Live Poker Night at Barries - May 23rd - Birmingham

Sir Puntalot

PL Live Poker Night at Barries - May 23rd - Birmingham  

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    • Poker and Party? Yes please!
    • I'm a big girls blouse and can't make it this time!
    • Errrrm, ummmm, no, yes, no, maybe.......

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Re: PL Live Poker Night at Barries - May 23rd - Birmingham You guys are so funny it hurts! I've just been reminded that the last time I stayed there, I had a now banned Pler trying to boot my door down all night :( Must be the Linx effect :ok

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Re: PL Live Poker Night at Barries - May 23rd - Birmingham

any chance of the postcode for Barries please' date='i have changed my sat-nav and havent got it :ok[/quote'] Al, it's probsably the same as the Funeral Directors across the road which is B67 5BT:ok
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last night @ Barries just want to say a big thanks to Paul and all the staff @ Barries for a great evening. great to see everyone again,even if half of them were pissed before the start..not mentioning any names eh Eric? finished 6th overall when i ran into Uber`s aces (again) but well done to mrs Staffy for winning Staffy and Heniek and Graeme? for cashing as well. a big thanks to GeordieGaz in donating his £25 1st hand on the cash table,came in very handy and well done on making me fold A/A on the river with your £40 all in with Jack / rag :clap:clap if anyone can tell me what drink Rick gave me at the bar, some sort of finnish bomb entailing a short within a short,whatever it was it was good stuff. as for the karaoke,i am surprised the machine lasted as long as it did,what stamina mrs GeordieGaz has,pretty much sang for god knows how long,seemed like forever,and what with Paul, BA`s and Kevsul stone deaf tones adding to the noise,i am surprised i aint deaf.:lol:lol. i think for me that was probably the best night so far,entertainment wise. great to see Wasp,who was surprisingly very subdued but with his occasional 1 liners kept me amused ;). and what can you say about Michaela, long time since i met a gal like that :D,was great to meet you and i hope your head is okay.

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Re: last night @ Barries Me? Subdued ? Typical PL doo I couldn't win a hand but had a great laugh with a good bunch :ok Looking at some of the faces early this morning I'm just glad I don't drink. Thanks PL, BA, PR, Dik, Norm and Girls :clap

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Re: last night @ Barries had a cracking night as always at PL doo's. The main poker event was a bit of a non-starter for me... going out 2nd last but lets not talk about that! :$ Played a couple of the SnG's(crapshoot's :tongue2) and managed to come 2nd in one of them after a good heads up battle with Slapdash! :ok Made a bit of a profit on the cash table in the end after getting off to a disastrous start as Al has pointed out! :eyes Overall, had a really enjoyable evening, as did Mrs GG :lol!! Many Thanks to Big Andy, Paul, Norm, Rich and the rest of the staff at Barries... :clap:notworthy P.S. you call yourselves drinkers, yet myself and Mrs GG (and kevsul) were the last ones standing and we rarely drink!!! :loon

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Re: last night @ Barries

finished 6th overall when i ran into Uber`s aces (again)
stttrrrrrrrrrriiiinnnnnnnnngggggg ....gafs finally taught you something at last:lol:lol:lol i couldnt believe it,was thinking put his money back in:D i had a bit of a bad night all in all:sad had a screaming migraine from about 10pm,played well all the way thru to bubble after first hen calling a raise with 74c and hitting his flush then staffys 6s beating my qs on a rivered str8:cry went back to the room at 12 and threw up for the next hour:pukei'd only had 3 drinks:cry cheers everyone for sorting everything ,just gutted i missed half the night:eyes
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Re: last night @ Barries A fantastic night. Normaly would be pleased with finishing 3rd but with Debbie winning the tournament I will never live it down. This is the 1st time she has every played live. She has only been playing online for around 2 months playing now and again. Was very drunk by the end of the night. Would have liked to stay longer but knew I had to drive the following morning to get the eldest to her dance competition. Was good to see everyone again and I am looking forward to the next pl meet up.

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